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Bloom kept retreating, always retreating, but how could his little short legs run past flea skateboard shoes, and when he retreated to the range of the Highland Tower, he looked back at the moon and came with a Q skill, but he was still skipped by skateboard shoes!


Bloom was detonated:


The relentless and icy voice of the system resounded in the stadium, making the spectators, including the commentators, feel that a basin of cold water was poured over their heads.

After half a ring, Doll and Miller were the first to react.

They don’t know how to explain, as the popular commentators in the LPL commentary world, the golden commentator, they don’t know how to explain the current situation for the first time in the professional arena.

“It’s so beautiful! I can only say that the QHAD script monster is really a little unsolvable, and the overall cooperation of the QH is also very exquisite, the kick of the fragrant pot… How to say it: He probably couldn’t have imagined this kind of ending himself. ”

Miller picked up the conversation and said, “yes! Do you say that this situation can be blamed on the fragrant pot? No wonder! There are so many heads of skateboard shoes, the QH lineup is obviously around skateboard shoes to fight, team battle seconds skateboard shoes this problem is not at all, can only be said to be too coincidental, just big brother’s big move CD is good, fell from the sky, not only saved skateboard shoes, but also with skateboard shoes to kill the core output puppy. ”

“The puppy has done well enough in this wave, we hope that the director can show us the output panel of this wave, this wave of puppy output is absolutely full enough, I can only say that God do not bless my dog!” I still hope that the puppy can stabilize his mentality, and it is not impossible to fight at this time. ”

“Yes! RNG still has every chance to play, what they have to do now is to develop, or grab the single, with the blind monk, a highly mobile hero, with Ritz’s driving, there is a chance to play more to fight less. ”

“That’s right! Let’s cheer for RNG! ”

Although the two commentators are trying to cheer for RNG, the voice of cheering for RNG is getting quieter and quieter.

In that sparse cheering sound, the three QH people pulled out the second tower of the RNG, and then took down the wind dragon, and Meizhi went home.

This scene is really intriguing…

The puppy is angry: Very angry…

He was angry not because he had been killed, but because the team members couldn’t give him control.

If the assist can give a passive, the outcome may not be the same.

That’s when the problem comes out, communication problems!

With people from two countries in a squad, the first problem you’ll have to solve is language communication.

Maybe they have lived in Huaxia for a while, and they can basically understand the language, but it is only some very short words, if you speak a lot of Chinese language, he will definitely be confused.

Maybe it’s because the puppy values this Wu Tian showdown too much, so he ignores some truth, that is, Wu Tian is too strong!

Is it because Bloom doesn’t want to hang up passivity for him?


Bloom even wants to flash past hangers!

But he found himself at a very uncomfortable distance from the skateboard shoes!

This distance allowed him to even flash A to skateboard shoes, so he had to try to use the Q skill to hang up the passive.

It’s just that the effect is very poor, and I didn’t hit it once!

The position of skateboard shoes is really messy!

If another player can use 90% of the characteristics of the hero of skateboarding shoes, then he has already played the characteristics of this hero to 110%!

No exaggeration at all!

He has almost dodged everyone’s skills, even if Reiz drives down, he has already opened a long distance from that twisted space, and Reiz’s point control wants to touch him!

After the whole group battle, he only ate a blind R

And this foot R puppy sent to the sky!

Team QH is now immersed in a sea of joy:

“Oh~ I don’t even know how to praise you, Brother Tian, you have exploded this wave!”

“The calculation was perfect! Seriously, that foot R thought it was over! ”

“How could it be finished with my big move! Xiao Tian said that he would show them to death, and I knew that he would definitely show them to death! ”

“After the TP on the opposite side just now, I almost thought we were going to be cold, but I didn’t expect Brother Tian to be so showy! Handsome! ”

“Hey, hey, hey! My big move is also key, okay? Why don’t you come to praise me? ”

“Shut up! You are the basics! ”

After this wave, skateboard shoes have obtained gorgeous 8-0-4 data, almost covering the entire team!

Of course, this is also QH people consciously let the head to him, will have such luxurious data.

Wu Tian also did not live up to the trust of his teammates, and the damage value played in the team battle was so terrifying that it exploded.

It’s just that the director is very faceless, and does not send out the damage panel of this wave of team battles.

After getting the wind dragon, skateboard shoes went home and made the storm sword and cross pickaxe.

He feels that his current attack speed is almost the same, and he needs to stack a little output, judging from the wave of team battle just now, his flat A damage is not enough, fortunately, the other party has not flashed, otherwise he will really be escaped.

Several members of RNG knew when the puppy smashed the mouse, but none of them dared to speak, and they were all afraid of backing the pot.

At this time, the mad puppy is no longer the rookie mad puppy who only knows how to fight alone, and he knows that this game cannot be won without the help of teammates.

So he quickly adjusted his mentality and said to everyone.

“Little Tiger, when the team battle starts, your W is reserved for skateboard shoes, team battles can be lost, skateboard shoes must die!”

The puppy froze for a moment and said, “Good! ”

“Xiangguo, if no one else kicks, just kick the skateboard shoes!” You know? Let’s develop first, the resources of the wild area can let it, find an opportunity to catch a single, as long as we catch their skateboard shoes, we can still fight! ”

“Wrap it around me!”

At this time, the economic disadvantage of RNG has reached more than 3,000 pieces! Under the premise that the other party did not get the big dragon, it is generally difficult to turn around so much of the economy.

But fortunately, QH’s economic leadership comes almost entirely from skateboard shoes and defense towers, so this disadvantage is not impossible to chase.

RNG has not given up hope, and they are still looking for opportunities to survive from adversity.

PS: Happy holidays everyone. I don’t have a holiday, only codewords…_

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