Chapter 149 Raippi! Double big move zero damage!!

Xiye looked at his teammates on the left and right: “Hey, what does Minkai’s incense burner pig mean?” ”

At this time, in the backstage of the stadium, the players in the WE lounge were also watching the live broadcast of the game.

957 wasn’t too surprised: “He ordered that stone contract.” ”

The Stone Clan Contract is one of the ultimate talents of the S7 Resolute Department, and compared with the Immortal Grip and the Colossus Courage, the appearance rate is ~ much lower.

The effect is a 5% increase in maximum health, and enemy heroes slowed down or controlled by you will be placed with an ‘Earth Rune Mark’.

If allies attack a marked enemy hero at this time, they can give allies a health recovery.

The recovery effect is not bad, the higher the amount of your own health, the more blood you will return to friendly troops…

In fact, it is the prototype of the later ‘source of life’ talent.

Generally, some of the lower road auxiliary will bring, vitamin ADC back blood.

This routine can be used, and the most important thing is the trigger condition of the incense burner.

The effect of this equipment of the incense burner is not only triggered when the shield is set, but can be triggered as long as the blood is returned to the allies.

The control of the pig girl’s body can easily trigger the stone clan contract to return blood to teammates.

Therefore, the incense burner pig girl really has a certain degree of rationality, and the blue and law strength in the incense burner itself are also useful to the pig girl.

Of course, this weakens the Pig Girl’s Tanddu greatly.

So total return is a non-mainstream outfit.

957 stared at the screen and said, “… Ming Kai played like this, but I felt that EDG was stable. ”

Although Xiye’s tone was nonchalant, his eyes were serious: “Yes, EDG plays very relaxed. ”

In fact, it was not as easy as they said, at this time, the director of the factory was chased by Faker at the intersection of the red zone and hit a set of stone piercing.

As soon as the frost armor passively provided by Pig Girl was shattered, the last two stones of the rock sparrow pierced and hurt.

Koro1’s Gario deals with the troop line on the lower road.

Near the Great Dragon Pit, the two sides continue to exchange skills.

Koro1 leaned in the direction of the road from his red zone, ready to enter a position where he could release the hero.

At this point, Wolf remained in a field of vision of the grass in front of the EDG red buff pit and saw Gario passing by.

Gario’s avatar appears for less than a second on the minimap on the SKT side

But almost instantly, five question marks marked the location where Gario passed.

When koro1 walked to the front of his F6 pit, a shadow had already closed the road, which was Faker’s big move.

koro1: “Come and get me.” ”

SKT’s wave of textbook grabbing orders was found to shake people to do it in one go.

koro1 quickly escapes, and the E skill punch immediately rushes through the shadow range.

Give me up!

The rock sparrow came slowly against the wall, and a precise rock spike carried Gario back.

Koro1 knew that there was definitely more than one rock sparrow on the opposite side, and immediately selected Meiko, who was in the grass position on the left side of the middle road, with a big move, ready to use Gario’s big move to escape.

The handling of this wave of koro1 is very calm, but the speed of SKT coming people is really fast.

Bang rockets jump, and Wolf dances softly to catch up.

Luo Da move opened the shocking gap, and the E small gun flashed the second stage E rock sparrow, silky displacement, and then W grand debut.

The seductive light of Luo Zhou’s body interrupted Gario’s big move at the last moment.

Plus the prince who came from EQ, this wave of SKT directly came with four people and killed Gario.

SKT Rock Sparrow kills EDG Gario.

Guan Zeyuan explained: “Oh… Almost flew away, so what about this big dragon? The combo on SKT’s side is still there, and the EDG dragon group can’t take it! ”

SKT quickly pinned the big dragon pit signal.

Su Xiaoyan’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly and her expression was worried: “Gario has T, can EDG delay the time?” ”

At this time, SKT was also in a hurry, and at the time point of the early twenty-odds, Gario had less than fifty seconds to revive the time, and he would soon be able to TP over.

Whether it is to fight a group or a dragon, they must do it in one go…

The eye positions inside and outside the Dalongkeng were quickly lined up by SKT.

EDG didn’t seem to mean to block, and after Huni was in place, SKT quickly started the dragon.

With Rambo’s big mask, plus Faker drawing circles on the ground in a row to punch five stones, the dragon’s health fell quickly.

koro1: “Twenty seconds to resurrect.” ”

Meiko: “Pick up?” ”

Luo Xuyan: “You can take it, see the timing and give me R.” ”

scout: “Look at the ad position, protect AD and protect AD!” ”

Director: “I open!” ”

The director of the plant was very patient and guessed with experience that the SKT hit halfway without a vision.

Luo Xuyan approached Dalongkeng from the intersection of the Blue Zone, and the location looked very dangerous. The director Pig Girl threw a sniper from the side and hit Luo, and the big dragon team battle began.

I will rule Freyrdrand!

When Pig Girl’s big move hits an enemy hero from a distance, the Polar Ice Lasso will generate an ice storm that slows down all opponents within range in one go.

The ice storm shrouded the big dragon pit, and for a while all the members of SKT were hung up by the pig girl to slow down the debuff.

That is, all members were attached with the earth mark of the stone contract.

Luo Xuyan glanced at the prince who came over by EQ, and the light of the incense burner instantly appeared on his hand.

And the most outrageous thing is that the director of the plant is now two levels higher than Meiko.

The effect of the incense burner is linked to the level, and the incense burner effect of the pig girl is even better than that of the gem.

This incense burner, it’s really worth it! Cosmic Radiance!

Flying feathers in the sky!

In the face of the strong cooperation of Prince Rambo, this wave of EDG played an outrageous team battle.

Meiko gave R in advance, and Luo Xuyan used a big move to avoid the prince’s damage.

The radiance of the universe officially fell, and the invincible effect of Xia was in his body, and he walked and danced wildly on Rambo’s big move.

Unselectable plus invincible.

Prince Rambo’s double big move has zero damage! Rascally!!!

Luo Xuyan a QE, thousands of feathers retracted into Xia’s hands, SKT chasing Xia’s formation was pulled by this barb.

WE lounge.

957: “Whew, EDG wished.” ”

957 The mood of these two days is not very good.

Before boasting about Haikou, I wanted to get the first qualification of Group C group, but I couldn’t get it.

Now EDG is about to double kill SKT to take the first place in Group A, while RNG is already the first in Group B.

And because of the same group circumvention principle during the quarterfinals draw, WE will not draw LZ this time.

In this way, the probability of WE drawing a civil war in the quarterfinals this time is very high: “Isn’t there another SSG that is the first in the group, don’t worry, not necessarily civil war.” ”

PS: The incense burner pig girl is the understanding of sofm in the incense burner version, yes, it is actually a prototype B…

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