Monster Minotaur

Chapter 103 There are also smart people in Salt

While Thunder Bluff was holding cultural activities, a group of businessmen were also holding a cocktail party in Arica City. A group of pot-bellied businessmen were teasing each other, gathering in twos and threes, drinking wine, and discussing the prices of goods in various cities. Market conditions. Occasionally, I heard that some people had made a lot of money, and the businessmen exclaimed and asked how they did it.

The Chamber of Commerce is such a thing, an association where businessmen gather together in order to make better money. This can not only avoid unnecessary vicious competition, but also share some important information. Business members in each city will provide convenience to business members from other cities who come to their own city. The existence of the chamber of commerce not only allows the businessmen to have greater financial cohesion but also shares their own risks.

As long as you pay a certain membership fee every year, you don't have to worry about being deprived of food and clothing after bankruptcy, and you can even get a new start-up capital from the Chamber of Commerce to make a comeback again. The Flanders Chamber of Commerce in Arica was originally just a small chamber of commerce in the middle of Elam. However, some recent events have allowed the merchants of the Flanders Chamber of Commerce to make a lot of money, and it has become one of the best chambers of commerce in Elam. , while the membership has greatly increased, the benefits of businessmen have also improved a lot.

Everyone, please be quiet. After all the invited members arrived, an old man who looked very energetic walked into the middle of the venue, and behind him was a somewhat green young man who said, Thank you very much for being here. Attending this reception, as the president of the Flanders Chamber of Commerce, I am very happy to see so many business elites gathering here.

The businessmen all laughed kindly after hearing the old man's words. This president, who had only been in office for a short time, was leading their Flanders Chamber of Commerce to glory. They like this old man who looks very refined. Everyone understands his determination and methods, and all members admire this old man from the bottom of their hearts.

The young people next to the old man are newcomers who have just joined the association. But he was the protagonist of this cocktail party. Before the civil war broke out in Elam, this young man was the first to sense that there was something unusual in the Parliament City, and he quickly proposed a strategy to hoard food. And this timely advice is what allowed the Flanders Chamber of Commerce to rise from a mid-sized chamber to the top.

Haha... In the civil war that just passed, I am very happy that everyone can trust me and invest their money in collecting food. The old man continued with the wine glass: Without your trust and support, I would I don’t think Flender would have seized the opportunity and achieved what he has achieved today. At the same time, I would also like to thank the young man at my side, Lauren. He was the first to notice such an opportunity and take advantage of it as soon as possible. After informing me, I had such a harvest.”

Hello everyone. Lauren bowed to the surroundings with some embarrassment. As a new businessman, he didn't know many people present. Some businessmen were the ones he looked up to, and Lauren was not as thick-skinned as other businessmen, able to keep a straight face at all times, which made him feel a little nervous among the crowd.

The businessmen present didn't pay much attention to Lauren's appearance. Most of them have already obtained information about the young man in front of them and know that he is just a newcomer, so they are not surprised by his youthful appearance. And it was the keen observation of the young man in front of him that gave the Flanders Chamber of Commerce such an opportunity. They made a lot of money from the city trade they established with that monster.

Although the businessmen present all understood that Lauren was a newcomer, they did not mean to look down on him. As a businessman, his talent for grasping market changes is particularly important. Although this young man has little capital and is just a small businessman, all the discerning businessmen present understand that as long as nothing unexpected happens, this young man will be the future leader. star.

And everyone now understands the meaning of the old president pushing him to the front desk. He is already paving the way for the young people around him, so that he can be more secure in the future. Introducing him to these businessmen with some capital will become an important connection for this young man who is new to the industry.

Don't be shy. The old president was very satisfied with Lauren's humility. He patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him: In our profession as a businessman, it is impossible not to have a thick skin. In the future, learn more from the seniors in the chamber of commerce. Studying, this will be very helpful for you. Now come and tell the members of the Chamber of Commerce your thoughts, this can be considered a good training.

The young man nodded after hearing the old man's words, and took a step forward to the front and began to express his thoughts: Hello, seniors of the Chamber of Commerce, I think everyone's industry has been affected by the monster city to a greater or lesser extent. Threat. First of all, I want to apologize to some seniors in the industry. Maybe some of the meaning of my next words will hurt you.

The sudden rise of Thunder Bluff within this year is not an accident. The production level of that city was higher than that of the whole of Elam, which made the goods they produced high quality and low price. Nowadays, almost no one is willing to buy the things produced in the workshops of the seniors of the Chamber of Commerce. This is a fact and a huge threat.

Lauren's voice was still a little weak at first, but as he slowly told it, he slowly entered the state, and began to relax both in tone and tone. The old man looked at Lauren who was giving an impromptu speech with satisfaction. He did not misjudge this young man. Lauren had an unusual business talent.

This is a war without blood. Lauren continued: I don't know if the monsters who rule that city think so, but I think this is a battle related to the entire Elam, and everyone Seniors are warriors trapped on the battlefield.

If Thunder Bluff's products are allowed to continue to flow into our city, we will have no choice but to become employees of monsters or live on the streets in the future. The economy will be completely controlled by the monster, who can kill anyone he wants with an invisible knife.

And if we want to survive, we have to either succumb to that monster, or we can only rise up to resist, otherwise we will only lose money. By then, even the bankruptcy pension provided by the Chamber of Commerce will be of no use. Elan has completely controlled the market, and we can only pick up the meager profits that the monster does not want.

Then what measures do we have to deal with it? A businessman with a big belly frowned and said after hearing Lauren's words: We are no match for him in terms of products. Even I can't afford such low-cost and excellent products. Like buying it. It is too difficult to defeat Thunder Bluff head-on, and even if we try to lower the price as much as possible, it is only a temporary solution.

That's exactly what I want to say. Lauren nodded and agreed with the fat-bellied merchant: On the frontal battlefield, our products have no advantage at all. No, to be precise, we were completely defeated. It is unwise to rely on price to seize the market. It will not bring any benefits except completely losing our profits.

What I want to say is to charge heavy taxes on Thunder Bluff's goods, and then use the money to support the city's industry to a point where it can compete with it. Many of you seniors are members of the city council. If you can hold meetings in various towns and put forward such a proposal, I think it will be passed.

The Flanders Chamber of Commerce will also contact other chambers of commerce to jointly promote such a proposal. The old man also stood up and said to the members of the chamber of commerce: I think most people are in favor of such an idea that is beneficial to Elland's business. It’s true that most small chambers of commerce are already having a very difficult time.”

After hearing what Lauren and the old man said, the businessmen began to communicate with people they knew well. For a while, they only heard the voices of the businessmen talking. Lauren, who had finished speaking, looked nervously at the businessmen in front of him. What would his opinion be? Whether you will be adopted or not depends on the people in front of you.

After the discussion, everyone finally reached an agreement. The suggestion made by Lauren is very feasible. Charging heavy taxes on Thunder Bluff's products will not only curb the sales volume of Thunder Bluff's products, but also obtain a large amount of tax revenue. Other city-state councilors will not object to this. proposal, it did not harm the city's interests after all.

Thank you for your support. Seeing that everyone agreed with her idea, Lauren happily thanked the businessmen around her. But Lauren didn't know what his idea had brought to him at this time, and what it had also brought to the Central Plains countries on the mainland.

This kind of thing called a tariff barrier appeared for the first time on this alien continent, in order to prevent the commercial dumping of the Tauren from the alien world. Lauren walked into the crowd amidst admiration, began to communicate with these business giants, and got to know the background and capital of these chamber of commerce members.

Now it can be said that he has become an important person in the Flanders Chamber of Commerce. Most of the members of the Chamber of Commerce have expressed great kindness to Lauren and are willing to help Lauren. Such an act of making friends with talents is also an investment in the eyes of businessmen.


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Because the manuscript is archived, it can be posted very early~

Also, a serious statement: I am not gay! !

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