


When this wave of one-for-five team battles ended, the two dolls, Miller, in the commentary booth, seemed to have experienced this battle personally, and they were so excited that they were hot all over!

“Although RNG found this wave of opportunities very well, when they caught Scout’s greedy moment, they decisively killed him in seconds.”

“But the reaction speed of QG and the others was so fast that they came directly to support!”

“And the five RNG members never thought that the QG team, which had been avoiding battles for so long, suddenly decided to take over this wave of team battles. As a result, almost all their skills were handed over to Xeras and the excavator.”

“The most important thing is that Sofm’s excavator didn’t die in the end!”

“Then, there will be a performance by Uzi, Brother Holy Gun and Xiao Ming.”

“After all the skills of the five RNG players have been handed over, no one can threaten Uzi’s output ring anymore.After the holy gun brother’s knife sister rushed in, it was like entering a no-man’s land, killing all directions! ”

“There is also the last wave of Xiao Ming driving around spiritually, directly strangling Xiaohu’s chance to escape, and taking Uzi to directly win the triple kill!”

Wa Wa quickly recounted the whole process of this wave of team battles in a very excited tone, and felt that the blood was boiling and hearty!

At the same time, the director also showed the replay footage of the team battle again, hoping to let the audience appreciate this magnificent mid-lane team battle again.

But at this moment, Miller’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he discovered a possibility!

“You said, Scout’s greedy behavior is actually just selling? Attracting five players from RNG to jump over the tower?”

“After all, you think 21, Scout’s last wave of consciousness was so good, this wave, even if the nerves are a little relaxed, you shouldn’t take the risk to make up the knife when you clearly see the five of RNG huddled together, especially him Make sure that your flash is still not good.”

“As for Sofm’s sole support, it’s also possible that he felt that the five players of RNG still didn’t have enough skills, so he took the risk to go up, and then absolutely trusted his teammates. He came back through two mouthfuls of healing milk from Scout and Uzi, and successfully escaped.”

“There’s nothing to talk about after that. Xiao Ming first strongly protected Uzi for a wave, and then Uzi and Brother Holy Gun, two double Cs, chased back and forth, and defeated RNG in a wave!”

Miller analyzed in a serious manner, but the eyes of the doll on the side widened.

“Really? Why does it feel like there is a possibility!”

“I’m just guessing. Of course, it’s also possible that everyone in QG spontaneously played this wave of Tianxiu cooperation, but I still think this wave should be disciplined, organized, and premeditated. I suggest waiting for a post-match interview. When the host asks this question.”

Miller smiled softly, making the QG fans nod in satisfaction. After all, no matter what the reason was, after this wave of one-for-five team battles ended, the QG team took off completely!

Brother Holy Gun, 4-0!

Uzi, 3-0!

Although the development of the two of them was very miserable in the early stage, but now, they can already sit on an equal footing with everyone in RNG!

“If before this wave of team battles, RNG was 73 against QG, then after this wave is over, it will directly become 55. You can start to actively fight with RNG to try.”

“However, if QG continues to delay for a while, when Uzi and Holy Gun have better equipment, and Scout’s equipment catches up, the team battle will be better.”

“Of course, as far as RNG is concerned, it is not that they have no chance at all. As long as they continue to control the wild area resources, even take down the dragon, and then fight a wave of perfect team battles, RNG still has a chance to win this game !”

The game time is slowly advancing towards 20 minutes. The situation of the two teams has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the battle is about to enter a fierce stage.

The two commentators kept analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the two teams as well as the key points of victory on the stage. They hoped that the game would not end so quickly.

“Although there is still a round of same-group confrontation in the summer split, I can almost affirm that this match is definitely the most exciting match in the entire summer split!”

The doll spoke loudly, and Miller nodded in agreement.

“Now, it’s up to the two teams who can seize the next opportunity.”

“And if nothing else happens, the next group will be the winning group!”

As the two commentators said, when the game time had just reached 20 minutes, the atmosphere in Summoner’s Canyon was already tense to the point where it couldn’t be more tense.

Any slight disturbance can cause great reactions from the players on both sides. I am afraid that there will be too many mistakes at such a time point, which will ruin the game!

QG and the others continued to drag their development. In the case of successfully keeping the second tower, RNG’s big dragon force group still did not pose a big threat to them.

On the other hand, Brother Holy Gun’s sword sister, because she has already taken off, has started to play a single belt in the bottom lane. If RNG really starts to fight the dragon, she can TP it.

Such a situation makes everyone in RNG very uncomfortable. Looper’s troll can no longer beat Daomei in 1v1. Even if his teammates come to catch him, Brother Saint Gun will immediately retreat when he senses something is wrong, and he will not give him a chance to catch the order.

What’s more, now RNG doesn’t dare to dispatch a large number of people to catch Brother Holy Gun. Although QG’s lineup has not yet entered its peak period, if they rush to Dalong now, they will not be slow!

“The big dragon is forcing the group!”

“We must fight QG!”

After finishing the team battle in the middle lane in 17 minutes, the two sides grew up peacefully until 20 minutes.

Immediately afterwards, in the frantic mutual testing, the game time slowly came to 25 minutes.

Even in these 8 minutes, RNG took down the third little dragon again, but when the fourth elemental dragon was refreshed again, their team win rate was already lower than that of QG!

Therefore, the big dragon must be taken down before the small elemental dragon respawns to end the game!

So, under Mata’s command, Looper no longer entangled with Brother Holy Gun, and went straight to the Dalong Pit. When he just arrived, he went straight to fight Dalong!

As for QG, Sofm immediately realized that something was wrong with RNG, and hurriedly reminded him.

“RNG should have the big dragon force the team.”

“Let’s touch it! ”

Uzi was equally quick to react.

Although their vision of the red zone is not bad, the Dalong Pit is completely dark, but it’s not enough to just walk through it like this, because the two bushes of the red BUFF are also black, once the RNG people squat there With that, they can be wiped out in an instant!

“RNG determined that the Dalong Pit has no eyes, and started rushing Dalong directly!”

“They knew that the big dragon was the last chance to win, so they fought very decisively!”

“It’s not fast, but it’s also dissatisfied. Can QG react?”

From God’s perspective, Wawa said nervously on behalf of QG, because at this moment, they are still using their skills to test whether there is anyone in the grass!

“There is only half of the big dragon left, and QG hasn’t found it yet.”

“Dalong only has 5,000 blood left, QG is here!”

“RNG was inserted by the real eye, but Dalong only has 3,000 blood left!”

“Is RNG going to stop? I didn’t listen, I’m going to fight for punishment!”

“Brother Holy Gun has also started TP, and the final team is about to fight!”

Miller’s speech speed became very fast at this moment, and the hearts of all the audience were hanging high, their fists were clenched, their brows were furrowed, and they were extremely nervous!

Seeing Dalong’s blood volume getting less and less, Mala Xiangguo made the most correct decision!

Explode the wine barrel!

The big move is thrown directly towards the inner wall of the dragon pit. As long as it explodes, the four QG people above the dragon pit will all be blown back!

But when Xerath and Toad were blown away, Sofm flashed directly into the dragon pit, and Uzi directly hid again with his E skill, and at the same time threw out a Q skill of whirling blade.

Grasp of Hades!

On Xiaohu’s side, he had been staring at the position of the excavator. The moment he flashed down, he pressed his big move directly on the excavator’s body.

But I never thought that Xiao Ming’s Tam immediately flashed back to the Dragon Pit, swallowed the excavator directly through the wall, and spit it back into the Dragon Pit again!

But who knew, as soon as he went down, he was directly stuck in the corner by a pillar raised from the ground by Looper, unable to move!

Just when Mala Xiangguo was about to punish and take away the dragon, he suddenly found that he was also unable to move. After a closer look, Scout’s Xerath also flashed out of the dragon pit, and the E skill precisely brushed against the dragon and landed on him. body…

At this time, Baron Nash only had less than 500 blood left!

In an instant, everyone gave up the other’s head, exhausted all their skills and peace A, and greeted the big dragon, trying to knock out the last trace of its blood.


In the next moment, the big dragon disappeared!

“Whose dragon is it?”

“Dalong belongs to QG!”

“Scout grabbed the big dragon!”

Although I don’t know how Scout did it, but with the landing of the holy gun brother and sister, the big dragon team battle is imminent!

Then, it will end soon!

When the five members of RNG took the lead in attacking the Baron, and the dual resistance was already greatly reduced by the Baron, when QG’s attack fell on them, no one could withstand it at all!

And when the fleshiest troll was finally killed, those two powerful words rang out proudly.

Group destroyed!

The game time was 26 minutes, QG successfully played 0 for 5 again, and the group wiped out RNG!

Although RNG’s middle tower has not been broken until now, the resurrection time of RNG people exceeds 40 seconds, and QG has a big dragon buff, and when the two waves of troops just converge.

The five members of QG still blew the horn of charging, like ten thousand horses galloping, rushed all the way from the middle tower to the high ground, flattening RNG’s base crystal in one wave!


And when the word victory jumped up, the QG team won the RNG team again and won the victory of this peak duel!

“let us……”

“Congratulations to QG!”

Just like the ebullient and cheering QG fans, Doll Miller was also very excited.

“2 to 0, 2 to 0 again!”

“Even RNG couldn’t stop QG from winning!”

“Eleven consecutive victories in big games and 22 consecutive victories in small games. No team can stop QG!”

“Could it be that QG will really, as Manager Zhang said before the start of the summer split, go all out and win the summer split directly, and then hit the World Championship?”

“And according to this situation, it seems that only the strong opponent in the World Championship has a chance to threaten QG!”

Miller exclaimed repeatedly. Although the playoffs haven’t started yet, his mind is already on the world championship that will come in a few months!

Because this QG team really let him see the hope of winning the World Championship. They dare to fight and fight hard, and they have no weaknesses. Even if they face SKT, they may not be in vain!

Or you can be more confident, as long as this QG team enters the World Championship, then 2016 will be the most promising year for the LPL! .

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