Monster Minotaur

Chapter 109 Headless

Lauren's idea of ​​how to defeat Thunder Bluff's economy is simple, and that is to copy Thunder Bluff's newly issued currency. He knew that most businessmen in Elland believed that the Flanders Chamber of Commerce was a person who would not miss a big money-making opportunity, and Lauren used this to get others to follow suit.

After all, relying solely on the funds from the Flanders Chamber of Commerce is unlikely to have a big impact on Thunder Bluff. Even the Flemish Chamber of Commerce has developed a lot now. However, it is still too weak to compete with Thunder Bluff's abundant funds. It is not a realistic idea to use its own funds to purchase enough Thunder Bluff gold coins to realize the plan. So from the beginning, Flanders acted mysteriously and silently made the acquisition without making any representations.

Lauren believes that businessmen who take notice will wonder why the Flemish Chamber of Commerce does what they do and will eventually see this as a big money-making opportunity. Flanders's several successes gave Elam businessmen the impression that everything Flanders did was done for a reason and could make a lot of money.

So that they can invest their own money and join in the hype. In fact, the money Lauren wants to make is in this economic bubble that is constantly being inflated. Flanders, who had invested a lot of money in advance, purchased a large amount of Thunder Bluff gold coins at the lowest cost.

As more and more people join in the later stages, Thunder Bluff can only have two options to deal with this matter. Either increase the minting of Thunder Bluff gold coins, or limit the exchange of Thunder Bluff gold coins. And if Thunder Bluff chooses the first path and increases the number of gold coins minted, then the exchange ratio between Salt and Thunder Bluff gold coins can be suppressed.

However, it will cause the currency issued by Thunder Bluff to exceed its own productivity value. With too much money and not enough goods to buy, once the Flemish Chamber of Commerce throws away the gold coins it acquired earlier, the Thunder Bluff gold coins will depreciate sharply in an instant, and all the people will be dissatisfied with the Thunder Bluff gold coins. loss of trust.

Although Flender will not make much money, they will not actually lose anything, but their goal has been achieved. Too many Thunder Bluff gold coins were minted with Salt gold coins. Thunder Bluff no longer has any Salt gold coins in stock, and Thunder Bluff gold coins have lost the trust of the people, and people no longer accept Thunder Bluff gold coins. By then there would be no wages to pay and funds to purchase materials, and Thunder Bluff's economy would be ruined.

And if Thunder Bluff chooses to restrict the exchange of gold coins, then Ellan's Thunder Bluff gold coins will continue to heat up until they break through the growth point of the bubble and burst on their own. When the time comes, businessmen who have exchanged a large number of Thunder Bluff gold coins at high prices because they want to make a fortune will do everything possible to sell off the Thunder Bluff gold coins in their hands.

The stupidest way is to go to Thunder Bluff and exchange the gold coins in your hand for Salt gold coins. Although this is also a huge loss, it is much better than losing all your money. It is impossible for Thunder Bluff to deny his gold coins. He must exchange them for those who use Thunder Bluff gold coins in the currency they want, otherwise his credit will be greatly damaged.

In the early stage, one hundred thousand gold coins had been exchanged, and most of these gold coins were minted by melting Salt gold coins transported from various cities. The Salt gold coins that have been melted down and become Thunder Bluff gold coins will not be restored to the hands that fly back to Thunder Bluff. Therefore, there will not be 100,000 Salt gold coins in Thunder Bluff to exchange for those who come to Thunder Bluff to exchange them. Then Thunder Bluff will also face a loss of at least tens of thousands.

No matter which path it takes, it will be a huge blow to Thunder Bluff. This is exactly what Lauren is doing now, and he is also a talent that Luthor calls a rare opportunity in a thousand years. No matter where this method is placed, it is a fatal threat. If Thunder Bluff cannot come up with a good method, it will fall into huge debt and face bankruptcy.

This is the situation Thunder Bluff is facing now. Mo Yan took a sip of water to moisten his throat after talking for a long time, and said to the confused Jones and thoughtful Emily in front of him: But okay The guy who came up with the idea didn't really think it through and I already had a plan to deal with it.

Although I didn't understand it, it felt so awesome! Jones looked at Mo Yan with admiration on his face and said with stars in his eyes: Master is worthy of being a master! I don't understand these profound principles at all. If If I think about it, maybe for thousands of years, I don’t know why!”

You explained it in detail. Emily looked at Mo Yan and said, I can completely understand what you said and what it means. The person who can come up with such a way to deal with Thunder Bluff is indeed a rare person. You are a talented person, but what I admire even more is you, who can completely see through these things and come up with countermeasures. I think there are few people in Elan who can do that.

This is nothing. Mo Yan shook his head and acted very modestly, as if it was just a small matter and said: Real experts know much more than me. I just know a few superficial things and can show them. It's already a miracle. If there are any strange tricks next time, I really don't know how to deal with them.

In fact, Mo Yan's words are not really modest. He doesn't know much about economics. When he was in school, he just went there to follow a girl who studied economics and attended a few classes. He fell asleep halfway through. As a result, I didn't hear anything, and the blond girl didn't catch up.

In my opinion, you are very... very powerful. Emily suddenly turned a little red, stood up hurriedly and said: Since there is nothing else, I will go back first. Summary of this month's copy report I have sent them all, if there is anything wrong you can ask me for the original documents to compare.

Ah, that's right. Mo Yan looked at the thick pile of documents piled on the table and nodded. Suddenly he seemed to think of something and said to Emily: The matter in the Parliament City has been completely resolved, so the marriage The matter is almost over. Because I was very busy some time ago, I forgot about the requirements of the divorced Salt people... Hello, Emily... Hello!

Mo Yan looked at Emily who left silently and quickly, scratching her head and said, Is it because I have forgotten for too long? Then there is no need to be so angry. You didn't even listen to what I said and ran away. Just Can you wait and ask Aruba about the rituals required for divorce among the Salt people?

At this time, Mo Yan was baffled by Emily's behavior. When he was about to look at the documents sent by Emily on the table, he suddenly saw a knight in black armor riding a horse regardless of gravity, standing outside his office window. On top of the pillar. After the knight saw that Mo Yan had noticed her, he shook the horse's reins so hard that it broke the glass and rushed into the office with a strong wind.

Your uncle! The glass made by these mages is very expensive! Mo Yan looked at the broken glass shards trampled under the horse's hooves, and cried distressedly to the knight in front of him: You won't leave even if there is a way! Since there is a way, you will not leave! You can come here, so guarding shouldn’t be a problem for you at all!”

The black knight ignored Mo Yan's cry, but drew out his knight's sword and rushed towards the tauren in front of him. The knight's speed was so fast that Claude, who was standing in front of Mo Yan, didn't even see clearly and was knocked away by the horse. This situation once again dealt a huge blow to Claude's self-confidence as a fast swordsman.

It's so rude! It makes me a little angry. Mo Yan blocked the charging black horse with his left hand, and held the sword slashed by the knight with his right hand. He said in a cold voice: If you don't give me a reasonable answer, Even if I am very curious about how you contradict Newton's laws, I will be torn into pieces by you!

Let's talk after we finish. A dull voice came from the gap in the helmet. The black knight pulled the reins of the black horse and wanted to retreat, keeping distance from the powerful tauren in front of him.

Are you talking about it after the fight? When I grabbed the sword, the fight was already over! Mo Yan fiercely pulled the sword in his hand and pulled down the knight who looked like he was on a horse. The huge palm covered the knight's helmet and pulled it outward forcefully.

Um... where's the head. Mo Yan successfully pulled off the knight's helmet, but unexpectedly discovered that there was no structure called a head on the knight's neck. A ball of black disgust floated out from the knight's neck, barely connecting to the helmet in Mo Yan's hand.

As expected of the rumored power. The helmet in Mo Yan's hand still made a sound. Mo Yan took the somewhat deformed helmet in front of his eyes and took out a beautiful short-haired woman's head.

Is this...the Headless Horseman? Mo Yan looked at the head in his hand, and then at the black smoke-emitting body pressed under him. He raised his eyebrows and said with interest, That will definitely be very useful. Not bad~”


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