Su Lun paid attention to the surrounding situation. There was no one around. As long as he didn't make too much noise, he wouldn't arouse suspicion.

He asked Renee next to him: "Have you discovered the princess's location?"

There is a princess guard outside the library. The princess should be in this library. Only after finding the princess will you have a chance to get information about the beholder.

Hearing this, Renee whispered: "The princess is in the study upstairs. She is surrounded by several knights and it is difficult to get close."

She came before Su Lun. She had just disguised herself as a library staff member and searched the library, and finally found the princess.

When she really wanted to continue talking, a woman in gorgeous clothes was approaching not far away, followed by several knights in armor.

"The princess is over there!"

Renee was startled and immediately pretended to be a staff member, arranging books and wiping the bookshelf, but her movements were too large and she became very conspicuous.

Su Lun looked at her movements and didn't know what to say. No matter how she tried to hide it, those sharp-eyed people had already discovered this place. No matter how much she tried to hide it, it was useless.

When the princess passed by, Su Lun walked forward directly, startling Renee who was behind her. She didn't expect Su Lun to be so bold.

The princess and several knights stopped when they saw someone standing in front of them. They had never seen Su Lun and didn't know why Su Lun dared to stop them.

Anyone with a bit of discernment can tell that they are of noble status, and even nobles would not dare to stop them directly.

Su Lun looked at the princess in front of him and the three knights behind him.

The princess wears a gorgeous long dress made of soft gauze with many sparkling gold and silver ornaments. She wears a metal corolla inlaid with various gems on her head, as if she is a fairy who is not stained by the world.

It's just a pity that the princess has a cold face, no expression can be seen on her beautiful face, and her eyes are extremely calm, like an old man who has lost hope in the world.

The three knights at the back looked serious. None of them wore helmets, but the armor and swords on their bodies allowed them to enter the battle at any time.

Moreover, these knights are all bloodline inheritors. Su Lun has met many bloodline inheritors and can completely distinguish the difference between ordinary people and bloodline inheritors.

The three knights seemed to be protecting the princess, but Su Lun felt that something was wrong, because the princess was also the inheritor of the bloodline. Since the other party was a princess, she was definitely not bad and did not need protection.

The royal family of any human kingdom has a strong bloodline, otherwise the throne will be easily taken away. As a direct descendant of the king, the princess must inherit the royal bloodline.

These three knights were more like monitoring than protecting the princess. The princess's expression of not wanting to talk to anyone made Su Lun even more certain of this.

"How brave! How dare you block the princess's way." One of the knights walked up and drew his sword.

When Su Lun heard this, he looked away from the princess and said, "The princess's appearance is so beautiful that I couldn't help but take a few more glances."

He casually found an excuse to cover it up. He originally wanted to ask the princess directly about the beholder, but with several knights guarding him, he had no chance to communicate with the princess.

"Hmph! You people can peek at the princess's appearance. I'm warning you, Knight Commander Lamb has made an engagement with the princess. If you behave disrespectfully again, you will lose your head even if you are a noble." The knight said coldly.

If Su Lun didn't have the status of a noble, he would have been dragged out and beaten to death by someone who didn't know who he was.

Su Lun smiled and said: "So that's it. I'm here to congratulate the princess and the knight commander in advance."

There was no need for him to conflict with these knights.

The knight snorted and put back his sword. He, the remaining two knights and the princess walked out of the library. The princess had not said a word from the beginning until now.

Su Lun frowned and looked at the backs of several people leaving. When they were about to leave, he suddenly shouted loudly: "If the princess needs any help, you can come to me at any time."

The princess paused slightly when she heard this, but quickly returned to normal and left the library.

Several knights laughed at him and ignored him. On the contrary, other people around him kept making mocking sounds. None of these people noticed anything strange about the princess, but Su Lun's powerful perception clearly noticed the princess's movements. This princess There is indeed something that cannot be said.

After a while, the entire library became extremely quiet, because the princess had left and the number of people in the library became even rarer.

"Huh, I was scared to death just now. You actually dared to talk to the princess!" Renee patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. If those knights had gotten angry, they would have been doomed.

"Why don't you dare to say it? Does this kingdom still stipulate that the princess cannot communicate with ordinary people?" Su Lun asked. He looked at the direction in which the princess left and thought deeply.

Maybe the princess has something to hide, but he has had little contact with the princess, so even if he wants to help, the princess may not believe him.

Renee looked at Su Lun in surprise when she heard this. She didn't know whether Su Lun really didn't know or was pretending.

She said: "The princess suddenly became very irritable a few months ago. The attendants around her and those who accidentally bumped into her were executed. As a result, many people did not dare to approach. You were dancing on the tip of the knife just now, princess. He actually didn’t get angry.”

Everyone in the kingdom knew about this, so no one dared to offend the princess. She didn't expect that Su Lun didn't know about it.

Before Su Lun could find this place, she thought that Su Lun had already mastered a lot of information, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Su Lun became curious, what could make a powerful princess silent, and who sent the knight to monitor the princess.

He thought for a moment and said, "Where do you see the princess? Take me there to have a look."

Renee tilted her head, and she led Suellen upstairs to the library.

Although she didn't know why Su Lun went there, she had nothing to investigate now. The princess was guarded by knights and there was no way to get close.

They walked up to the second floor of the library, which was full of historical biographies. There was also a wooden table in the empty space on the second floor.

Renee pointed to the wooden table and said: "The princess was here before, and those knights were following her closely. I took one look at her when I passed by and left quickly."

Su Lun heard this and looked at the wooden table. There was an old book on the table titled "Caged Bird".

He picked up the book and flipped through it. The book told a story about a princess who was trapped in a cage in a castle and could never get out.

The story is obviously fictional, but this story may have something to do with the princess just now.

Su Lun was thinking in his mind and murmured: "Is the princess being threatened?"

"what are you saying?"

Renee was a little confused, but Su Lun did not continue to explain.

Su Lun said: "Let's get out of here first."

Although there are not many people in this place, it is not a place where you can communicate casually.

They left the library because Suellen had no place to stay, and ended up going to Renee's shop.

"Are you really a noble? Why don't you even have a place to live?" Renee asked strangely.

Because Su Lun could easily take out an amethyst coin, she had no doubts about Su Lun's noble status.

"Are nobles important?" After Su Lun said this, he checked the streets behind him, but no one was following him.

Renee shrugged and said, "Nobles are a group of arrogant and domineering people, completely different from you."

Although she doubted Su Lun's identity, it really didn't matter whether he was a noble or not.

She continued: "You can't live here for free. You have to pay every day. How about one gold coin every day?"

She still remembers making money, after all, this is a good opportunity.

Su Lun said speechlessly: "You haven't found the beholder yet, so you should return the crystal coins to me."

He found that the girl in front of him was more greedy for money than he thought, but the girl also provided some useful clues. An amethyst coin was nothing, so there was no need to recover it.

Moreover, Barton and others he brought should have returned to the territory, otherwise he would not come to Renee to rest.

Renee's face immediately turned into a smile, and she said with a smile: "I will help you find the beholder, so you don't have to pay rent."

She laughed twice and prepared to fool around. She cared more about the amethyst coin she got before than the gold coin a day.

"By the way, why did you say that the princess was threatened?" she continued to ask.

Although Su Lun spoke very quietly at that time, she still heard something.

Su Lun explained her thoughts. Although Renee has no strength, she can help in many ways.

Renee was immediately stunned after hearing Su Lun's words. The possibility that the princess would actually be threatened was very high, and combined with the princess's recent actions, this possibility increased even more.

She thought for a while, took out the crystal ball from before and said: "Originally, it was very expensive to investigate information on the level of a princess. This time, I will help you for free."

Renee chanted the spell, and images immediately began to appear in the crystal ball.

The princess is shown first in the image. Her daily routine is the same as usual, and nothing unusual can be seen.

Renee explained: "This crystal ball can investigate any information, but it can only investigate information that has physical connections and real existence, and cannot investigate vague things."

Because of this reason, she could not find out what happened specifically around the princess, but could only investigate the princess's whereabouts.

However, the princess's whereabouts are the same as usual, but starting from a few months ago, there are a few more knights responsible for protecting the princess' safety.

Since she couldn't find any useful information on the princess, Renee set her sights on Knight Commander Lamb.

She followed the previous method and conducted another investigation on Lamb. By investigating Lamb's location at different times, she could find out Lamb's travel trajectory.

Lamb's movement trajectory is a bit strange, because Lamb has been moving between two points, one of which is the kingdom's castle. This is no problem. Many knights usually move around the kingdom.

However, Lamb's other activity location is in the wild outside the kingdom's territory, and Lamb goes to the wild more often than he stays in the castle, and he goes to the same place every time.

Not only Renee, Suellen couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

Renee said: "There have been no foreign enemies in the kingdom recently, and there have been no attacks from monsters and monsters outside the territory. The Knight Commander shouldn't be so busy."

The knight commander usually stays in the castle and does not need to go out to fight. He will only go out when it is particularly dangerous.

"Where does he often go?" Su Lun asked, looking at the traces displayed on the crystal ball.

He was not very familiar with the surrounding environment, and he could only determine Lamb's approximate location.

Renee thought for a moment and said, "That should be the monster's lair outside the kingdom, and there should be many monsters in it."

Su Lun nodded after hearing this. He could investigate the places where Lamb often went and maybe get some useful information.

Renee also put away the crystal ball. It was too late now to go out to investigate, so she could only rest for the night.

She said to Su Lun: "You can only stay on the first floor. You can sleep anywhere on the first floor, but you must not go to the second floor."

Because she hadn't helped Su Lun find the beholder yet, she had to let Su Lun stay here temporarily, otherwise she would never let a human stay in her shop overnight.

Renee closed the door of the store and lit candles in the hall. She used some kind of prop to leave a mark at the entrance of the stairs. The mark seemed to prevent others from going up.

She warned Suellen again, then walked up to the second floor and disappeared.

Su Lun talked after seeing this. He had no interest in this young cat-orc with cat ears, not to mention that the security of this house was not very good. The stairs were not the only way to go up to the second floor. He thought he could go up there. Directly past the mark left by Renee.

But there was no need for him to go up. He found a comfortable chair, sat down, closed his eyes and rested.

Because of his enhanced bloodline, he no longer needs much rest. If it weren't for the fact that the investigation would be more difficult at night, otherwise he could go out to investigate directly late at night.

Now he had to rest for a night.

The next day, Su Lun opened the door and walked out when the sun first rose.

Because the sound was too loud, Renee on the second floor was also woken up.

She opened her eyes in confusion, and walked down the first floor in her pajamas, but the situation in front of her made her wake up immediately, because Su Lun was already gone.

"No! You went out so early."

Renee was surprised as she quickly changed her clothes and chased after Suellen where she left.

Because she also had to help investigate the location of the beholder, if Su Lun went first and she arrived late, she would probably not get useful information because Su Lun had already taken it away.

Su Lun walked out of the city at normal speed. When he was outside the city, he speeded up and headed to one of the places Lamb often visited.

Because he didn't use the fastest speed, Renee immediately chased after him.

Su Lun didn't expect that Renee could catch up with him, and guessed that Renee had used some kind of prop, otherwise Renee would not have been able to catch up with him with her abilities.

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