Monster clones from all over the world

Chapter 140 The Final Center

Above the Antarctic frozen soil, coldness is the main theme here, and everything is white.

Su Lun controlled the twin demon spirits to receive the energy of the sun and the earth. He came to the center of the Antarctic, and his size became larger and larger as the energy increased.

He floated in the air, and a sharp building gradually emerged from the ground. This was the last psychic center built by the Shoggoths underground.

"Quick! Spread the news about what's going on here, there's a new monster in Antarctica!"

The personnel at the Antarctic research station looked ahead in surprise.

At first they thought they saw something like a spirit body, because the twin demons floated in the air and could pass through objects such as walls. But as the twin demons grew larger and larger, they finally understood that the twin demons and the The monsters in the outside world are all non-terrestrial creatures.

Far away from the Antarctic, the Dragon Bird troops of the Kyushu Kingdom and the Tianshu Organization of the New Kingdom are rushing towards the Antarctic.

Antarctica is a no-owner’s land on earth, and any country can go to Antarctica, so all the countries that have the ability to come here this time have come.

In the command room of Kyushu Kingdom, a huge screen was playing pictures from the Antarctic research station. In the picture, a humanoid energy creature was getting bigger, and a sharp building was also rising.

Lin Siyuan frowned and looked at the screen. Next to him were Yang Peng and Wei Wu.

The Dragon Bird Troops have matured over this period of time, and their intelligence capabilities are far beyond what they were when they were first established. They all know what the events in the picture mean.

Yang Peng looked at the picture on the screen and said: "From the information obtained so far, these monsters have built five such buildings on the earth, and now it is the sixth."

They have now figured out the locations and abilities of most of the monsters that appear on Earth, but they don't yet know what the monsters' purpose is.

"These monsters are not a mass of loose sand, some of them may come from the same place." Lin Siyuan murmured while looking at the picture on the screen.

Ever since the first obelisk-shaped building appeared on the earth, he felt something was wrong, because in his opinion, most of these monsters had no brains and were just a group of beasts.

But monsters appear one after another on the earth, and they have to consider another possibility: what is the special purpose of monster dreams?

He was pacing back and forth as he thought about it, with countless thoughts flashing through his mind, but in the end he still didn't think of a good way to deal with these monsters.

The most important reason is that they have absolutely no way to deal with these monsters, so they let these monsters run around.

Judging from the current situation, it is more beneficial to them to cooperate with monsters. Monsters have brought new technology and understanding of the world to humans.

He asked Yang Peng: "How is the investigation of the Obelisk? What do those scientists say?"

Yang Peng replied: "Monster Dream protects the obelisks very well. Our people can't get close at all. However, from the observations during this period, there are only two possibilities for these obelisks."

"The first guess is that those obelisks, like the obelisks in the ocean, are rocket launch bases. The obelisk in the ocean has launched two rockets. The first target was the moon, and the second target was the sea. Not sure."

"The second guess is that those obelisks are something like landmarks. They may be the coordinates for monsters from other worlds to come here, or they may be devices that transmit signals to aliens."

Lin Siyuan shook his head when he heard this. These were all guesses. Without detailed information, they could only take one step at a time.

At this time, the staff at the base suddenly shouted: "Report, according to images from global satellites, a similar situation has occurred in the Arctic."

The big screen in front suddenly changed to another picture. It was also an ice field. It was also very cold, but it was surrounded by sea water. The picture on the picture was the Arctic Ocean.

A growing light blue humanoid creature also appeared on the Arctic Ocean, and an obelisk was emerging from the sea.

The situation in the Arctic Ocean is exactly the same as in Antarctica.

"How is this going?"

Lin Siyuan walked to the screen. Similar situations occurred at the north and south poles of the earth at the same time. If it were not for the different locations, he even thought that the intelligence was wrong.

He immediately ordered: "Send someone to the Arctic Ocean immediately to confirm whether it is true."

After he finished speaking, he began to lower his head in thought. Now the monster's movements are getting faster and faster, and humans are becoming more and more passive. If the monster launches an attack, humans will not be able to stop it.

Humanity's life and death only depend on the monster's thoughts.

In Antarctica, Suellen quickly built the psychic center, and the size of the twin demons became as big as a hill.

Using the ability of the twin demon mirrors, Su Lun instantly copied the twin demons and psychic center mirror images in Antarctica to the Arctic Ocean, thus saving him the time to go to the Arctic Ocean.

Su Lun looked at the tall psychic center in front of him. The appearance of the obelisk-shaped building was covered with mysterious lines. As long as it was turned on, a large amount of psychic energy could be converted.

"Everything is ready, let's start!"

Su Lun muttered silently in his heart, and all seven psychic centers on the entire earth were activated at the same time.

Two extremely dazzling rays of light rushed out from the north and south poles into space, and the earth changed into a shape similar to a pulsar.

A total of seven beams of spiritual energy center on the earth, all spread out, covering the entire earth, and the rich spiritual energy spread all over the world at this moment.

Because this time the spiritual energy is emitted simultaneously by seven spiritual energy centers, the spiritual energy on the earth now far exceeds the spiritual energy in the past.

Previously, the moon's psychic center was used, which could only be used on earth by wearing a psychic bracelet. However, this time the psychic energy was so strong that you could feel the psychic energy as long as you were within the range of the psychic center.

It's just that ordinary people still need strong senses if they want to perceive spiritual energy. If the senses are not strong enough, they have no chance of spiritual energy. Sensory abilities can be regarded as talents.

Everyone on the earth saw the light in the sky. The strong spiritual light slowly disappeared and returned to its original state, but the spiritual energy was still there.

Everyone felt a sense of physical relief, which was the effect of being immersed in spiritual energy.

The psychic energy center in Kunlun Mountain previously leaked psychic energy, which resulted in the appearance of many monsters. This time the psychic energy is stronger, and there will be more monsters on the earth.

This is not good news for humans, but humans can also benefit from it. At least it will affect a large number of superpowers in a short period of time, and those superpowers will be very busy.

Su Lun looked at the psychic center in front of him. The strong psychic beam above the psychic center was disappearing, turning into psychic energy invisible to the naked eye.

He can clearly perceive the presence of psychic energy in the environment, even without a psychic watch, which shows that he can use psychic energy at will without being restricted.

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