And the wonderful thing about the Passers-by Bureau is that often the script you think is completely different from what your teammates think!

It can’t be said that it’s different, but the teammate’s operation can’t keep up with his ideas.

At the moment when the bull’s head suddenly jacks up Vene, clockwork … Put R in place….

The girl is in a hurry……..

Originally, if this ball was placed on the bull’s head, at this time, pull an R to at least four people on the opposite side!

Wu Tian’s finger was already on the R building. As long as he sees the clockwork ball on the bull’s body, he will not hesitate to press R in that direction!

Because EZ’s big move has been around for a while, in order to completely hit four people, you must make a certain prejudgment.

Fortunately, Wu Tian’s R did not release it, because at the moment when the bull’s head lifted Wayne, he saw the figure of the stone man move.

The stone man soared into the air and crashed towards EZ at great speed!

“Hang B and die first!”

This is the core battle plan of the dough battle, and they have already decided in their hearts that EZ has opened the script hanging, and if they do not kill this EZ, they are likely to be flown to death by flying kites.

So the stone man’s big move did not hesitate to crash towards EZ.

At this time, Wu Tian saw that the red warning circle around EZ’s body appeared again, and several lines were particularly red, which were the skill attack lines of the opponent’s heroes.

And there is a green place, that is, a safe location!

For players at the diamond level, it is not difficult to dodge the big move of the stone man, but it is a bit foolish to use arcane jumps to dodge the big move of the stone man, because there will be a starting hand, which affects the efficiency too much, so Wu Tian directly chooses to flash!

Flash to that green safety zone, across a wall, directly to the right wild area of the second tower.

If memory serves, Morgana’s little melon skin is hiding in this grass!

After a wonderful flash to dodge the stone man’s big move, Wu Tian did not care about the frontal battlefield, but directly hit Morgana first.

Q plus E plug eye, the operation of the clouds and water without any delay, in one go.

Morgana’s assist is functional, with low HP and defense, and it hurts a few hits from the already Magic Cut and Broken EZ.

A Q plus E knocks out more than a third of Morgana’s HP when she clicks Flat A, and Morgana’s blood line drops very quickly.

At this time, the frontal battlefield also started at the same time, and the stone man who ran out of big moves could only play the role of a meat shield to absorb damage in the pile of people, and the effect was not as powerful as Demacia Galen.

The same is true of cards, in this kind of non-high-end game, passers-by’s card cutting skills cannot be seen at all, especially this sudden team battle makes the card cut by itself and throw it out without knowing what card it is.

On the opposite side, Vane is still a little level, and after being pushed up by the bull’s head, he immediately pressed the flash to open the distance, and with the cover of his teammates, he opened a big move and began to attack the bull’s head madly.

But the big bull’s head is still quite meaty, and Vane really can’t kill him in a short time.

The team battle on both sides was very chaotic, at least the frontal battlefield looked like this, the team battle had been open for four or five seconds, no heads had appeared, it looked lively, but in fact, there were many mistakes in each other.

But there is one exception, and that is Wu Tian’s EZ.

After leaving the frontal battlefield with the flash, Wu Tian rubbed Morgana frantically, and Morgana could only open a big move to retreat madly on EZ when the Q skill was handed over.

Wu Tian used Morgana’s chanting time of about two seconds to frantically output, almost killing Morgana, and finally suddenly turned around and left the range of the move, and then took Morgana’s head with a Q shot.

After taking Morgana away, Wu Tian directly closed the distance between him and Wayne with the E skill, and the barrier wall began to attack Vane, who was not healthy in health.

Vane’s blood volume is already unhealthy, plus being topped by a bull’s head, it has long been less than half, if it were not for the treatment technique, the current blood volume would only be lower.

When Wayne and Zhao Xin were about to turn the bull’s head over, a dazzling beam of light suddenly shot out from the partition wall.

The magic cut with the broken defense breaking effect hit the crispy Vane’s abnormal pain, and Vane’s health suddenly dropped by a quarter.

At this time, Vane realized that EZ was coming and began to yearn to retreat, but it was too late, EZ handed over E!

A flash of light flashed, and EZ’s figure suddenly appeared in front of the bullhead, just like a bloody TV series, there are always heroes who stand up in times of crisis.

The attack brought by the E skill itself was paired with the Q skill that had cooled down, and Ping A accurately hit Vane, and Vane couldn’t escape, and finally fell to the ground.

After cleaning up Vane, this wave of team battles can be said to have been won.

The core of the opposite lineup is Wayne, without the stable output point of Wayne, the opposite lineup is simply vulnerable, and no one can pose a threat to Wu Tian’s EZ.

Rely on the ‘random draw technique’ of cards? It’s too hard.

After killing Wayne, Zhao Xin also turned back, as his own fighting field, he knew very well what his mission was, if even he died, they would really be finished, losing the right to fight for the dragon, and it was almost impossible to turn over.

At this time, Zhao Xin could not care about the oath before the war, and he would take the chrysanthemum of the enemy EZ!

He just wants to clamp the chrysanthemum and escape to death now!

However, the moment he turned around, he suddenly found himself slowing down.

It was a deceleration effect of a broken suck, and EZ caught up behind him!

is frantically exporting to his chrysanthemums!

One, two, three, one Q!


Chrysanthemum Xin collapsed weakly to the ground, as if he had been trampled by thousands of people.

(Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for recommendation tickets!) )

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