Monster Minotaur

Chapter 138 God’s Warrior

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The three arrow feathers, with the last reflection of the sun, accurately hit the head of the goblin who was rushing forward. A young girl who had just swung over with a vine and squatted on the tree where the two were leaning took out the short arrow feathers in the leather quiver at her waist and shot at the goblin under the tree with a short bow.

The life of a hunter since childhood has made the girl's hands very steady, and her gentle eyes in the past are now like those of an eagle, as if no target can escape her shooting. This allowed her arrows to accurately hit the goblins under the trees even in the dark forest, turning them into corpses with screams, without any shot missing. The sudden change surprised the two teenagers, but when they looked up and saw the girl, they became sincerely happy. She was the goal of their trip.

Why did you come here? Because of the girl's condescending design, those timid goblins did not last long before they collapsed. After all the goblins fled, the girl somersaulted down from the tree, looked at Charles angrily and asked: How could you let Charlotte come to such a dangerous place! And you also got him injured. !”

The girl's accusation made Charles lower his head, and he swallowed the concern that was on his lips. This has always been the case since childhood, no matter what they did together, it was his fault. He was just worried about her, why didn't she understand his feelings? Oh yes... In her eyes, there is only Charlotte, and she is just a minor character.

Delia, don't blame Charles. Charlotte helped Charles up and said, You haven't been to the village for so long. We all thought something had happened to you, so we came in to look for you. Charles was just worried about you. .Now that his ankle has been seriously injured, let’s find a safer place to talk.”

Charlotte, your arms are injured. Delia glanced briefly at Charles's swollen ankle, then walked to Charlotte's side with a heartbroken look on her face, and saw that some blood was oozing from his face. The arm said: There is a cave in front of us that our family uses for temporary rest. We can go there to treat your wound. This must be very painful.

After the three of them walked into the cave and lit a fire, Delia took out some ointment with a strange smell from the cave, lit it at the entrance of the cave and said: Recently, my father fell ill due to hunting. He died, so he has been lying at home to rest, and I have to take care of him at home, so I can’t leave. I originally planned to ask Uncle Santos, who came to collect medicine, to bring this news to you tomorrow. Who knew you would be so anxious? Just ran here alone.”

The ignited ointment is something prepared by hunters using monster feces and other materials. The smell when it burns will make the monsters not notice the smell emitted by humans in the cave. Such a thing is almost It can be said to be a must-have item for wild camping.

Sorry. Charlotte, who was sitting by the fire, said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: We didn't know the reason. We thought something had happened to you. We were too impatient. As a result, not only were we unable to help Because of your help, I also put myself in danger of being surrounded by monsters. If you hadn't arrived in time, Delia, we might have died there.

This must have nothing to do with you Charlotte, it must be Charles who instigated you to come. Delia rummaged through the backpack in the cave and found the white linen for bandage. , said as he applied the freshly pounded herbs to Charlotte’s arm. After carefully bandaging Charlotte, Delia threw the gauze and ointment in her hand to Charles and let him deal with his wound.

It's so unfair. Charles muttered, pulling up his trousers and smearing the remaining ointment on his ankles. Although Delia made quite a lot of ointments, most of them were used on Charlotte's arms, and the excess ointment even leaked out of the delicate bandages.

You guys will stay here tonight, and I will take you back when it gets light tomorrow morning. We will take the path with few monsters. Delia wiped her hands and sat down by the fire near Charlotte. Next to the pile, he put a deer leg on the fire and roasted it and said: You must have not obtained the consent of uncle and the others when you ran out, right? I don't know how anxious they are now.

The girl's words reminded the two reckless young people, and then they thought of their parents. When they made up their mind, they never thought that while they were worried about Delia's safety, their parents would also be worried about their safety. This is a mistake that all young people make. Only when they get into trouble do they remember that there are still people who are worried about them because of what they have done.

Guilt caused the two of them to fall into silence. For a while, the only sound was the occasional crackling sound from the fire burning in the cave. However, the silence did not last long. A faint sound came from outside the cave, causing Delia, who was concentrating on roasting the deer legs, to suddenly stop her movements, put the deer legs aside and picked up the short bow.

What's wrong? Delia's unusual behavior alarmed the two people who were immersed in guilt. They raised their heads and looked outside the dark cave and then asked the girl: Didn't you already light the ointment? And? There are no monsters around here, they won’t find us, right?”

A loud roar gave the two of them the answer. Only one creature in Kanas had such a huge roar, and that was the strong and tall tauren. Charles and Charlotte hurriedly grabbed their weapons and extinguished the flames in the cave. After slowly adapting to the darkness, they looked nervously at the entrance of the cave.

In Karnas, where there are no powerful monsters, the tauren are the most powerful monsters. These tauren, which even ten mercenaries in the Central Plains countries have to deal with carefully, cannot be dealt with by three people even if one comes. What's more, it can be heard from the roar that the monsters that come are not just the ones who come. One end.

How could a tauren who has never left the depths of the forest suddenly come here? Charles grabbed the sword with trembling arms and whispered through his teeth. The appearance of the minotaur made his heart beat violently, as if he could break through the shackles of his chest and jump out at any time.

Shhhhh... Delia shook her head and did not answer. Now they need to keep their voices as low as possible, hoping that the tauren who came here for no reason will not find them, otherwise there will be only death waiting for them. However, weird things often do not happen alone. These tauren, who have never left the depths of the forest, seemed to know that they were there, running straight towards the direction of the cave, accompanied by groups of Goblin.

Why is this happening! Delia shot the goblin who appeared at the entrance of the cave with an arrow and shouted loudly. Looking at the huge body of the tauren that appeared at the entrance of the cave, a look of despair appeared on her face. Her original expectations were not there. accomplish. After the minotaur came to the cave entrance, Charlotte rushed to Delia and protected her behind her.

The minotaur with scarlet eyes strode into the cave without hesitation. Delia, who was a little calmer because of Charlotte's protection, kept shooting at the minotaur with the short bow in her hand. But it didn't have much effect. The muscles on the Minotaur's body meant that these arrow feathers could only slightly damage the Minotaur, and it was impossible to move forward.

Seeing the tauren getting closer, Charlotte at the front waved her dagger at him, but what greeted him was a huge fist. Charlotte was born weaker than others. Even if she trained with Charles the day after tomorrow, she still didn't make much progress. The Minotaur, who was not necessarily an opponent of even a regular warrior, effortlessly knocked Charlotte away.

He stopped only after hitting the wall of the cave. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. The Minotaur's huge power hurt his internal organs. Charlotte! Delia hurriedly ran towards Charlotte, while Charles limped towards the minotaur in an attempt to block its progress.

Even Charles, who was uninjured, was far from a match for the Minotaur, not to mention that his movements were not fast. He followed Charlotte's footsteps without even waving the sword in his hand, and was punched by the Minotaur in his turn. He passed out on the rock wall next to him. But the monsters were not interested in Charles, and they walked straight towards Charlotte.

At this critical moment! From Xia Tuotuo's forehead, which had been covered by a headband, a trace of bright white light came out, eventually turning the blocked headband into ashes. The birthmark that once brought glory to Charlotte and also caused him humiliation was shining brightly. The mark that did not belong to any god slowly faded away, and the mark that belonged to the God of War appeared on his forehead.

An unprecedented power erupted from Charlotte's body. The internal organs that had just been injured by the Minotaur no longer ached, and the scratches on her arms also emitted a little green light. The wounds under the straps healed instantly. stand up. The minotaur, who had already arrived in front of the two of them, roared angrily when he saw this change, and slammed his huge arm at Charlotte.

boom! The tauren's arm, which could even break rocks, froze in mid-air. It was incredibly caught by Charlotte's weak arms, and before the minotaur could react, it was kicked away. Charlotte looked at her hands that suddenly had great strength, looked up at the group of monsters in the cave in front of her, and picked up the dagger she had dropped...

Please recommend me, please give me a monthly pass and I will tell you... Is that mark actually a combination mark? Warrior of the Gods Oops... I seem to have spoiled the story. I blame someone from Du Niang for saying that I just wrote casually...

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