Monster Minotaur

Chapter 160 Follow your feelings

Ellie, what exactly do you think? The expressionless tauren looked at the girl and asked: Now that the memory has been restored, why is it still like this? You should know who your enemy is, and you also know who I am. Not your father. Now that you have left that ruins, even I can't stop you from leaving, why do you still play such a game?

This is something Mo Yan hasn't figured out after thinking about it all afternoon. Since he has recovered that long memory, why does he still stay by his side? She should know that he was the monster who killed her hundreds of times and finally tore her into pieces and ate her. Why didn't she leave when she regained her memory, or go further to find him for revenge?

Ellie doesn't know either. Looking at the indifferent tauren, tears flowed from Ellie's eyes. Her white fingers were tightly intertwined with each other. She lowered her head and looked at the ground like a child who had made a mistake. . She also knew that she shouldn't be like this. Although her body today only shows the appearance of her childhood due to lack of strength, this does not mean that her mind should also be like this.

She has lived a very long life, and her rich life experience is beyond what Mo Yan can match. After recovering her memory, she shouldn't have acted so childishly in front of Mo Yan. However, she couldn't stop her behavior. He knew clearly that some things shouldn't be done, but he felt sad and aggrieved because of such a cold tauren, and he couldn't help but become like this.

Don't you know? Then... I'll ask the most direct question. After hearing Ellie's answer, Mo Yan paused for a moment to think about the authenticity of Ellie's words and asked, You are not going to be my enemy. , do anything I don’t want to see? To go further, are you willing to stay by my side and obey all my orders?

As long as daddy is not angry, Ellie is willing to do anything! Without hesitation, Ellie immediately gave her answer as soon as Mo Yan finished speaking. She stared at the tauren with her blood-red eyes and let him see her own eyes. The sincerity, clear voice is loud and firm.

Well...since that's the answer, then he is still a good child. Mo Yan hugged Ellie tightly to his arms, touched her smooth hair and said with a smile, Although I don't know why it became like this. , but the feeling of intimacy has not disappeared. Ellie is still the same Ellie as before. The demigod in the ruins has long since died, and Ellie just happens to know her memory.

Mo Yan couldn't figure out why Ellie was like this. Maybe just like the inexplicable intimacy he felt, Ellie also felt like this in her heart. This made her unwilling to leave even after her memory was restored, and she was willing to obey Mo Yan docilely. Now that all this makes no sense from a common sense perspective, we have to rely on this feeling to make judgments.

Mo Yan, who had never had any problems with the demigods in the ruins, also had the urge to kill her for no reason. This mysterious feeling may be just like this, and there is no common sense to explain it. Now Mo Yan has confirmed one thing, that is, Ellie has no hostility towards him.

Woo... The door to the balcony swimming pool was suddenly opened. Jones, who was wearing a dress similar to Ellie's, looked at Ellie who was being held in Mo Yan's arms and pouted. He ran over and shouted to Ellie. : I was just wondering why I couldn't find you in the whole castle. It turns out that I came here to find the master alone! You're lying! Didn't you agree that even if you come here, you will come with us?

Hehe~ Ellie hugged Mo Yan's neck and wiped away her tears. She looked at Jones with a victor's look on her face. She made a face and said with a smile: The agreement is that when dad is busy, we will go look for him together. Dad, didn’t he say that we would be together when he was free? Who made you not find him yourself?

Hmph... I want to hug her too! Looking at Ellie making a face, Jones swooped into the Minotaur's arms and pushed Ellie outward with his palms. These two children, both of whom are actually very young, started a new round of fighting for the Minotaur. Even the specially processed recliner could not withstand such commotion. In the end, it fell apart and all three of them fell to the ground...

After playing around with the two people for a while, Mo Yan took Ellie to a room in the White House. After completing the tasks assigned by Mo Yan, Lucy and Ellie brought back an unexpected gift for Mo Yan. Looking at the unconscious triplets lying there quietly like clones in the room, Mo Yan felt that some parts of his body had begun to become congested.

Of course... that is just an illusion. Mo Yan, who can perfectly control his own body, will not be unable to control his big partner just because of this. After clearing away the messy things that appeared in his mind, Mo Yan asked Ellie to release his control over the three girls.

The three girls slowly opened their eyes and sat up from the bed they were lying on, looking at everything in front of them as if they were confused. Their memories still lingered on that night's battle. In their opinion, it was just a blackout in front of their eyes, and when they woke up, they were inexplicably in this room they didn't know where it was.

The tall tauren was discovered immediately. Looking at the strange monster wearing clothes in front of them, they did not show any panic. Instead, they looked at it with some curiosity. They had been at the border of Elam for a while and had already heard rumors from the passing caravans about the peaceful city established by the monsters in Elam.

And then they saw the extremely powerful girl, which was the reason why they appeared here. The rough guess gave the three girls a deeper understanding of her power. They know each other's feelings because of their spiritual connection. The feeling of being hit on the neck at the same time can be clearly felt even now. This means that this girl only used one blow to knock down all three of them instantly.

With the power here, if she wanted to kill them, she could have done it long ago. Since they were brought here, it means that they are still useful. This is the biggest bargaining chip they have. As long as they don't achieve what they want, then they have hope of survival.

Have you finished the analysis? Mo Yan looked at the three girls who had remained silent since they sat up. He roughly knew that they were analyzing the current situation and said, If you are smart enough, you should already know where this is and where I am. Who is it again? Remaining silent is a very good method, at least I won’t know what you are thinking.”

The tauren walked up to the three of them and lifted their chins. Looking at the three beautiful faces, he continued: I am a monster and you are warriors of God. We can be said to be natural enemies. I should immediately fight against you. The only thing I should do is kill you. However... I don’t want to waste Ellie’s kindness, and it’s really hard to do.”

Everything that happened that night was a trap planned by you. The triplets did not offer any resistance. They looked at the minotaur in front of them and said in unison as before: No god would choose to protect monsters. This place is led by the God of War. The area that blocked the sight of the gods and prevented us from entering Elam must be a trick you used, and you also planned to make the gods suspicious of each other.

Who knows. Mo Yan was noncommittal about the girl's words. A little bit of information could lead to a lot of results. If they knew more, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't discover the existence of the goddess. Now Mo Yan just came to see what the gifts looked like, not to discuss and communicate with them.

Even Ryze couldn't figure out the secret of divine magic, and these three girls were not even useful as test subjects. Mo Yan, who had already spent his energy training Lucy once, didn't want to try to convert the three girls again. It was enough to play with some things and there was no need to waste that energy anymore.

Mo Yan carefully touched the divine mark on the girl's forehead. This was the second mark he had seen so far. It seemed that all the marks of gods were different. Playing with the girls' faces and hair wantonly, Mo Yan didn't give them any room to resist, and the unknown liquid was injected into Ellie's teeth. It's not just as simple as letting them fall asleep. Now that their power has been limited, they are like three dolls facing the powerful tauren.

Ellie, I like the gift you gave me very much. Finally, when he had enough fun, Mo Yan let go of the girls' faces and looked at them, whose faces remained unchanged even after being treated like this. The expression on his face is quite a temptation. would be nice if he didn't talk so much, but now it can only be regarded as a false three-nothing.

Hehe, I know dad will like it. Hearing Mo Yan's praise, Ellie smiled and said, On the way back, I heard Lucy say that they can still communicate with each other, no matter what is done to one of them's body. Whatever, others will be able to feel it just like it happened to them.

Really? Then I'm even more interested. After touching Ellie's hair, Mo Yan walked out and said, Let's keep it here for the time being. Maybe it will be used after a while. Moon God Are all the divinely chosen warriors triplets like this? This is really a good idea...

The tall minotaur and the blond girl walked out of the room, leaving only the three girls on a big bed. Although this room was beautifully decorated, it was a prison that imprisoned them. After trying their arms, which could only use very little strength to do some daily activities, the three girls looked at the birds flying past the window, not knowing what they were thinking...

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