Monster Minotaur

Chapter 130 The New Federation of Elam

Mo Yan gave a fairly detailed explanation, with the help of the instructions distributed with simple pictures. These city lords and village chiefs who came to Thunder Bluff finally understood the difference between the New Federation and the Elamite Council. The Elamite Council, which has no rights, can only be regarded as a confederation rather than a federation according to Mo Yan. Although the two look similar, they are quite different.

The Elamite Parliament can only play its unique role under certain circumstances, such as when Elam was invaded by Maro in history, and when the Speaker of the Parliament City's military coup jeopardized the entire Elamite. Normally it doesn't play a big role.

The resolutions of the Elamite Council are not legally binding. If a city is unwilling to abide by the resolutions of the Elamite Council, its rights in the Council will be revoked and it will be nominally condemned. The most severe punishment was that they would not be allowed to participate in the Elamite Council until all the councils in that city were re-elected.

But the new Elamite federation proposed by Mo Yan this time is more stringent than the requirements of the Elamite Parliament. Although each city can retain its own parliament and retain the laws it is enforcing without violating the overall federal constitution, both taxation and the army must be unified and placed under the command of elected people.

While the people were under the jurisdiction of individual city councils, they were also controlled by the entire new Elamite federation. The welfare of all cities will be the same, the salary levels of all people will also be confirmed by the entire federation, the finances needed by the cities will also be uniformly distributed by the new federation, and all diplomatic powers will be in the hands of the entire new federation.

Mo Yan listed all the benefits of the Federation in the manual, but also explained what they had lost one by one. There was no concealment or vague sentences. The entire manual was full of Thunder Bluff's sincerity. . Even the most picky Sartean of Elam could not find any fault with such a detailed description.

Can we receive financial allocations that far exceed our current tax revenue? The village chiefs of some small villages saw what they were interested in and asked the tauren who were waiting to ask questions after telling the story: In other words, in fact we don't You didn’t pay the taxes you received, but you also got some extra gold coins to use for the development of the city or village?”

For the time being, yes. Mo Yan nodded and said, Once you join the New Federation of Elam, I will formulate a unique development strategy for you based on the environment you have, and give you a lot of financial resources. Allocate funds for early development, and soon you will be able to reach the level of Thunder Bluff in terms of population and income.

Mo Yan's answer made most of the village chiefs look happy. They were worried about the village's continuous loss of population and the dwindling tax revenue. If it was true as the tauren said, their village would be free of tax. Despite their disappearance, with a lot of financial support they can develop into small towns like Lobito and Cabinda.

Will the entire New Federation be under your rule? The city lord of Lobito grasped the key point of the tauren's statement. Obviously some developed cities like Lobito don't care about those financial allocations. Thunder Bluff has factories in their city, and their taxes are much higher than before. What they really care about is who controls this so-called new federation.

They have fully understood the benefits of the establishment of the new Elamite federation from the books and the tauren's stories. While each city retains its own freedom, it is also united as never before. In many aspects, it will have unique advantages. With a small influence, the federation will have more and more members in the future, and the entire Elam will truly become a whole in the future.

But who will control this new federation is the most important question. The rulers of the federation should be elected from among the people, not by the monster in front of them. Otherwise, it is not much different from being enslaved.

Yes, that is the case for the time being. Mo Yan said without denying: As the person who proposed the idea of ​​this new federation, no one knows the operation of the new federation better than me. I will be responsible for constructing a real government. system, and improve the system of the entire federation in half a year. Of course, in half a year, a referendum on the entire new federation will be held, and all citizens have the right to become the president of the federation.

We need to monitor your construction. Sulla, who had been thinking with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and said: There is nothing wrong with your words, but we need to organize a federal parliament. All your actions will be reviewed by the parliament. If If we find anything unreasonable, we have the right to take away your rights.

Actually you don't have this power. Mo Yan laughed when he heard Sulla's words, and explained before Sulla could refute: The parliament only has the right to impeach me, and then the specific judgment will be handed over to the Supreme Court, oh... ...Here it is explained that the chief justice of the court was appointed by me. And...

Then what's the difference between this and you having the final say? Sulla frowned and said: If the Parliament wants to impeach you, you have to go through the court judgment, but the justice is yours. This does not mean that you want to serve as How long can the president hold office? I cannot agree with this system.

Regarding Sulla's question, Mo Yan had no choice but to once again start with a brief introduction to the separation of powers and how this government operates, just like giving a lecture to primary school students. Mo Yan graduated from MIT, and he knew all about the Americans. After all... if you don't understand, the school won't let you graduate!

As he continued to explain to these city lords, the sky slowly turned dark. Unknowingly, Mo Yan and the city lords had been in the room for a whole day. The excited tauren and the happy representatives had forgotten that there was such a thing as lunch and dinner.

It's already so late? Mo Yan took a sip of water to moisten his slightly dry throat and said, There are many details about the structure of the government, so I won't explain them in detail. If I really want to tell you everything, I think it would take a lot of time to explain why I specially set aside a whole day for you to meet, and I don’t have time to teach you every day.”

You are a genius! After recalling what he just heard, Sulla's eyes shone brightly. He put his hands beside his head as if to grab something, constantly thinking about this system in his mind. Looking at the tauren in front of him in disbelief, he said: How on earth did you come up with these things? This is many times better than the system that Elan is using. Oh my god... I just... I just want to do it now. Go back and set up this system in Cabinda.”

This is what I came to you to say. I'm glad you understand what I mean. The tauren looked at the excited representatives and said with a smile: So, who wants to join the new Elam Federation? answered him What made everyone raise their arms quickly was that the tauren spent a whole day to impress the city lords who had seen a lot of the world with his erudition.

You are the smartest person I have ever seen in my life. After Mo Yan had a meal in the restaurant with the excited city lords, he met Emily on the way back to the bedroom to rest. It was a little late now, so she only wore a white pajamas. The moonlight shining in from the window made her body look like a layer of gleaming light.

You mean what I said during the day. Mo Yan knew that Emily had been eavesdropping outside the door for a while, so he was not puzzled by what Emily said. The tauren handed Emily the manual in his hand. Said: I am actually standing on the shoulders of giants. Those things were not thought of by myself.

The tauren pointed to the lower right corner of the manual and said several names written in the earth's language: These are the people who came up with those things. I just wrote them down. But you definitely don't know these people. , you have never heard of their names in this life, and you will never hear them in the future.

Very strange words. Emily stroked the still warm cover of the collection, looked at the names with the help of the moonlight and said, Is it the knowledge unearthed from the ruins? I don't recognize these words. Even if the things in the book are not what you imagined, you are still smart if you can understand such words.

Haha... Okay. Mo Yan smiled and said, Are you waiting for me here just to tell me that I am smart? There must be something else to say, right? What kind of emergency is it? But... I don't think your expression and appearance look like that.

I'm here to tell you something important. After hearing Mo Yan's words, Emily's face began to slowly turn red. She lowered her head and looked at her toes and hesitated for a while before finally saying: For the time being. Just keep it like this, about...about our marriage.

Ah!! I forgot again. Hearing Emily's words, the Tauren suddenly realized and said: Is it about divorce? Sorry, sorry... I forgot again when I got busy. I said I was going to ask before. I asked Aruba, but later I forgot about it because of the ruins issue. I’ll ask about it tomorrow, or... you can tell me?”

I know you heard it! Emily's face turned bright red. She raised her head and waited for the tauren who was teasing her to shout: Don't let me say this again! It's... it's so embarrassing. ”

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