Monster Minotaur

Chapter 205 Sneaking into the Black Miracle

Under Nightmare's fast running, it took Mo Yan less than half a day to reach Ogas, the city of the magic pattern elves. This city controlled by the magic pattern elves is very different from other cities in hell. If the city governed by demons is chaos, then what you see here is order.

Almost all the buildings in the city are made of plants and black wood. There is no garbage on the streets like Batal. The entire city is more vibrant and energetic. If Mo Yan came to Ogas three or four hundred years ago, not only would he not be able to enter the city, but he would also be attacked mercilessly by the guards, because this is the territory of the magic pattern elves, and they were still alive at that time. Maintaining a bad relationship with the devil. These ancestors are mutant elves from the main plane expeditionary force. Although they are not capable of attacking other cities, their defense is more than adequate.

However, this strategy changed three hundred years ago, and Ogas began to accept demons from hell into the city to serve them. Although the demons in the city have to abide by the strict laws of the magic pattern elves, life is much better. Because they have the fertility pendant in their hands that can stimulate the growth of plants, they can grow plants in hell and harvest a large amount of edible fruits.

After solving the most basic plant problems, the magic pattern elves even used magic to obtain some herbivorous livestock such as cattle and sheep from the main plane, and they have multiplied in hell. At the same time, working in Ogas not only allows you to have delicious food, but you also don’t have to worry too much about safety. Therefore, many demons are willing to accept such control. After all, demons do not eat each other because they like them. They are just forced by the harsh environment of hell.

The reason why the magic pattern elves began to accept demons was because of a meeting held by high-level officials. Like the elves on the main plane, the magic pattern elves are not outstanding in their fecundity. The number of newly born magic pattern elves every year is very small. Even if they can work since they are born, they still cannot make up for their own labor shortage. They must have a large number of warriors to survive in hell, and then carry out construction and other work. There are not enough manpower.

They also tried to enslave some demons to work for them, but that was too easy to cause riots, and there were too few demons in the wild. Most of the intelligent creatures are concentrated in the cities of the Hell Lord, and they still have not been able to solve the labor problem. So they can only choose to accept the demons coming to the city, offering safe shelter and food as a temptation, and letting these hellish creatures work for them.

If the Pendant of Abundance can be replicated, maybe Hell can be transformed into the main plane. After entering the city, Mo Yan looked at the artistic buildings around him and the neatly dressed pedestrians on the street and thought: In Hell, it's like this. It is simply unbelievable to see such a scene in such a cruel place. No wonder she is so naturally stupid and can survive in this hell.

There is a rare beauty here in hell, but it may be destroyed by the tauren today. After all, although this city is very beautiful, it does not mean anything to Mo Yan. While people yearn for beautiful things, they also have the desire to destroy them. And the more beautiful things are destroyed, the more intense the excitement and excitement will be.

After spending some soul coins, Mo Yan was teleported to the location closest to the castle. Although it was the most convenient location, it was still nearly half a city away from the towering black tree. This is the closest place other demons are allowed to get. The upper city area closest to the Black Miracle can only be inhabited by the magic pattern elves. The magic pattern elves are not defenseless against these demons in the city.

After briefly bumping heads with Mika Lande, who was staying here to keep an eye on the overall situation, Mo Yan began to sneak towards the direction of the black miracle. Although the distance between half of the city is a bit far, it is not a big problem for professionals. Although the buildings in the upper city are not dense, there are still many visual blind spots. Moreover, this place is not a well-defended place, so it is not too difficult for Mo Yan to pass through.

After spending almost a day, Mo Yan finally arrived at the center of the city. This towering tree, known as the Black Miracle, is the castle of the magic pattern elves. Although Mo Yan asked Mikaland to find a way to get the map of the castle, in fact Mikaland only got the map of the upper city. Although for a person who had just been in this city for three days, being able to get the map of Shangcheng District was already a big achievement, but Mo Yan was still very dissatisfied.

In an unknown corner under a black miracle, Mo Yan was recovering his physical strength. The high-stress state of sneaking all night consumed him a lot. At night, it was time for him to take action. He had agreed with the demons responsible for disrupting the city on the next night. Although there is no difference between day and night here due to the almost ever-present lighting of magic lamps under the branches and leaves of the Black Miracle, Mo Yan still followed his habitual arrangement at night.

When Mo Yan, who had closed his eyes for a nap, opened his eyes, it was already midnight. Mo Yan looked at the sky above his head. There was only darkness. The dark night sky had the same color as the branches and leaves of the black miracle. It should be late at night now. Refreshed, Mo Yan waited for nearly two more hours before he saw a large group of Demon Pattern Elf warriors, fully armed and rushing out of the Black Miracle.

It seems that the demons in the City of Time have started to cause trouble, and these soldiers should be there to suppress them. Because the distance was too far, Mo Yan didn't know what the battle situation was like half a city away, and this was not what he needed to be concerned about. The time it took for the troublesome demons to be slaughtered would give him nearly three or four hours, and he needed to take advantage of this time to sneak into the black miracle.

After sparing the large group of soldiers, Mo Yan began to climb up from the outer wall of the Black Miracle without using any climbing equipment or safety measures. The rough bark of the Black Miracle could provide good leverage. After more than ten minutes, Mo Yan finally arrived at his target, a window nearly seventy meters above the ground. But just when Mo Yan was about to enter, he heard voices coming from the window.

Two guards were standing near the window. If Mo Yan climbed in now, he would definitely be discovered. He had to wait until the two guards left. While Mo Yan was hanging on the window sill, the conversation between the two guards caught his attention. Guard A: The Queen has had some strange feelings lately, as if she has become a completely different person.

That's right, maybe it has something to do with what happened recently. It is said that she was found in a secret room underground, where there is a secretly growing fruit. After hearing what Guard A said, another guard said: Elven Elder They suspected that she secretly gave birth to a new magic pattern elf, but although there were fruits with broken shells there, the newborn magic pattern elf was not found anywhere, so the evidence for the accusations made by the elders was insufficient.

Yes, that's the closest place to the Temple of Fertility. Guard A agreed: No one would have thought that in such a tightly guarded place, there would be a secret room that no one knew existed. Confirm the next generation of Queen It requires strict protection to copy one's own soul privately. Any mistake would be a huge blow to our entire group. Fortunately, although her soul suffered some losses, she did not completely lose important soul characteristics. .”

After the two guards chatted for a while, they left at the call of several other people. Mo Yan, who had been hanging outside like a koala for a long time, climbed in through the window at this time. After flexing his somewhat stiff wrist, Mo Yan began to move after a brief identification of the direction.

From the conversation between the two guards just now, Mo Yan got a lot of important information. This may explain the identity of the magic pattern elf girl he captured. If explained in terms of human relationships, that girl is the illegitimate daughter of the current queen. And as long as the current queen dies, then she will definitely be the queen of the magic pattern elves.

And the word Temple of Abundance is also an important piece of information, that is where the Abundance Pendant should be placed. Human beings will worship things with great power as gods, so it is not impossible that the fertility pendant, which is most important to the magic pattern elves, is enshrined like a god. The temple can be determined from the conversations of the guards. It should be Underneath the big black tree.

After wandering around for a while, Mo Yan roughly understood the internal structure of the black miracle. The magic pattern elves had hollowed it out like termites. Compared with termites, the relationship between magic pattern elves and trees should be considered symbiotic. All the rooms and passages that were created were carefully calculated. It will not have any adverse effects on the Black Miracle. The magic pattern elves still retain their love for plants and their worship of the power of nature.

Mo Yan walked along a passage, looking for a way to the underground. But without a map, he wandered around for a long time. Although he found many passages, none of them led underground. After reaching a dead end again, Mo Yan decided to kidnap a magic pattern elf to lead him. And if she doesn't cooperate, then... Mo Yan can only kill her with the magic sword, and then get the information he wants from her soul...

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