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Is the second game over?

Looking at this scene in front of him, all the commentators showed a confused doubt, in about 17 minutes, this game will be over?

Let’s be honest…

Advantage steals home, and this ends in a way that everyone expected.

No one expected that RNG occupied a lead of nearly 10,000 economies, and in the end, it turned out to let Lu players alone forcibly remove the crystals, as if a king vs bronze Rank match, which was jaw-dropping.

Suddenly, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the game boiled:

“Lie in the groove, play a game in seventeen minutes, RNG bull batch!”

“Ahem, be strict, that’s 17 minutes and 58 seconds, rounded up, count it as eighteen minutes.”

“**, RNG’s goal: never work overtime!”

“Hahaha, RNG is also off work 3-0 today.”

“Gan, loss, my ticket is lost, and the BO5 game is only played three times.”

“To be reasonable, LZ is not too prestigious, they don’t look like the first team in the LCK division at all.”

“Hehe, Dragon Ball dish has to make me laugh.”

“Hey, Lu Player’s Jian Ji hasn’t played an effect yet, and the game is over like this, it’s a pity.”

“What097? Lu player has not yet played the effect, the world’s number one singles have made him burst. ”

“This student, correct it, the world’s number one is called on the list!”

“Khan: The road collapsed, it’s all a pot for wilderness.”

“Cuzz: I have been told to go on the road, how can I go, others have been entering my wild area…”

“Turtle turtle, Muay Thai warning!”


When there was a bunch of barrage discussions, the domestic Weibo and Tieba forums had entered a period of celebration, and RNG only needed to win one more game to get a place to go to the S7 Bird’s Nest Finals.

Of course, there are also some players who expand on other topics.

For example: the problem of Team LZ.

According to LZ’s record in the LCK division, first punching the triple crown champion SKT, and then kicking the Galaxy battleship KT, they can play some crushing performance in the world competition, at least play the momentum of a strong team.

However, this one team has bumped from the group stage until now.

In the group stage, the record is average, nothing special.

In the quarterfinals, the BBDB allowed Lightning Wolves to be eliminated 3-2.

In the semifinals, RNG crushed two consecutive games and kept a close clean sheet.

Throughout the S7 World Championship, they all gave people a very reluctant feeling, not at all like an invincible team in the LCK division.

As the posts increase…

After a short discussion, the players gave Team LZ a Phantom God number: “Green Eyes White Dragon”

At this time, LZ’s backstage lounge is inside.

Several han players looked at the coach who was crazy BB in amazement, but various worries and doubts appeared in their minds: What if you lose the third game? What is the Han forum like? Can we win RNG?

Suddenly, Coach LZ woke up the stunned people with a roar.

“Hey, hey, you all listen to me.”

I saw Coach Han stretch out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and then said seriously: “Don’t panic, we still have three games to recover the score, remember, trust yourself, we are the strongest division.” ”

“In the third game, we will definitely beat the RNG, Smecta!”

After saying this, he told several players about the game.

Although there has been a gap in the relationship between the Ueno players…

However, the two still did not expose their scars to each other during this time period, choosing to endure, they still wanted to win and prove that they were not wrong, and the LZ coaching staff did not deliberately raise those questions, as if they did not hear Ueno arguing.

After all, there’s still one more game to come.

Win, and maybe struggle.

Lose, then everyone swims back to Han country and then slowly argues.

Meanwhile, the backstage area of RNG is full of cheers, and the LPL photographers accompanying the team have started recording, ready to collect some material content for the promotional video of the final, and even plan the winning video.

“Ahem, you played well just now.”

Brother Feng adjusted his voice a little and said slowly: “However, the game in the third game still needs to be stable, the puppy’s mentality is more stable, just now you jumped in the face a little problem.” ”


An embarrassed smile appeared on Uzi’s face: “Eh, hee-hee, at that time I felt that I had a great advantage, and subconsciously jumped up, I’ll pay attention later.” ”

Since after talking about the problem that the “mad puppy” is too grumpy…

Firefox then gave some psychological counseling to several RNG players one by one to reduce their psychological pressure burden and avoid losing the game.

Indeed, the pressure on the HAN team, which was 2-0 down, was even greater.


Currently, leading RNGs still have some pressure burden.

You know, whether it is Lu Yu on the road or Ming as an assistant, both are rookie players, the tiger head mentality in the middle has been unstable, the personality of the fragrant pot is biased towards radical, and Firefox is most worried about their mentality.


Because when you’re 2-0 ahead, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

That’s right, that is: how to win the third inning.

If rookie players encounter these situations, often their mentality may have problems, nervousness, operation deformation, playing too much, and then losing the third game, losing the fourth game, and finally playing less and less confident.

Therefore, psychological counseling is a very important link.


Brother Feng looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice: “Remember one thing, we are 2-0 leading, stabilize the mentality, don’t worry, our goal this season!?” ”


Hearing the coach’s words that aroused the atmosphere, Lu Yu subconsciously laughed and coaxed: “The goal of our S7 is: no tooth decay!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings immediately fell into a dead silence, and several team members looked at this newcomer who seemed to have no psychological pressure to be singled out.


Lu Yu coughed: “Cough, don’t be like this, just kidding, our goal is: champion!” ”



Tiger Palm: “Brother, your sao words are a bit much.” ”


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