On September 1st, today’s Beijing Wukesong Stadium will start a high-profile event: the LPL Summer Finals.

With the end of the LPL semi-finals some time ago….

Now, everyone is looking forward to the final winner of this EDG and RNG, whether EDG will maintain its title of “Three Phantom Gods” or UZI break the crownless curse?


Lu Yu yawned boredly, and then looked at the RNG starters and coach Brother Feng on the side.

At this time, he had already entered the lounge of this magnificent Wukesong Gymnasium with the team, and listened to Brother Feng’s tactical content with several team members.

It’s just…

Lu Yu has not been able to get a place on the field for the time being, and the starting order in the team is still let Emperor Letme.

Perhaps, the RNG coaching staff believes that Letme’s road is relatively stable, choose a tank on the EDG consumption, team battle to resist damage, more suitable for the current team tactics.

“Ahem, that’s what you need to remember.”

Brother Feng clapped his palms, and then said in a deep voice: “There is another point, that is, I hope you can play your bloody nature, momentum, and leave no regrets.”

“Come on, let’s play.”

Brother Feng gave psychological counseling to the five starters, and then took everyone to follow a staff member and set off to the main stage area of the LPL summer finals to prepare for the game.

Suddenly, only Lu Yu and another substitute Daye were left in the entire training room, as well as several members of the coaching staff.


Looking at the regret that was eating snacks on the side, Lu Yu casually asked: “Regret, don’t you plan to change your name next season.”

“Well, why change your name?” Regret said while stuffing a snack into his mouth.

As soon as the words fell, he seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence, frowned, and muttered to himself: “Yes, maybe I should change my name, otherwise Brother Feng will say no regrets all day.”


Lu Yu shook his head, and then looked at the LCD TV screen on the side.

I saw a live broadcast of the official match displayed on the screen, the game had not yet started, and the two commentators were introducing themselves and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the RNG and EDG teams.

“Welcome to the LPL Summer Finals, I’m WAWA.”

“I’m Miller…”

“Today, the two of us will bring you the commentary of this RNG and EDG BO5 match.”

I saw a slightly chubby middle-aged man looking at the camera, as if talking crosstalk, skillfully talking to the partner next door: “Miller, which team do you think can win the first game?” ”

“Which team can win, the question …”

Miller held up his glasses and said in a deep voice: “According to the record of RNG and EDG, EDG’s win rate should be higher, four or six, RNG four, EDG six.” ”

“Of course, we also officially launched a quiz event…”

After saying this, the two led the topic to a sponsor advertisement, while driving the atmosphere of the audience.


Looking at the two LPL veteran commentators on the screen, Lu Yu stretched out boredly, and then looked at his mobile phone, anyway, the game has not yet started, it is better to take advantage of this period of time to brush Weibo and stickers.


Suddenly, his mobile phone screen refreshed a bunch of post information behind the pot.

Although RNG has been strong this season….

However, 80% of the users in Tieba believe that EDG can win, both because: “UZI’s crownless curse”, no matter what the competition, as long as Uzi enters the final, the champion must be the enemy team.

And, of course, EDG Civil War Invincible’s stat bonus.

After all, Clearlove has thoroughly studied all the fields in the LPL division, as long as it maintains the development economy in the middle and squats a few waves, it can arrange these teams clearly at any time.


Lu Yu let out a turbid breath, and then looked at the page of the pot bar, and what came into view was some rhythmic daily experience stickers.

For example: [Bathing dog has no crown in his life], [How does the world’s first ADC lose?] ], [Predict the final 3-0, EDG wins], [On whether 4396 will use blind monks? 】。


Lu Yu casually swiped the phone screen, skipped some rhythmic posts, and then clicked to enter a more serious discussion thread: [Pre-match prediction, EDG and RNG matches].

The author of this post appears to be an LSPL team coach who has analyzed the disadvantages of RNG in detail, arguing that their onward path is likely to become a breakthrough point, the instability of Nakano, and the factor of too much pressure on the downside will eventually lead to the collapse of the entire team.

Moreover, it was predicted that RNG would lose the final 2-3.

Lu Yu has seen the S7 final in the previous life, indeed, EDG won the final victory in a situation where two chased three, and the analysis content of this post is completely fine.

But the comments on those posts didn’t think so, and they refuted the remarks.

“Huh? Invincible in the regular season, RNG that is invisible to ancient dragons, how to lose? ”

“To be reasonable, I also think that RNG will lose, EDG is invincible in civil war.”

“Hehe, if RNG loses in the first game, I will eat live, or eat it in a big gulp…”

“666, the bath dog has no crown all his life…”

“**, EDG will never die.”

“Don’t crook the building, we are discussing which team can win!”

“EDG can win +1, isn’t the title of the three phantom gods of the civil war a false name for the wave?”

“Although the 7-sauce world championship is very profitable, the domestic league is still very stable, and I am afraid that RNG is about to usher in a crushing defeat.”


At this moment, Lu Yu found a post discussing himself: [Can Brando, RNG’s substitute single, appear?] 】。


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