Monster Minotaur

Chapter 146 The monster’s intelligence is improving

Although the only followers of the goddess now are monsters, these monsters are the most devout believers. These creatures who follow the leader's orders unconditionally will faithfully execute the Minotaur's orders that they must devoutly believe in the goddess, even if they don't even know what the concept of a goddess is.

Most of the monsters currently staying in Thunder Bluff have received the pamphlets distributed by Mo Yan. Although I can't understand the words above, I still hold a book in one hand every day and kneel there with my hands clasped together to pray, thinking about the words of the goddess who bestows wisdom and strength on us.

As for the werewolves and horned demons who were the grassroots commanders of the legion, they were brought to the cathedral in batches, and Mo Yan gave them Christian-like religious etiquette. One after another, the monsters lined up in long lines and came to stand in front of the statue of a goddess with long hair, glasses, and a thick book in her hand, which symbolized wisdom. The minotaur pushed her head into the basin in front of her. .

It wasn't until they were almost out of breath and forced to drink a few mouthfuls of the holy water in the basin that was said to be blessed that the tauren released their suppressed heads. While coughing violently, he knelt down and looked at the minotaur's hands making crosses in the air, saying a lot of words such as May the goddess of wisdom fool you.

This kind of torturous religious ritual didn't get much better until Mo Yan got bored and handed it over to the white werewolf. Although there was still a lot of holy water that choked, at least no monsters would be drowned. Dead situation. However, even such a nonsense method had unexpected results. The monsters who prayed every morning slowly began to noticeably improve their intelligence.

Some of the monsters that had been baptized had a direct increase in intelligence. They acted more rationally than animalistically. When Mo Yan asked questions, they no longer behaved as if they were mentally retarded, but were able to express their thoughts and perceptions clearly. . Although this change is still relatively slow, it has already made Mo Yan extremely excited.

For this reason, Mo Yan put all these slightly enlightened monsters together for a training session, teaching them the words and meanings of the Bible, and giving them the status of goddess singers. These monsters, who were originally under the command of the grassroots, would baptize all the monsters they led after returning, and conduct some more formal group prayer rituals.

The monsters that performed particularly well were directly left in the temple to become bishops, replacing the tauren who had begun to tire of religious games. Baptize the monster commanders who come to the cathedral according to the Minotaur's orders every day, or spend your free time around the simple pool behind the church, holding the cross in your hand, praying for blessings and making holy water.

These monsters, which originally had outstanding intelligence growth, will see their attributes increase faster the longer they stay in the temple. After a few months, the intelligence level of a normal person has been achieved, and the strength and physical sensitivity have also increased greatly. If you stay in the temple for more than ten or twenty years without leaving for a moment, you may be able to obtain The level of the God’s Chosen Warrior is also uncertain.

As the monsters in Thunder Bluff began to be civilized, each of the jewelry, stone carving, and wood carving craftsmen in Thunder Bluff received a large number of orders. According to the drawings provided by Mo Yan, he began to make related cross pendants, as well as some miniaturized stone or wooden statues of the goddess, so that they could be distributed to the monster army for use.

However, what makes Mo Yan unsure is that even if such a phenomenon occurs. The goddess still hasn't contacted him in the normal world, which makes Mo Yan not sure whether his method is effective. However, Mo Yan didn't worry too much about this issue. Anyway, he had already tasted the benefits, so he just regarded it as effective.

After the baptism had obvious effects, Mo Yan began to further promote the belief in the goddess. Not only did they pull back the armor of most of the monsters, they also asked the blacksmiths to carve all kinds of gorgeous cross patterns copied by Mo Yan. Later, many irons with gorgeous cross patterns were even made, and a cross pattern was branded on the arms of every monster in Thunder Bluff.

For a while, the Salters and Gray Dwarves in Thunder Bluff, even though they didn't know exactly what their city lord was doing, they roughly understood that this was some kind of religion. Gray dwarves have no problem with religion. After all, they don't believe in any gods now. The Salt people only had some guesses about this inexplicable god, but they didn't have any big opinions.

The Hill Continent is a place with many gods, and there are quite a few gods. They don't know the names of all the gods. Maybe this god is just an unknown god. What they are more curious about is whether this god will give blessings to monsters. After all, God has always had a repulsive attitude towards monsters.

Although those divinely chosen warriors do not take the initiative to participate in the elimination of monsters in various places, whenever a particularly powerful monster appears and may cause great harm to various races, they will appear to strangle it. The monsters with the name of Demon King are all extremely powerful.

In general, Mo Yan's new gods did not attract too much attention because they were relatively low-key. This goddess who doesn't even have a specific name has only been promoted among monsters. The other residents in Thunder Bluff were not greatly affected. According to the consistent legal provisions on the continent, freedom of belief is the most basic right of everyone. This is a rule jointly established by all gods after the fall of several gods due to religious conflicts in history.

After Mo Yan spent a lot of effort to solve the problem of belief in Thunder Bluff monsters, and basically added a BUFF to the monsters that slowly increased intelligence and other attributes, Mo Yan began to deal with the problem of Thunder Bluff sailor training, and was building a pocket version. Cologne church at the same time. Mo Yan sent Aruba to the coastal city west of Elam and began to recruit sailors. The conditions he offered seemed extremely weird to others, and could even be said to be crazy.

This is absolutely crazy. The sallow old sailor looked at Aruba, who was leading the team, and some monsters who came to escort them to Thunder Bluff, and said with a mouth full of few teeth: Who would hire us who are almost old? A sailor who can't move? There's nothing we can do now.

Who knows. A middle-aged sailor next to the old sailor was limping on his broken leg with an oak stick attached. Hearing the old sailor's words, he shrugged and said, At least your limbs are still intact. , but I am a disabled person who is missing a left leg, and that ship will not accept someone like me.

This team of a hundred people is marching on the mountain road. In addition to the werewolves, horned demons and tauren serving as guards, there are some old, weak or disabled sailors. Some of them were found by Aruba in the tavern, and some were specially recruited by Aruba at their homes based on the information obtained from the tavern.

These sailors were surprised by Aruba's recruitment. Most of them lived in poverty, but now there was a man who was willing to hire them to the bustling Thunder Bluff with a good salary. This made them It all feels like a dream. They are all people who know almost nothing except being sailors.

After all, who would go to the dangerous sea to make a living if he had a skill that allowed him to survive on land? The scurvy that tortures people until they die in pain, and the various huge sea monsters in the ocean that can swallow even ships, make anyone who can have a mouthful of food not choose to be a sailor.

These were either people who made mistakes and were punished as sailors, or people who were bankrupt and could no longer live on, and could only find a job on the ship. After getting old and disabled for various reasons, no one cares how they live. A sailor, a profession in which it was unlikely to save any savings, would die of starvation if not at sea.

The former sailors in the team all know that Thunder Bluff is a city built by monsters, but they have nothing to worry about. There are a lot of Salt people there, and if anything happens, it will have already happened. And recently, a new Elamite Federation was established, including several surrounding Salt cities.

If you really want to say that, that monster can even be regarded as half Salter. Although everyone was surprised, the monster did marry a Salt girl. This was considered an anecdote in the port at first, and some people even opened a bet specifically for this. A group of sailors put all their newly acquired salaries into it, and when the news was finally confirmed, some were happy and others were happy. worry.

Now this small team has been traveling for nearly a month. In order to take care of these disabled and elderly people, Aruba has to rest for a day or two every time they go to a village in order to allow these bodies to recover. The bad sailors have recovered, and now they are finally about to reach the territory of the New Elam Federation.

There is a pass ahead. Aruba looked at the road ahead, a place that can be regarded as a permanent camp, and shouted back to the team: Wait a moment someone will check for you to see if there are any infectious diseases, and give you Apply for an entry permit. Everyone, follow the orders of the man in blue and don’t panic, just like the inspection I gave you before I recruited you.

Please recommend me, please give me a monthly pass. I don’t have internet access, so I can only upload it to an internet cafe...

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