Monster Minotaur

Chapter 187 Stirring up the situation

After briefly chatting with the group of guides at the city gate, Mo Yan left behind two of the most emaciated hell creatures. They are the worst off among these people, and they are most eager for the coins that do not exist in Mo Yan's hands, which makes them have no time to think about those crooked ideas. The hunger in their stomachs will force them to get the money as soon as possible instead of playing tricks with Mo Yan.

At the same time, they would not have any strength if they were so thin. In this world where strength is respected, being like this can only show their weakness. And even if they had any bad intentions, Mo Yan could still kill them immediately. In this way, under the leadership of the two leading parties, Mo Yan came to a shop that was said to be fairly reputable.

No matter what race they belong to, merchants can be regarded as another category. Creatures without any credibility cannot become merchants. In this shop, Mo Yan saw the currency of hell, something called soul coins. These currencies, which most hell creatures are willing to accept, are made from the souls of various creatures.

There is no fixed issuing institution for these currencies. You only need to purchase something called a soul pot, and you can extract souls from recently dead creatures to make soul coins. Although the value of soul coins in hell varies depending on the quality of the soul, it can be divided into four categories.

The souls of the lowest-level beasts in hell are the souls of the beasts in hell, and the color of the soul coins produced is light red. Generally speaking, they stay in hell from birth to death, and their soul strength is at that level until death. The second level is the souls of ordinary humans, and the color of their soul coins is light blue. The demons used various methods to get it from the main plane. The souls of ordinary people in the main plane have a good life and have various emotional experiences, so the quality is pretty good.

The third level is the souls of some strong demons in hell, or some powerful creatures in the main plane. The color of the soul coins they produced was silver, which was already considered a very valuable thing. The top ones are powerful demon warriors, or dragon souls, and the color of their soul coins is golden.

If you have a golden soul coin in hell, you can live leisurely for a long time. One golden soul coin can be exchanged for thousands of silver soul coins. Generally speaking, one Gintama coin can buy half a car of high-quality food, various tender meats and precious fruits in hell.

Only three silver coins? Mo Yan looked at the scarred monster behind the counter, and said with a sad face and a somewhat honest voice: But this is the best armor I have found in the wild. The poisoned corpse is not An ordinary creature. Then his armor won’t only cost so much, so why not give him more?”

Four silver coins at most, no more. Ruo Ruo held a big smoking pole in his huge toad-like mouth and said as if he had suffered a great loss: I don't know where you got this set of armor, but His original owner should be the Demon Knights belonging to Batar. I can accept this set of armor but I am taking a big risk. Giving you four Gintama coins is already a high price.

Looking into the eyes of that hellish creature, Mo Yan pondered there for a long time, and finally gave up and sighed: Okay, but you need to pay for the two guys who brought me here. I don’t plan to give them a penny. I just came to hell from the main plane, so I have to save the money I have.”

You don't have to worry about those two guys. Toadzui smiled and said: They should have been almost dismembered by now. For creatures like them that are already on the verge of death, it is better to die earlier. Oh... It seems that even the soul has been extracted. Toad Zui, who was talking to Mo Yan, took two light red soul coins from the hands of his subordinate Hell Horned Demon and listened to the horned demon whispering in his ear.

Mo Yan looked at Toad Zui who was holding the soul coins, put away the four silver coins he handed over, and left the store without saying a word. When the horned demon and the toad were muttering, Mo Yan had already noticed the change in the way the shop owner looked at him. Mo Yan was familiar with such a familiar look. He himself looked like this when he saw a large pile of gold coins.

Hell uses souls as currency, but Mo Yan's soul is the most valuable gold. Although this represents his power to some extent, it is unfortunate that he deliberately said that he had just arrived in hell in order to carry out a plan. This was equivalent to telling others that he was a treasury with an open door and no security personnel. Mo Yan needed to leave this dangerous place quickly.

Mo Yan didn't feel anything unusual when he walked out of the store, but he knew someone was following him. Although this was in line with his ongoing plan, it also deviated from his plan. He originally planned to use the four silver coins and a weapon he sold as bait, but now the bait became himself.

Although the risk has increased a lot, we can still continue. Walking slowly on the streets full of various hellish creatures, Mo Yan thought about how to change his plan. He originally planned to muddy the waters in the pool and then get away and wait for the opportunity, but now he has been completely pulled into the situation he set up. There were only two options waiting for him now, either to pause the plan he had started and use the crowd to get rid of the people who were following him. Either continue with his plan and win over ten nobles within five days.

Mo Yan, who was walking, handed a letter to a creature on the roadside and asked him to deliver it to the store where he was just now. Then he went to a hotel to collect his reward. Then we directly found the luxury hotel introduced by the two dead guides at the beginning. On the way to sell the armor, Mo Yan didn't do anything. He systematically inquired about the distribution of some nearby forces and got a rough idea of ​​who the powerful people were here.

The owner of Toad Zui's shop, which was said to have a good reputation, was the leader of a large force nearby. He was fortunate enough to be the starting point for Mo Yan's first plan. Mo Yan learned from the mouths of the two leading party members that the Toad Mouth shopkeeper and the shopkeeper who opened this hotel were themselves as natural enemies, and the forces they established were also tit for tat.

You can't get what you want. You are a reputable devil, but in my opinion you are nothing more than that. I would rather give everything to others than send it to a shameless scum like you. In my hand. By the way... you look like the most curious creature I have ever seen, with ***** and *****, and ***** on your chin. Here's to you: the honest Tauren.

I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him no matter what! The pustules on Toad Mouth's head burst one by one due to the anger in his heart. He tore up the paper in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. The bite seemed to be biting the tauren who insulted him with the most vicious words.

At this time, the tauren was in the hotel, arrogantly instructing Hua Mei, who was responsible for the service in the hotel, to order a lot of food without any hesitation. But he only took a small bite of each item, and then he spat it on the ground and cursed: What kind of pig food is this! Don't you have something more?

I'm sorry, distinguished guest. The woman with the lower body of a snake smiled beside her and poured red blood wine for the minotaur. Now we only have some ingredients in the kitchen. We didn't know you were like this. Great people will come here, but no good food is prepared. Please stay here for a night, and we will get you fresh succubus meat tomorrow, which will definitely satisfy you.

The golden soul will bring a lot of trouble to Mo Yan, but at the same time, it can also become Mo Yan's capital to pretend to be sexy. If he didn't tell others that he had just come from the main plane, no one would touch the brow of a creature with a golden soul. What's more, Mo Yan showed the attitude that a strong man in hell should have. The four he just got He had already thrown out three silver coins, and the lavish spending without even frowning made everyone convinced of the power he possessed.

After eating and drinking, Mo Yan had no intention of taking a rest. He hung up his shiny weapon and walked out of the door. Five days were very tight for Mo Yan, and there was no time left for him to stay in this luxurious hotel. Although he was very interested in the snake-bodied female boss, and she did kindly invite him to rest. .

Accompanied by several people sent by the hotel owner, Mo Yan came to a huge casino nearby. Apart from those two people, this is the third place with considerable influence in the nearby area. After exchanging his only remaining coin for five chips, Mo Yan first checked the rules in the hall, and then began to place bets.

There is only one way to play the casino in this hell, and that is to throw a multi-sided dice. Judge based on the patterns that appear above which one is bigger. Mo Yan is quite familiar with throwing plugs. Because of his previous profession, he had to go to places like casinos. This skill was learned at that time.

After losing three chips because of trying the feel of the stopper, Mo Yan felt confident. In the next few hours, Mo Yan pushed all-in every time, earning double the chips in each round. By the end, the table he was sitting at had become the most crowded table in the hall. place.

Hello Minotaur. Because of what the Minotaur did, the owner of the casino could not stay safely behind the scenes. A demon dressed as a gentleman led several of his men to the Tauren, which was already filled with chips. He said in front of the person: Can we talk privately? I am very interested in the skills you have demonstrated. If possible, we can discuss it.

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