Smiling Sika wailed in unison: “Huh? This Raven seems to be invincible…”

Smile also pursed his lips: “It’s really hard to deal with this SMEB now.” ”

This wave of Yueta successfully killed Nar, and Raven was already unstoppable on a single line.

The classic one comes to guard Raven alone, that even the tower can’t keep it;

Come two may not be able to beat Raven, maybe send a double kill;

Come three, Raven still has a chance to show, and the big dragon who came to catch is gone.


The smile explained that after Luo Xuyan returned to the city, he took out a storm sword and held up the frame of the mirror:

“But not necessarily! Luo Shen can touch SMEB! ”

At this moment, EDG is the only man in the field who has the opportunity to wrestle with Raven!


Twenty-five minutes.

Izerell Equipment: Magic Cut, Ice Pulse Gauntlet, Great Angel Staff (720/750), Storm Sword, Killing Ring, Law Shoes.

Raven Equipment: Black Cut, Ghost Dream, Greedy Hydra, Cloth Armor, Devil Cloak, CD Shoes.

S6’s resurrection armor is crafted from cloth armor and magic cloak, which is more suitable for tanks and fighters.

Luo Xuyan’s storm sword is ready to produce the blood-drinking sword, S6’s blood-drinking sword does not have a critical attack attribute, and the panel attack power of the double goddess Tear Ezrael is higher than that of the broken stream, and the income from drinking blood is very high.


SMEB is still on the way, this time Meiko is in the lead, and the director and Scout also come around the Blue Zone to quickly intercept Raven’s escape route.

Koro1 under the tower also quickly threw the boomerang forward.

Whoever singles out with you, directly catch four and one!

SMEB champion blade Raven, directly rolled the blade back Q retreat, so confident that he didn’t even open the dream.

scout once again accurately shot QE over the wall, smeb reacted extremely quickly, an E displacement let the ball fall behind him, and then followed by a third Q, continuous displacement, and smoothly rushed to the side of teammate Rez.

Of the ROX-Tigers five, Kuro played the most consistently.

This wave he directly played a functional role, and the knife was not brushed, so he kept following behind Smeb to respond.

In this wave, if EDG only comes over and two people are arrested, he will drive over and fight back directly;

If there are too many coming, he can also open a big move in advance and retreat with Smeb.

At this time, the situation was the latter, and Meiko Blom hurriedly moved to the director of the forward W factory, and the big move glacier cracked suddenly and spread to the foot of Reiz.


Kuro was already on guard, and the golden cicada escaped the flight control with a continuous move, still taking a piece of smeb and disappearing in place.

Only traces of Blom’s big move to crack the surface remained in place.

Meiko bit his lip: “Four grabs and one ran for him.” ”

Koro1 said urgently: “Take the little dragon first, we will directly seconds.” ”


The four of them are all near their own blue zone, and they are starting the little dragon, and the third is the water dragon, which is a relatively strong dragon.

SMEB stared at the three-way line on the minimap, judging the situation next to the ruins of a tower on the lower road of ROX.

The ROX has a good line on the road.

Raven handed over a TP directly to the upper road, ready to exchange the small dragon for EDG’s upper road two towers and even highland.

The dragon won’t necessarily be lost, and the Peanut rating is still stable clearlove.


As soon as the SMEB teleportation landed, a crescent moon streaked through the front, and the wave of minions beside Raven had almost been cleared.

Smeb raised his eyes, and in front of the second tower of EDG, Izerell, the glacier warrior of Rainstorm, was standing coldly.

Raven took a step forward.

In the next second, around Raven’s body, the sound of the special effects of the dream and the special effects of silver debris appeared together!!!

Sharp bell!

Luo Xuyan glared, and the time in his ears became empty and silent.

Luo Xuyan: “Then come!” ”

This wave of Jedi solos, the strongest heroes of the game on both sides, finally began, and the third water dragon seemed insignificant compared to anyone.


SMEB hit EDG head-on on the second tower of the road, and the blade of banishment pointed straight at Izerell!

This wave of solo was a fate, and Smeb entered the tower under the cover of one remaining artillery and two melee soldiers.

Luo Xuyan’s QW skill two rays of light shot in a row.

Raven starts with an ER combo to smooth displacement, using the displacement to avoid Izerell Q skill, and shield to block W damage.

In the next moment, Raven flashed W and roared towards Izereel’s feet!

SMEB has the bonus of CD heel talent “insight”, and this wave has flashed on him.

Raven: “Put the doubt behind. ”

Physically and mentally controlled, Luo Xuyan’s E skill was pulled away to the flank in an instant, and Raven’s W stepped on the air in front of him.

Raven is still in a state of dreams, has a great advantage in movement speed, and quickly swings two Qs in a row, and the edge of the second Q has already injured Izerell.

The defensive tower immediately lit up at Raven.

Raven: “A necessary assault. ”

Smeb lightly connected the general attack, S6’s dream initiative even increased the attack speed, Raven’s general attack was so fast that there was no trace, and the third sword blade was cut high at the same time.

Luo Xuyan Q shot out to catch the flash, and Raven’s sword blade was immediately cut into the air!

Luo Xuyan’s gaze was solemn in a rare way.

The S6’s Nightmare Active effect lasted six seconds, and it’s only halfway through.

The S6 already has the talent of “Resourcefulness”, which can provide a 5% cooldown reduction and increase the upper limit of the cooldown reduction to 45%.

Raven’s next set of skills actually came very quickly.

Smeb is not a reckless man, and this wave he is undoubtedly very sure that he will kill Izerell single-handedly over the tower.

Of course, if Luo Xuyan gave up the upper two towers to escape with one mind, he would indeed be able to escape.


Black Cut passively accelerates as Raven steps over the ice boxing deceleration field.

The Raven Pu attack distance of the big move state also has a bonus, fiercely slashing out a passive blow plus Hydra actively resetting the general attack and then adding a passive blow.

Most of Izerell’s blood was missing.

It is already close to the killing line of Raven’s second stage R Swift Wind Slash, if it weren’t for the ice fist with a little armor, the person would already be gone.

Luo Xuyan: “Shield come!!! ”

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