Monster Minotaur

Chapter 134 Opera

Thunder Bluff's reputation has now spread far and wide. Most people in the two countries adjacent to Elam already know that there is such a city built by monsters in Elam, and the development of this city is progressing steadily. Moving forward at breakneck speed. Recently, news broke that it had combined with several surrounding small towns to form the so-called New Federation of Elam.

This made Thunder Bluff become the focus of many forces for a while. But there is nothing wrong with what Thunder Bluff has done. The formation of the new federation was also decided by a vote by the councils of each city. This does not violate any traditional Elamite regulations. It can only be said that this is a diplomatic victory for Thunder Bluff. , making the councilors in these cities lean towards Thunder Bluff.

Thunder Bluff is relatively prosperous economically and culturally. After various novelties became popular throughout the city, they were also spread outward by businessmen. Thunder Bluff's ball games have been recognized by the entire Elam. Even people in Maro and Carthage have heard about it. Some young nobles who like trendy activities have begun to form their own teams and built some special venues for competitions.

But these are only the privileges of the nobles. Those specially built venues will not be used by civilians, and most civilians in the city only know that such a thing exists, and the specific rules and equipment used are not learn. If ball games are only the privilege of a few, then Thunder Bluff's novel drama is much better.

Some smart businessmen who returned from Elam and saw these plays in theaters opened by Thunder Bluff in other cities in Elam immediately copied those good-looking stories, without even changing the name of the protagonist in the story. In this continent where culture is not prosperous, people have no awareness of the protection of cultural rights. As long as they know the general content of the story, they can turn it into a tool for making money.

These novel drama performances had a considerable impact on the opera that was originally flourishing in the Central Plains countries. Drama, as the name suggests, is a repertoire of ordinary dialogues. Apart from the necessary acting skills, there are no other technical requirements. The actors on the stage speak and move as they would in daily life. This is more relevant to the daily lives of ordinary people and is more popular and popular among ordinary people. Love, and the story designed by the tauren himself is unprecedented in the Central Plains countries.

As a traditional culture of Central Plains countries, opera has always been favored by aristocrats and wealthy businessmen. It requires actors to have good voices and skills. In terms of performance form, it is not as easy-going as drama. In many cases, the performances are too excessive. It's artistic, and without special research you won't even be able to understand what kind of plot the actors are trying to express.

After the new drama began to appear in Central Plains cities, it achieved great sensation and success. Although the common people did not have much money, their numbers were huge. Using an open-air performance in a square can allow the audience to enter the venue to watch the performance to the greatest extent. Even if one person only charges a small fee, which is not high, the businessmen can make money and laugh.

Some are happy and some are sad. Although the performance of the drama is only for civilians now, one day in the future they will enter the theater and have an impact on the opera they originally owned. Because of their own interests, the opera actors hated the actors who performed the drama, calling them a group of clowns trying to get on the stage.

However, the success of the drama cannot be ignored. Even these great opera singers, who are recognized by the nobles, cannot stop the rolling wheels of the drama. So in order to repay the favor, a Carthage opera society decided to go to Elam, the place where drama was invented, to use their most exquisite skills to conquer the monster, so as to appear that drama has not fallen behind and become outdated.

In the brightly lit Thunder Bluff Theater, all three floors of the theater were full. In the box in the center of the third floor, Mo Yan pulled out a chair for Emily like a gentleman. Emily, who was wearing a long purple evening gown, smiled and sat on the chair that was pulled away. Such thoughtfulness was not seen in the Salters.

I have never seen an opera from a Central Plains country, and I don't know if it is the same as what I know. Mo Yan sat on the specially made huge seat and said to Emily with a smile: By the way... this evening dress It fits your figure very well. I specially made it according to a perfect figure. I didn’t expect it to fit you so well.”

Thank you. Emily said with a blush on her face: It's not that I have a good figure, but that your design is very exquisite. No matter who wears such clothes, they will look good. For such a compliment that is not blunt , no matter which woman hears it, she will feel happy, not to mention that the woman being praised also has a good impression of the praiser.

The waiter in a maid uniform pushed a small cart aside, which contained wine chilled with ice cubes, some beautifully cut snacks and fruits, and some service utensils such as hot and cold towels. This was the most popular thing in the theater. Nice box. Whether it is the appearance and training of the waiters, the location and decoration of the box, or all the necessary services that can be imagined, it can be regarded as everything here. Of course, such services are also the most expensive.

Even this reservation was scheduled until next month. In order for the Tauren to get this box at last minute, the theater paid a large amount of liquidated damages, and the Minotaur did not use the privileges he had. As the leader of Thunder Bluff, he needs to pay attention to many aspects. Now is the beginning of the establishment of the new federation. Mo Yan, who has not obtained stable rights, cannot leave any clues, otherwise the SS will be needed to make some people disappear. .

The opera began soon, and these drama troupes, which came from far away at great risk, performed to their heart's content on the exquisitely decorated stage. Mo Yan's special singing style and expressive movements have never been seen before on earth. It can also be seen that a lot of thought has been put into the content of the performance. It tells the story of a pair of lovers who support each other and finally come together among two hostile families.

Although the ending of the story is a bit cliché, the plot can also be considered ups and downs. The two-hour performance made the audience laugh or exclaim as the plot unfolded. This kind of traditional performance, which has been developed for some years in the Central Plains countries of the mainland, still has a lot of merits.

It's a wonderful performance. Emily put down a small golden telescope with a long stand in her hand and smiled at the minotaur next to her: But I like this thing you invented even more. It actually works at such a height. You can see the stage so clearly, it’s as if it’s right in front of you.”

The principle of using a telescope to watch a drama is actually not difficult. Mo Yan smiled and said: And if there is no such thing, then the meaning of the box cannot be defined. After all, although the environment and services here are good, but when you come to the theater and want to The important thing is to watch the performance, and the height here can only vaguely see the stage.”

Lord City Lord, the leader of the Monroe Opera Company wants to see you. Just when the minotaur was about to stand up and send Emily back, the waiter walked in from outside the door and said.

Want to see me? Well... I kind of want to see him too. The tauren nodded after hearing the waiter's words and said, Please invite him in. I also have some ideas about the performance just now that I want to discuss with him. Speaking of which, it’s not easy to come from so far away to perform in Thunder Bluff.”

The waiter nodded and walked out after listening to the minotaur's words. After a while, a blond woman with big wavy hair walked in. Perhaps because she is an actress, this woman's figure is very tall, which can be said to be rare among the Central Plains people, similar to Emily, who is from Salt.

The woman's skin was very white and tender, so it was difficult for Mo Yan to tell her age, but judging from the intellectual temperament she showed, this woman should have a lot of experience, at least she would not be an inexperienced woman. A vague and mature aura surrounded her.

Hello, I am Mo Yan, the leader of the New Federation. The tauren stood up and extended his hand to the woman. He took her little hand and said, Your performance just now was wonderful. You are truly a real person. I have never seen a performance like this from an artist who is dedicated to his art.”

So... how does it compare to the drama you invented? The woman smiled and nodded. At the Minotaur's invitation, she sat on the sofa in the box and said, I heard that you invented the drama. writer, so I came to Thunder Bluff in Elam from Carthage, and I really want to get your evaluation of us. What we just performed is also the hard work of our writer, and this is its first performance.

The drama has the advantages of the drama, and the opera also has the advantages of the opera. Mo Yan thought for a moment and said: The play just now is very good. The plot is very compact and the plot has ups and downs, which makes people feel the steadfast love between the two parties. , I can also feel the irony of the hatred towards the nobles. However...if it can be changed, it may be more touching...

When the blond woman heard the twist in the Minotaur's words, she would of course ask the Minotaur how to modify it. The blond woman was still a little angry when her troupe's hard work was rejected. But as the minotaur told Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, all the women in the house shed tears. Shakespeare's tragedy was not just a little or two better than the works written by that troupe.

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