Since he knew that the Xie family's house was fine, Qin Liuxi didn't plan to stay any longer. He just wanted to solve Miss Xie's matter and went to the Xie family's ancestral grave. But seeing how miserable the Xie family was, he didn't even think about coming, so he took the initiative to take care of the matter.

One of them is to figure out a process for recuperating the body of the only child of the Xie family. Otherwise, even if the child is raised, he will probably be frail and sick, and it will be difficult to pass on to heirs and live a long life.

"...It's medicine that's three parts poison. The young master was born prematurely due to fright in his mother's body. He was born weak due to lack of vitality, but in fact, it's okay if he is slowly nursed back to health. However, you turned him into a medicine jar, and the medicine he took It's more than drinking milk, but it makes the bones of this body toxic." Qin Liuxi looked at Xie Shi'an's thin and frail body and sighed slightly.

No matter how much medicine this child took, even if he didn't get close enough, he could still smell the smell of medicine coming from his body. His face was pale and bloodless, but the Xie family kept stewing medicinal food on it, and it became... If the deficiency is not supplemented, the more it is supplemented, the weaker it becomes.

"Toxicity, does it mean that the remaining medicinal properties of the decoction become poisonous?" Zhang, the fifth daughter-in-law of the Xie family, Xie Shian's mother, asked anxiously.

Qin Liuxi nodded: "He takes more medicine than food every day. His spleen and stomach are weak and it is difficult to digest and absorb. It will only accumulate in the internal organs and naturally become toxic."

“The doctor has never said that.” Mrs. Xie frowned and said, “Our Xie family has an imperial doctor who is responsible for Ping An Pulse all year round, and there is also a doctor in the mansion. This..."

"It's not that they deliberately made the young master's illness worse, but that they tended to treat the disease based on superficial symptoms and were eager for success. Or maybe they knew it well, but couldn't make rash suggestions. After all, this single seedling is so valuable, as everyone knows ." Qin Liuxi said with a half-smile.

Imperial doctors and doctors are not unkind, but they also care about their lives. Especially imperial doctors, who have been among the powerful for a long time, and know how to save lives. If they make rash suggestions and kill people's suggestions, this is not what they are doing. affordable.

They would rather be moderate and save this weak life than they dare to make random suggestions. They are not afraid of 10,000 but just in case.

Mrs. Xie obviously thought of this and couldn't help but sigh and said, "Master, I dare to speak up."

Qin Liuxi smiled and said: "I dare to say that it can be recuperated naturally. His body is deficient in vitality and blood, so the first thing to replenish is naturally the vitality. The vitality is comparable to personal essence, this is enough When the Qi is gone, the Qi will naturally flow smoothly, and the blood circulation will naturally flow smoothly and plentifully. But in the past, you prescribed medicines at random. To think about it, for his health, he also hired doctors many times. Each doctor prescribed different prescriptions. Sickness has become sick.”

 Xie's family members were a little embarrassed when they heard this.

Shengjing is a big place, and many families who only have a single seedling value it very much. The same is true for their family, especially the Xie family's single seedling, which is still dead, so it is even more precious.

The child was born prematurely, and even if he coughed, they would be in trouble day and night. One doctor didn't think it was good, and the medicine was useless, so they changed it to another one. They even sent people to find the mysterious doctor Du Ren who had never seen the dragon, but there was no one. fruit.

Just as Qin Liuxi said, the doctor looked at it again and again, changing the prescriptions one by one. This single seedling was still weak and could not even carry out the martial arts training that the Xie family children had to do.

He is really weak and would faint even if he was hit by a horse. How should he practice?

Now Qin Liuxi said that their care was so tense that it harmed the children, making them feel a little embarrassed.

Mrs. Xie sat on a chair, holding her faucet crutch tightly with her hand, and asked: "Master Yi, what do you think should be done to treat An'er's illness at home?"

"I first gave him acupuncture to regulate qi and blood, reconcile yin and yang, and restore vitality. As for the decoction, I will put it aside for the time being. First, I will detoxify the remaining medicine in the body, and then take the medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach. Yuan's medicine, and soaking in medicinal baths to strengthen the muscles and bones, you also need to exercise every day." Qin Liuxi said: "This exercise is not based on the kind of open and close martial arts training of your generals, he can't bear it. "

"That is?"

"Wake up and walk briskly in the morning. Start with half an hour, and slowly increase it to an hour. It's better if you can sweat a little. You can also take a walk after a meal to eliminate food. By the way, I have a copy of Our Qingping Guan here. The young master can practice these exercises to strengthen his body and cultivate his mind." She took out a book with a light blue cover from the Qiankun bag and handed it to Zhang.

Everyone’s eyes bulged slightly, staring at the plain cloth bag on her waist, and they were very curious. The bag was small, and it didn’t look like it could hold such a booklet. It didn’t even have any corners. How could it be taken out?

Ping Ping Wu Qi Qian Kun Bag: Qian Kun in the sleeves, do you know about Taoist instruments? !

 Zhang looked at the words in the booklet with a somewhat confused expression. "Qing Ping Sheng Gong, can this really be practiced?"

“I’m practicing these. When my body gets better, I can practice martial arts according to the normal moves and gradually increase my strength.”

Mrs. Xie’s hands tightened: “You mean this kid can still practice martial arts in the future?”

 Zhang pursed her lips and said nothing.

 If you can practice martial arts, you can go to the battlefield, but secretly, she hopes that this child can't do martial arts.

Qin Liuxi said: "It's okay after he's been nursed back to health. I see that you still have to hold him while walking. This is actually not good for your health. Raising a child is too delicate, which is not beautiful."

She said a few more precautions, and then sat down to prescribe. The first thing was to detoxify the medicine. After opening it, she handed it over and said: "After the detoxification is completed, you can go to the Palace of Eternal Life to prepare it. They will prepare it. Three meals a day." Then take one pill for a month, and then take this decoction."

 She handed over another one, thought about it and wrote two more medicated diet prescriptions suitable for his body, as well as medicated bath prescriptions, as well as a sheet of taboos.

Then, she asked Mrs. Xie to call the doctor of the Xie family. Acupuncture was not enough just once. She planned to let the doctor learn from him. When she was away, she could also perform acupuncture and regulate the young master's qi.

The Xie family doctor’s surname is Xu. He has no children. He is a military doctor who retired and took care of his old age at Xie’s house. He came in a hurry and listened to Qin Liuxi’s explanation. He was still a little confused. Someone is willing to teach acupuncture?

It wasn't until Qin Liuxi taught and lectured that he calmed down and studied carefully.

After acupuncture, Doctor Xu couldn't help but feel the young master's pulse. The pulse was not as weak as before. When asked about his feelings again, his body was not as heavy and weak as before. He couldn't help but be shocked. This was the old lady's encounter with Du. After the miracle doctor, it was the young master’s turn to meet the miracle doctor again.

This set of acupuncture is a good acupuncture method. Doctor Xu personally wrote down the order of acupuncture with a pen, and asked a lot of questions. He decided to give the young master a few acupunctures first when he went back, so as not to fail to achieve the desired effect when acupuncture was given to the young master.

"Acupuncture and decoction must be combined with diet. You are the doctor of the mansion. You have to take care of it yourself. As long as he doesn't travel and adjust like this, he will be able to run and jump in less than a year." Qin Liuxi said to Xu's doctor: "Practicing medicine is You need to be cautious, but sometimes, the treatment is not effective, so it doesn’t hurt to be bold with some suggestions.”

Physician Xu's face was filled with shame and he accepted the instruction.

Qin Liuxi was thoughtful and not only willing to teach the government doctors to practice acupuncture, but the Xie family thought it was over, but they didn't expect that she also gave her a protective jade amulet to wear. After all, the Xie family's luck would change, and an amulet could always block it. Due to these disasters, even several daughters-in-law of the Xie family have amulets, which makes Mrs. Xie feel like she has found a treasure.

In addition to caring for the weak seedling of Xie Shi'an, the life of Mrs. Xie was more important at the moment. Qin Liuxi made another puppet, using bamboo as the bone and paper as the skin, and made a paper man. A strand of her hair was glued to the paper figure's head, then she dotted the eyes, wrote her birthday and birth date in blood, and placed it on Old Mrs. Xie's bed.

When the Xie family saw it, they felt chills all over their bodies, especially when they saw that the paper figure was life-size and eerie, and the hairs on their hair stood on end.

Only Mrs. Xie felt something strange, as if the weight on her body seemed to have dissipated, and she no longer looked like herself.

Shunfang said honestly: "This trick is so scary that it can take the place of the old lady and bear the bad luck. Nothing will happen, right?"

Qin Liuxi said: "It is said that it is hiding from the sky, but it is actually borrowing objects to escape the disaster. However, if the root problem is not solved within twenty-one days, the old lady will still not be able to escape this fate. Except for this, In addition, we must also strictly guard against physical changes.”

 “What is physical change?”

"This is borrowing an object to represent the form, and it is a magic. It is said that all things have animism. Once the opportunity comes, it can take its place, which makes the object change and counterattack." Everyone felt a chill all over, and their eyes were full of fear when looking at the paper man.

 If things change, wouldn't this paper man become their old lady of the Xie family? This, the risk is too great.

Imagine a paper figure sitting on this bed, majestically asking them to kowtow and salute, saying "Taijun"...

  Ah, you can’t think about this. Whenever you think about it, your heart will tremble. The more you think about it, the more miserable you become!

Especially when I saw the paper man covered with a quilt, I wanted to run away.

Shunfang swallowed her saliva and said, "Then how to prevent this? The old lady has to follow you to Shunyang, this..."

“Don’t worry, I’ve used magic to set up a formation on Old Taijun’s bed. Ordinary spirits can’t get in, as long as the formation is not broken.”

Since she did such a trick, how could she shoot herself in the foot and backfire?

If you want to break the formation, you have to suffer a lot first, and if the formation is broken, she will know it immediately and respond to the paper man.

 The overturning of the car must not happen, otherwise it will ruin her reputation!

Looking at Qin Liuxi's confident performance, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After settling these things, the group headed to Shunyang. Also traveling with Mrs. Xie was her second daughter-in-law, Mrs. Zhou, who was tall and thick, with extremely cold features.

And with Qin Liuxi by his side in this industry, Mrs. Xie was taken good care of. Those eyes that could no longer see, with Qin Liuxi's daily acupuncture and medication, could actually see a little blurry again. something.

In Qin Liuxi's words, her eyes are caused by emotional depression and rising phlegm. She will become blind only if she cries too much at once. She needs acupuncture and medication. She will not overuse her eyes in the future, even if her vision is not as clear as before. It's not like you can't see any light at all.

 Xie's family was very excited. The family had been unlucky for many years, and now they finally met a real nobleman.

The five-day journey was shortened by three days by Qin Liuxi. If she hadn't been afraid that these people wouldn't be able to withstand it, she would probably have taken the Yin Road with them, which would have been faster.

 Shunyang Fan family.

Mrs. Fan's eyelids were twitching badly today. She looked outside at a bright blue sky, but the sky was extremely dark, with a faint ominous air. She couldn't help but feel uneasy, and she quickly fiddled with the small-leaf red sandalwood beads in her hand.

 However, the more he moved it, the more irritated he felt, and he hooked his fingers.


The rosary string in my hand suddenly broke, the beads fell to the ground, and one even cracked.

Mrs. Fan's pupils shrank suddenly and her breathing stagnated. She stared at the rosary beads rolling around on the ground, her lips pursed tightly, and her already thin face with high cheekbones became more and more mean.

A nun surnamed Cheng who was waiting beside her changed her face when she saw her. She quickly glanced at Mrs. Fan's face and then said with an ouch, "What's wrong with Ling'er's little hooves? It’s because I didn’t take good care of the beads, and I didn’t check whether the thread was spinning properly.”

She was cursing, and Mrs. Fan said with a sullen face: "Okay, pack everything up and go have someone prepare it, and go to Lingyang Temple tomorrow to burn incense."

"Yes." Aunt Cheng quickly called for someone, gathered all the rosary beads in the box, and took out a new rosary. Seeing Mrs. Fan rubbing her temples, she said: "Old Madam, I have a headache, old slave. Can you give me a head massage?"

Just as Mrs. Fan was about to speak, a maid's voice sounded outside, and then she walked in, looking a little panicked.

 “What’s wrong with you in such a panic?” Grandma Cheng scolded her first.

The maid bowed and said: "Old madam, the concierge has sent word that the old lady from the in-laws is here."

 “I’m here as soon as my in-laws are here, why are you panicking?”

"No, it's not the current in-laws, it's the former wife, the old lady of the Xie family." the maid replied.

Mrs. Fan sat up straight, her expression slightly changed.

Why is this old lady here?

Mammy Cheng was also a little shocked. Since the death of that person, except for giving some gifts during festivals, the two families have stopped moving.

  No, even when the late wife was here, she would not go around with her natal family.

 Now, the late Madam has been away for more than three years, but the most unlikely person has come to the Fan family.

Mammy Cheng swallowed her saliva and looked at the box containing the rosary beads. Is it because of this that it was broken?

Even if you don’t want to in your heart, you have already arrived at the door and you still have to invite the person in.

Mrs. Fan's eyebrows were knitted tightly, and she was wondering why Mrs. Xie came to Shunyang. What was it for?

She pressed her heart that was beating fast, turned around and ordered: "Go get a pill of pills, I'm very flustered."

 A quarter of an hour later, she met Mrs. Xie and her party.

  Grand Mrs. Xie is older than she thought. Also, Xie’s family members are all dead. No matter how strong-minded she is, she can’t hold on, right?

Mrs. Fan's eyes passed by the rosewood dragon-head crutch in her hand again. It was given by the saint. It was a gift from the emperor, which represented status and more importantly, confidence.

Feeling a gaze falling on her, Mrs. Fan followed the gaze and met a pair of bottomless black eyes.

Those eyes were astonishingly bright, as if they could see through everything, even the darkest things hidden in her heart could not escape her eyes.

Mrs. Fan looked at her with these eyes, her throat felt like it was being strangled, and she found it hard to breathe. Cold air rushed from the soles of her feet to her limbs, and her whole body became stiff.

 The snow suddenly fell, and the wind whimpered, like an old friend crying. (End of chapter)

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