With the doll’s exclamation, all eyes were on the big screen.

Seeing the five members of QG trotting all the way, the QG fans were ecstatic, and it also made the RNG fans extremely nervous, for fear that everyone in RNG would really be killed.QG gave a first-level routine!

The next moment, the five QG people rushed into the river, but when Sofm’s men rushed into the RNG wild area first, they were directly seen by Xiangguo’s wine barrel, and at the same time left a fake eye at the intersection.

“Master Dog, shall we withdraw?”

Sofm, who walked into the grass, didn’t know what to do for a while, so he asked directly.

“Go in and take a stroll. We have Bron, so what are you afraid of?”

Uzi said decisively, and then walked into RNG’s red buff area together with everyone in front of WE’s eyes.

On the other hand, everyone in the RNG team, the current formation is a bit scattered, and the bottom team is still in the bottom half of the field.

But when Looper’s Shen also saw the QG people in the triangle grass on the top road, RNG’s commander Mata also made his decision!

“Let’s fight a first-level regiment!”

“Karma has two skills of RQ, plus my stun, she can definitely beat her!”

Mata spoke loudly. Although their lineup is going to play in the late stage, if they play a first-level team, they really may not be empty!

So the next moment, when it was confirmed that the five members of QG were still in their red BUFF wild area, the five members of RNG started their outflanking operation!

“RNG is looking for QG to play a first-level team!”

Seeing the mother of the wheel and the mother of the fan and the gem walking into the grass on the upper river, the two of them, the baby Miller, were about to go crazy!

Knowing that today’s BO3 is a peak duel, knowing that today’s game will definitely be very interesting, but never imagined that the two teams are so angry that they will play a first-level team!

“It doesn’t matter whether the first-level regiment can win, but at least the momentum cannot be lost!”

The baby laughed wildly, and asked Miller again.

“However, if this wave of first-level regiments really starts fighting, who will win?”

When the doll’s question was asked, Miller did not answer.

Because at this time, the five members of RNG finally arrived at the grass in the upper river from different directions, but the problem is that there is a fake eye of QG here!

“It’s started again.”

“QG knows that RNG knows that he has entered their jungle area, and RNG also knows that he was seen by QG, ​​so this level group… Looper walked up, it seems that they really want to fight!”

The next moment, I saw Looper walking towards the grass outside the red BUFF wall cautiously.

But as soon as he entered the grass, he turned back instantly!

Boom! Winter’s Bite!

Dah! Boomerang!

It was just a small move, and he actually directly cheated out the two skills of Xiao Ming and Brother Holy Gun, and none of them hit him!

“Is this the strength of the top top laner Looper?”

“QG has five first-level skills, two of which were directly cheated out. This wave of first-level groups, RNG must fight!”

Accompanied by Doll’s exclamation, the next moment, as expected, the five members of RNG moved forward in unison, pressing forward!

On the other hand, QG, also because of lack of skills, hurriedly retreated, but when they came to the three-way intersection, because the RNG people deliberately forced them to move, they were cut out of the formation at this time!

Uzi’s Ashe and Scout’s cards were forced to go up the road, and the other three were forced to go in the direction of the red buff!


Seeing this, Mata’s eyes lit up, and the next moment, while walking directly towards RNG Uenosuke and the three, she activated the E skill glare, trying to stun them all!

On the other side, Looper directly pressed the E skill mystery! Shadow binding! Rush towards the QG double C, directly stunned them in place!

Meat bomb impact!

Even at this time, the spicy hot pot that followed immediately made the double C faint again, and connected to the control chain!

“QG lost!”

Although this wave of first-tier groups was just the beginning, the fans of RNG instantly became ecstatic, as if they had already seen the scene where the first-tier groups directly wiped out QG!

But at the next moment, the situation in the wild changed suddenly!

When Xiao Ming saw Xiaohu throw Fanzima’s RQ towards the three of them, and Wheelmama also threw her boomerang towards them, he quickly put the weakness on Xiaohu’s body and shouted loudly at the same time.

“We fight back! Their skills are all gone!”

After finishing speaking, he slapped the last Looper with a slap, and activated his passive!

“not good!”

In the blink of an eye, Mata also realized that it was terrible, and only then discovered that they did not transfer their skills to the same person, so that even though the blood volume of the five QG players was wiped out under the rain and dew, everyone actually Still quite healthy!


The situation reversed in an instant, the first-level regiment could no longer fight, and the five RNG members hurriedly retreated.

How could the unreasonable QG people let them go like this?

Sofm’s men began to sprint, ready to rush to the RNG five-man formation, and use the E skill to kick one back.

But he was also weak by Mata’s quick eyesight and quick hands.

But the E skill is a control skill, what’s the use of being weakened?


So, with the five members of QG focusing on Looper, the first blood was born in an instant!

QG.Uzi killed RNG.Looper!


The game time was 1 minute and 20 seconds. When the minions hadn’t even set off from home, RNG sent out a blood.

But the first-level regiment didn’t end there!

All arrows are fired!

It wasn’t until this time that Uzi threw out Ashe’s W skill and instantly gave RNG the remainingGroup of four slow down!


Mata, who was about to be knocked out of Bron’s passive, quickly flashed away, and the two of them, Jiu Keg, supported each other and fled in the direction of F4.

But at this moment, they watched as Scout’s card cut a yellow card in seconds, and flew towards… Xiaohu!


As a last resort, Xiaohu also handed over his flash to move away, but the golden card still fixed himself in place with a “ding” sound!

This is not a flash to move the grave, because the fan mother does not have Braum’s passive, as long as the stun time is over, she can definitely escape…


But before Xiaohu could catch his breath, he suddenly saw Xiao Ming’s Bron flashing behind him resolutely.

Then he slapped him, and slapped him brazenly!

(Continue to ask for flowers and evaluation votes from all the bosses to support!!!).

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