Monster Minotaur

Chapter 125 Reger’s allegiance

During the next day, the invasion of the 51st District by shadows last night was completely over. Reger put on his SS uniform and came to the door of the office on the third floor of the White House with a detailed report of last night's events. He was going to report to Mo Yan everything that happened last night.

Reger knocked on the door of the simple and thick office, then opened the door and walked in. The carpet in the office was still as bright as blood, and the floor had been wiped clean by servants as early as the early morning. Behind the huge desk, the tauren was processing the official document as usual, holding a specially made writing instrument called a pen in his huge palm, and leaving instructions on the document in front of him from time to time.

All instructions in the fast-moving Thunder Bluff are decided in this room, and then sent to the hands of the executors through various channels. This is the pinnacle of Thunder Bluff's power.

You're here. The tauren stopped the pen in his hand, raised his head and looked at the gray-haired Regel in front of him and said. Regel's originally clean and scarless face now had a cross scar. The final battle last night did not go as he expected. The middle-aged man who trained him to become the Shadow taught him one final lesson: never underestimate the cards your enemies hold.

Lord City Lord. Reger saluted the tauren and handed over the report in his hand. Last night's operation caused considerable losses to the SS. Only 20 of the more than 50 SS soldiers who went to deal with the invasion were still alive. Nearly 30 people died in Area 51 last night. middle.

This was almost a big blow to the SS, which was already small in number. And all of this was caused by Reger's negligence. Although he had very good talents and was quite dense mentally, he was still too young. Almost all of the thirty people who died died at the last moment because of the instructor who taught them.

Thirty people died, and if Ryze hadn't sensed the aura of the undead and rushed there, even the information would have been sent out. Mo Yan said without even looking at the report submitted by Regel: Do you think that here Do you think you did your best in this matter? It is obvious that you discovered their whereabouts very early.

Reger did not answer Mo Yan's question. He wanted to say that he had tried his best because the SS was short of manpower, because the monster army responsible for interception outside had not tried its best, and because he did not expect that man to possess the black gunpowder. But he himself knew that these were just excuses to cover up his failure, so he could only remain silent.

Haha... Mo Yan looked at the silent Regel and smiled and continued: Then let me change the question. What do you think of Thunder Bluff? I think you should have been in Thunder Bluff for a long time. It’s been a while, and I should have a good understanding of Thunder Bluff.”

Thunder Bluff is a very good place. After listening to Mo Yan's question, Regeer thought for a moment and replied: The income here is very high, and the necessary infrastructure is very complete. All kinds of entertainment invented by the city lord Activities also make the residents of the city happy. Now some people have heard the rumors of Thunder Bluff and moved here to live here. The influence of the monsters has been reduced as much as possible, at least in Thunder Bluff. The residents are no longer afraid of the monsters in the city.

Your evaluation is really high. Mo Yan stood up and walked to the window of the office. He looked at the expanding Thunder Bluff city and said, But I think this is not enough. Thunder Bluff can also be more perfect and safer. , can make the residents living here happier. I am not saying anything irrelevant, it is just a fact in Uncle Chen, but if I want to support a city, I cannot do it alone.

I need all kinds of people to help me manage this increasingly prosperous city, and you are one of the people I have chosen. I hope to gain your full support, rather than just being a passerby who reluctantly stays here in order to find a place to live. I really want to gain your loyalty to this city and to me.

Aren't you going to hold me accountable? I caused such heavy losses to the SS. Regeer looked at Mo Yan who was staring at him and said, Maybe you have misjudged me. I don't have what you need. That kind of talent. I was too young and immature and I didn't think I was capable of leading the SS.

Stupid! A gloomy face appeared on Mo Yan's face. He strode up to Regel, slapped him in the face and reprimanded: Just one failure will cost you. Have you lost your self-confidence? How can a person live in this world without making mistakes? The lack of experience is just because you haven’t experienced enough, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have enough talent and talent!

Why do you think I mentioned this to you at this time? The purpose is to let you understand that I am not disappointed in you at all. On the contrary, your importance has been enhanced in my heart because of what happened last night. If you were not in command last night but someone else, I don't think the SS could have lost only thirty men.

The Minotaur's slap was not forceful, or the force was well controlled. It only made Regel feel burning pain, but he did not suffer any harm from the slap. Mo Yan's angry words made him understand what his status was in Mo Yan's eyes, and he also felt Mo Yan's trust and encouragement for him.

I understand. Reger, who was originally a little depressed, did not complain at all because of being beaten. Instead, he cheered up and said, Thank you for your trust and support. I will think more comprehensively in the future. , I will not let what happened last night happen again. I am willing to be a part of Thunder Bluff and give you my loyalty.

Thank you, too, for your ability to make such a choice. Mo Yan sat back at the table and nodded to Regel, You are loyal to me and agree that I am willing to work hard for your wish. It is a fair exchange of equal value. Tell me your ideals, and I will make them come true for you in the future.

I want world peace. Regeer said solemnly after hearing Mo Yan's words.

Hungry... Mo Yan was stunned when he heard Reger's words. He didn't know why he said such words. The atmosphere of the conversation just now was obviously very good, but why did he suddenly make such a joke. This made Mo Yan a little confused about how to answer the conversation. As a boss who was talking about serious matters with his subordinates, it was impossible for him to laugh at such a joke. The atmosphere suddenly became extremely awkward.

I know this sounds exaggerated. Regeer was not surprised by the shock on Mo Yan's face and continued: And I also know that this is impossible to achieve, but what I want to say is that this is indeed mine. Ideal. Matthew and I both grew up in orphanages, his parents died of famine during the Troubles, and mine were killed by Caesar's soldiers.

So you hate turmoil and hope for peace? After hearing Reger's explanation, Mo Yan understood what he wanted to say and said: In order to prevent more people from being like you, or like those shadows, because of the war And losing a parent, so you want peace.”

Yes. Reger nodded and said, I know that conflicts are impossible to avoid, and war will happen no matter what. I just hope that no matter what kind of war it is, it can end as soon as possible. In order not to Let more people be involved and experience the pain and sadness.

I can guarantee you that in any war I can participate in, I will not let them last. Mo Yan looked at Regel and said, In order for the war to end as quickly as possible, I also need the help of your power. Only then is it possible, and...I will try my best to make all the orphans live a happy life.

Yes, sir. Regeer saluted Mo Yan vigorously and said.

You can go back and arrange your affairs. At noon tomorrow, you need to go to the torture room of the SS station to receive twenty lashes as punishment for your mistakes. Mo Yan said to Regel: I think so , you will feel better. Reger nodded and saluted again, and left Mo Yan's office.

The humans who have been working in Thunder Bluff have very low loyalty to Mo Yan. This is something that Mo Yan has been troubled by. Now, because of what happened last night, Mo Yan found a good opportunity to express his requests and wishes to Reger. Mo Yan had to seize the opportunity very well, although as he said, he made such a request at this time to prevent Regel from being overly frustrated.

But in fact, Mo Yan had another consideration. Just when he was frustrated, Reger felt guilty towards Mo Yan, and this feeling of guilt made Mo Yan's conversation go more smoothly. From Regel's words, Mo Yan could see that he had indeed opened his heart to Mo Yan.

This is a good start for Mo Yan. As long as there is someone willing to be loyal, the second and third ones are not far away. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, Mo Yan will confess to his subordinates one by one and let them make real choices. For those who are unwilling to stay in Thunder Bluff, or are unwilling to be truly loyal to Mo Yan, he will completely give up hope of persuasion and put them aside and ignore them.

Time passed day by day, and just as the rainy season was coming to an end, an important product that Mo Yan was looking forward to was finally completed.

It seems a little too abrupt... I'm so confused today.

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