Monster clones from all over the world

Chapter 167 Undead Creatures

That weird mist is a source of chaotic information, and the information complex is the transfer station for information.

The information integration can create false illusions to the information receiver by distorting information, but an illusion is an illusion after all, and this cannot change the nature of the information source.

Compared with that black mist, the information integration is still a bit inferior.

Just as Su Lun was observing carefully, an identical mist appeared again not far away. Just like before, this mist was also attached to a creature.

Su Lun was not organized. He just watched quietly from the side, hoping to find some useful information.

As time passed, the creatures transformed by the black mist turned into huge monsters and continued to destroy everything around them.

After a long time, the number of monsters in the psychic center stayed at five. After the fifth one appeared, no new monsters appeared.

"It seems that only five such creatures can exist within a radius of one hundred kilometers."

Su Lun found the pattern. After his observation, these monsters touched by the disorderly mist would only move within the coverage of psychic energy, and the damage caused had no purpose.

As long as you avoid these monsters, you can survive around them.

In Su Lun's observation, these monsters also need spiritual energy as a source of power, and these monsters cannot survive in places without spiritual energy.

So when the psychic center is closed, these monsters will also disappear.

These monsters felt like machines to Su Lun, just doing things according to a certain program.

"The demons mentioned by the pioneers should be the rules of the world itself. When the world develops to a certain level, it will destroy itself."

Su Lun had a guess in his mind, but it still couldn't explain some things.

Annihilation matter in space could be explained by this, but now these monsters are completely unnecessary.

If the universe has a self-destruction program, annihilating matter would be enough. Anyway, at a certain time, everything will be completely destroyed, and there is no need to create monsters.

Su Lun closed the psychic center, and the surrounding psychic energy quickly went up. The monster quickly disappeared without psychic support, leaving only an ordinary body.

When all the monsters disappeared, Su Lun opened the psychic center again to see if the fog would still appear.

Soon after, Su Lun got the result. Just like before, five black mist appeared around him again, but the possessed creatures were different, which meant that the mist just found a random creature to possess it.

"According to the theory of the Big Bang and heat death, the universe will eventually enter a heat death state. The annihilating matter in space seems to be accelerating the destruction of the universe. Could it be that spiritual energy accelerates the development of the universe?"

Su Lun couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, but one thing was certain. The universe did have its own destruction mechanism. This could be known from the information left by the pioneers.

Pioneers use time and space technology to travel between different worlds in order to avoid the devil and the destruction of the universe.

Su Lun looked at some of the newly born monsters and sighed. Due to his personal limitations, he could get too little information, and even if he discovered the problem, he would not be able to solve it.

According to the current situation, the destruction of the universe is only a matter of time.

The Pioneer can escape to a different world, or he may retrace the steps of the Pioneer.

Su Lun was not in a good mood when he thought of this, but he didn't know what would happen in the future. Maybe he could prevent the destruction of the world.

"The attacks of these undead monsters have no purpose. The annihilation material from outer space will not arrive until ten years later. A way to deal with it must be found within ten years."

Su Lun turned around and left. The situation was now stable. He only needed to send clones to guard the psychic center. If an undead monster happened to attack the center, the center only needed to turn off the psychic energy immediately. The undead monsters without psychic energy would soon disappear. , when the psychic center is opened again, it will return to normal.

As long as he controls the distance of spiritual energy spread, these unkillable monsters will not cause harm to humans.

Su Lun once again opened all the psychic centers, and the psychic emission range of these psychic centers was strictly controlled within one hundred kilometers.

His original intention of building the psychic center was to cover the entire earth with psychic energy, but now it can only cover a small area, so the plan has failed.

However, the benefits of creating a psychic center are simply immeasurable.

Su Lun announced the relationship between psychic energy and undead monsters through infinite space, allowing all countries in the world to prepare as quickly as possible.

Ordinary people will not be harmed as long as they do not enter the range covered by psychic energy. If you are an extraordinary person or a practitioner, you can use the place within the coverage range of psychic energy as a trial location.

Su Lun will return immediately after handling these matters.

In Jianghai City, Kyushu State, the city was destroyed by monsters and many places were turned into ruins. These places are still being rebuilt.

Su Lun's company was running normally as before, but instead of staying in the company, he came to the suburbs of Jianghai City. He came to the top of a mountain, holding many important items in his hands.

He wore a construct and his appearance was changed so that no one would know he was Suellen.

Moreover, the surrounding information was distorted by the information complex, so even people passing by could not see that Su Lun was around.

"The outside is spacious enough for testing."

Su Lun looked around and nodded. It was absolutely safe inside the hive, but in terms of the width of the testing site, the hive was definitely not as good as here.

Su Lun was surrounded by Shoggoth and an adult black dragon. Not far away were the mirror images of the twin demons. He gathered these clones together just for testing.

He opened his clone system, looked at all the remaining clones in the clone system, and finally sighed.

The clones in the clone system are not infinite. There are only two types of remaining clones. One category cannot be controlled, and the other category has similar abilities. Bringing these clones into reality will not do any good. Instead, it will increase the mental burden of controlling the clones.

Su Lun put away the clone system and focused on his own tests.

What he needs most right now is to improve his mental power. Only with strong enough mental power can he control the god-level clones and deal with those immortal monsters.

Currently, he only has two ways to deal with mental power. One is to increase computing power, such as his hair biochip, and the Qianxin Network, but this method has reached its end.

It is very difficult to break through the limitations of computing power.

The second method is to transform the body to make the mind stronger.

In the past, Su Lun always thought that mental power was only related to the brain, but as the research progressed, it was discovered that the strength of the body can also affect mental power.

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