October 17th, night.

The night sinks like water.

It was the EDG team’s last night in Chicago, and the plane departing for New York would depart tomorrow morning.

Now S6 is still not eliminated team, only three LCK teams and EDG, so EDG can only train with the friendly snake.

ROX They did not send an invitation to the training match, Mao Kai and Abu were also a little moved, but Luo Xuyan thought carefully and persuaded them to refuse.

Historically, the director himself analyzed why the S6 failed miserably.

According to him, he made the same mistake as TSM at the beginning, in order to win the training match, there were too many things on display, and he was blind as soon as he arrived at the game.

Although there is definitely an element of the factory director’s hard mouth, it is basically the truth.

And the heroes that the director is training now cannot be exposed in advance, but they can’t practice anything if they are hidden.

Therefore, Luo Xuyan asked the coach to simply refuse the training match with the LCK team.

How to practice between the three LCK teams, EDG does not need to mix.

If you want to play a training match with the three LCK teams to improve the winning rate of the main match, it must be time-consuming, laborious and ineffective.

As for the answers to those versions of the S6, I have long known them.


Mao Kai and Abu naturally agreed so easily, but they also asked EDG what the rest of the country thought.

The director nodded and agreed with Luo Xuyan’s opinion, Meiko also raised his hand in support, Koro1 and Scout were more cautious, asked Luo Xuyan a few more words, but they all agreed.

Seeing this, Abu nodded.

Mao Kai looked at Luo Xuyan more, and unconsciously, Luo Xuyan has gradually become the backbone of EDG.


Abu: “Then it’s so decided, everyone rest early today, these two days have been hard.” ”

Mao Kai: “By the way, the previous ROX and RNG competition was a rare reference, and I will review it again tomorrow.” ”

Meiko couldn’t help but say, “Do you have it again?” ”

Mao Kai couldn’t help but say this time, let everyone go to rest first.


According to Mao Kai, RNG’s configuration this year is really not weak, and if you can carefully review their bo5 with ROX, it should be very rewarding.


Everyone soon went to rest, and soon only some blue light of the chassis and keyboard was left in the training room.

The night is quiet.

By the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, Luo Xuyan opened a can of orange-flavored soda and crossed his legs on the sofa, and the first sip was indeed the best drink.

Later today, I already had a game of solo with Meiko, who claimed to be the “king of solo in the EDG team”.

Yasso Hammerstone, meiko level 3 was killed by the EQ Dodge Tower.

The effect of the “Wanderer” talent is obvious.

People themselves are like a computer with a fast Internet.

People do not have perfect control over their body and mind, and it takes time for thinking to make judgments and react to the body.

For example, when you see a robot ticking over, you must first react to the robot’s actions, then analyze and judge where you should go, and finally click the mouse to complete the position.

If the process from “making a judgment” to “reacting” is not fast enough, there will be a scene where the person hides too slowly and then the person is hooked away.

And the stronger the physical and mental control, the faster this response will be.

It’s like how much a swordsman controls his sword.

After the Ronin talent takes effect, the coordination of thinking and reaction will be greatly improved, almost perfectly coordinated, as if turning into a sharp sword.


[Well, I went to bed late a few days ago, and I couldn’t sleep because I let me rest early tonight. ] 】

Luo Xuyan drank the soda in a few sips, put on the team uniform jacket and went downstairs to buy a new bottle.

At the vending machine at the corner of the stairs, a tall and somewhat familiar girl in a linen-colored knit is clicking the button of the vending machine.

Luo Xuyan waited behind the girl for a while, only listening to the girl: “Why can’t it fall out?” ”

Luo Xuyan said naturally: “Then buy another one and try?” ”

Girl: “Huh? ”

The girl in front quickly turned her head, raised her head slightly, and saw Luo Xuyan smiling slightly.

Luo Xuyan: “What a coincidence, it seems that we still have a fate.” ”

The girl was the rotten group, and after being stunned, she suddenly bowed her head: “Hmm… Xiao Wei and I are in this hotel…”

Luo Xuyan looked at the vending machine, and the orange soda that the rotten group wanted to buy was stuck at the shipping port.

Luo Xuyan reached out and put two of the prepared coins in, and also took a bottle of orange soda, and the two bottles fell out together.

The rot tuan took the ice soda handed by Luo Xuyan, lowered his head and whispered thank you.

Luo Xuyan was still not sleepy at all, and sat on the bench next to the vending machine for a while.

The rotten tuan also sat for a while holding the soda.

Luo Xuyan suddenly looked at the rotten ball: “You also like to drink orange-flavored soda.” ”

Rotten Tuan: “Well, I like it. ”

The rot group looked over, and then looked down at the soda in his hand.

Luo Xuyan said seriously: “Actually, I am going to build a group that loves to drink orange-flavored soda, and I need you to join me.” ”

The rot tuan was startled, blinked his eyes and thought for several seconds, and after reacting, his thoughts were confused for another three seconds.

His thoughts finally became clear, and the rotten group suddenly remembered what Du Xiaomei said this afternoon.

“… I feel that if you go to ask for WeChat, Luo Xuyan must agree without saying a word, and he may even take the initiative to add you…”

As for the reason, Du Xiaomei did not say at that time.

As if thinking of something, the rotten ball blushed and nodded.

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