The director of the plant is very respectable for this, whenever he makes a mistake, he will take the initiative to take the mistake himself, so that his teammates think that this person is very reliable.

deft: It’s okay, I’m up, can C!

Sister Control: I can’t blame you for this, this guy’s position is really perverted, I haven’t Q him once so far, I’ve given up, don’t you see that I’m all hooking up bronn?

Although Team EDG hadn’t given up on the game yet, when the five opposing men assembled in the middle to prepare for advancement, they knew how terrifying the Big Mouth’s damage was.

When the big mouth opened W, no one dared to step forward, even the fleshy Nar in their lineup would instantly drop to one-third of his HP by a few strokes, and he couldn’t see his damage at all.

The elixir decisively released the canyon pioneer, and the EDG people tried their best to fight this canyon pioneer, but the R-of-mouth and the consumption of Ritz made them very uncomfortable, and they could only be forced to retreat and give up a tower.

At this time, the canyon pioneer still has half of his health, and he can at least top the blue square Middle Road Second Tower.

The director of the factory looked at his skills at this time, almost all the big moves had cooled down, and Nar’s anger was also very good, and he had spared the flanks, so he decisively shouted: “Fight!” I’ll go in and give me big! Kill the big mouth first! ”

The canyon pioneer crashed in, and the red square five quickly followed, and Big Mouth stood in the back row, opening W to start Tower A.

At this time, the prince moved!

EQ and even entered the field, picked two people, and covered it with a big move at the same time!

No displacement skill Big mouth is covered!

Bloom followed at the same time, jumped on the body of the big mouth, and opened vertically in the direction of the blue square two tower!

Lulu gave the prince a big move as soon as the prince covered his big mouth, and lifted Bloom and the big mouth together.

The most terrifying is coming!

Nar jumped out on the flank and threw a spinning dart, and the anger value was just full of grooves and became bigger!

One hand was like a god’s palm just together, and suddenly a blind man appeared!

The blind man of the elixir has not made a move, and his positioning this is not to cut the opposite back row, but to protect the big mouth!

Nar’s Rulai God Palm was shot, but only the elixir was shot, because he was kicked away by the blind man when he started his hand!

EDG everyone looked at it, to finish!

Nal’s big move is quite critical, as long as he can fix the big mouth, he will definitely kill him in seconds, after all, the blood volume of the big mouth at this time is only nearly half.

Whether it’s Lucian or Lulu, they can kill him with just a little damage.

But the protection on the other side is too in place, and this palm is empty, and they have no chance.

Hammerstone gave a lantern to pull the prince away.

However, the eldest brother’s Ruiz gave a hand to control and controlled the prince to death.

Bloom gave him Q when the prince entered the field, the big mouth was crazy output, playing Bloom passive, the prince was accused of death, obviously the lantern was under his feet, but he couldn’t even light it, and the screen was black in an instant.

The blue side has decided, and he only thinks about how to escape.

The baptism of the holy spear had already been released at the first moment of the war, at least it was tightly blocked by Bloon’s shield, and not a single shot hit the body of the big mouth.

Moreover, when he was baptized with a holy spear, a small fry came out of the ground and smashed precisely at his feet.


Deft didn’t even have the thought of struggling, he knew he was cold.

It is really too easy for the little fishman with the advantage to get the crispy skin on the opposite side in seconds, and it does not need to be a flashy operation at all.

However, even with this kind of head, Wuwu Kai still gave him to the big mouth.

Big mouth is invincible.

Even killed the prince, Lucian did not even let go of the hammerstone and Lulu, continued to slash, these two want to output but not output, want meat and flesh do not move, and died without a few clicks.

Only Nar is still fleeing for his life, trying to escape to the red side of the house and try to delay a little longer.

Five-five: chase! Give Xiaotian five kills!

Elixir: I’m sticky, smile and slow down!

Smiling: Here it comes! You back off a little and give me a jump, I have a flash, what’s the special!

The elixir paused slightly during the pursuit, causing Blom to jump on top of him, and Blom flashed directly and smashed into Nar’s body.

The elixir timely shot a heavenly sound wave to keep up, playing passive!

Nar is stuck in place!

“Hit him! Big move to smash him! ”




“Wow, bro, beautiful!!”


With a solemn and cold pronouncement of sound effect, Wu Tian completed the five kills. At the same time, the entire Summoner Canyon and EDG’s team room fell into a brief silence.

And at this time, in Sika’s live broadcast room….

Sika: Ness !!! Wow!! This wave is too strong!! Team QH is really strong! Let’s shout together, QH! QH! QH!! …

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been brushed up at this time, and the number of people has reached an unprecedented 3 million!

The gifts were swiped as if they didn’t want money, and even several star anchors of Douyu came to the live broadcast room to brush gifts.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is even more lively…

“Cow B! I’m mighty! ”

“Five kills! Beat! Be! Hot! What! Strong! Brother Tian’s invincible! ”

“Ask for the psychological shadow area of the alpaca at this time.”

“Ask for the psychological shadow area of the director at this time.”

“Ask all members of the EDG team to have a shadow area in their hearts at this time.”

“So strong! Too strong! Not to mention, this year I am a brain-dead fan of the QH team! Brother Tian, I’ll call you !! ”

“QH team fan contact group, welcome to join, group number: 2335***34!”

PS: Five more done! Please encourage! Start on the shelves at zero o’clock, wait for a listing testimonial, please hold the scene more.

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