Missy, She Always Does Not Seek To Make Progress

Chapter 1091: Take it voluntarily

Wushi Powder has different formulas prescribed by doctors, but its medicinal properties are all hot and strong. After taking it, it can make the whole body heat up and produce a confusing hallucination, making people lose their mind and lose their sense of pain. If taken for a long time, It is addictive and intoxicating.

Historically, some powerful people liked to take Wushi Powder because it was stimulating and hallucinogenic. Some doctors used it as Mafei Powder to reduce the pain of patients and perform traumatic surgeries.

However, because Wu Shi Powder will become a chronic poison if taken for a long time, it is not allowed to be circulated. It is considered a banned drug. Even Dafeng is not allowed to be widely circulated on the surface. Of course, some people secretly take it in private.

 Queen Ke Mu’s body was found to contain Five Stone Powder!

Mrs. Mu was even more shocked than Queen Mu. She said angrily: "This is poisoning. Investigate it. It must be investigated. Whoever did this to the empress must be reported to the saint to find out."

Qin Liuxi said: "Madam, please don't be angry. I think you know what's going on."

Mrs. Mu was stunned and looked at Queen Mu subconsciously. What does this mean?


 Empress Mu had a stern look on her face.

Qin Liuxi looked at her and said calmly: "Your Majesty must have taken it voluntarily."

 “How outrageous!” Queen Mu slapped the phoenix couch.

Everyone was so frightened that they fell to their knees and shouted to the queen to calm down.

Queen Mu couldn't suppress her temper, she just felt a burst of evil fire rising slowly. As the fire rose, her head became more and more dizzy and painful. There were ghosts in front of her eyes, ghosts crying and wolves howling. The commotion made her scream: "Shut up! Shut up! My head hurts so much, ah! Cuizhu, Cuizhu, get me medicine, hurry up!"

 Mrs. Mu was already sluggish, with a look of confusion on her face.

how so?

 Did the Empress really take Wushi Powder voluntarily?

 Mrs. Mu’s murderous eyes shot towards Cuizhu.

How dare you hide this from them, you bastard!

The green bamboo trembled.


Empress Mu suddenly smashed the jade pillow behind her and said angrily: "Shut up and get me medicine quickly!"

She scratched her head with a ferocious look on her face. She was so frightened that Mrs. Mu turned pale and trembled all over. Why did the empress become like this?

  Empress Mu went crazy when she said she was going crazy. She didn't have the graceful and graceful demeanor in the past. The person in front of her had a head full of messy silver hair and looked crazy, like a crazy woman.

Mrs. Mu couldn't believe her eyes and looked horrified. If Queen Mu's appearance at this time was spread, I'm afraid it would cause an uproar.

  Not to mention how sick he is, with the crazy look in front of him, I'm afraid he will be pushed to the back.

Who would want a crazy woman to be the queen of a country?

Especially those of the prince's lineage, they will spare no effort to criticize her, strive to depose her, and then support the virtuous concubine to ascend to the throne, so that the prince can change his name.

As the saying goes, the more you are afraid of something, the more it will come. Someone from the palace outside came in a panic and spread the news that the noble concubine had come to pay her respects to the queen.

Mrs. Mu's pupils were trembling and she said in a deep voice: "If you stop her, just say that the empress is seeing a doctor and no one can disturb her."

 She looked at Qin Liuxi again asking for help.

Qin Liuxi had already taken out the silver needle and said he was offended to Queen Mu. He raised the needle and dropped it. Queen Mu stiffened and fell down softly, her face pale.

The voice of Concubine Xian was heard scolding the palace people from outside, as if she was the master of Fengyang Palace. Mrs. Mu was so angry that she was shaking all over and looked at Cuizhu: "Go and stabilize this person."

 Cuizhu is the eldest maid next to Queen Mu. Her reputation is bigger than that of ordinary palace maids.

Cuizhu hurriedly walked out, and soon he heard her calm and angry voice scolding the palace people, saying that the Queen was giving acupuncture, and she was making a lot of noise here, which delayed the treatment. Who can bear this responsibility? ?     She is referring to Sang scolding Huai!

 There is nothing wrong with the people in the palace, not even a palace maid!

Qin Liuxi helped Queen Mu on the bed and took her pulse again. The pulse became increasingly disordered, so she had to take out a few more silver needles, ask the palace maid to take off some clothes for the queen, take out a few acupuncture points, and insert the needles.

However, the sounds outside the dormitory were getting closer and closer, and it sounded like the noble concubine didn't believe that Queen Mu was performing acupuncture, and insisted on forcing her way in.

 Qin Liuxi's face was slightly cold.

  Until a footstep forced its way in, she turned her head.

A noble lady dressed in gorgeous clothes and adorned with pearls and emeralds appeared in sight. She was none other than the Crown Prince's mother, the Concubine Xian.

The other party obviously did not expect that Queen Mu was actually giving the acupuncture. After a moment of confusion, Cuizhu reacted and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty's kindness, when your Majesty wakes up, I will report it truthfully."

Concubine Xian forced a smile, bent her knees slightly towards the phoenix couch, and said warmly: "My sister is really worried about the queen sister, so she is bold and rude. Please forgive me, the queen sister."

Her gift was a bit perfunctory. She stood up and looked at Qin Liuxi. The other person's eyes were so cold that she froze in place. But then, she became a little angry. How could a medical woman dare to look at her like this? She is simply presumptuous.

Before she could speak, Qin Liuxi said coldly: "Get out."

Concubine Xian’s expression changed.

Qin Liuxi straightened up and said, "When I gave the acupuncture, no outsiders were allowed to be present. If I gave the wrong acupuncture and injured the empress's body, who would be responsible?"

She held a silver needle in her hand, which shone with a cold light, as if if someone moved, the silver needle would shoot out.

 Empress Mu woke up at some point and said in a hoarse voice: "Cui Zhu, please get out of here."

Cuizhu immediately stood in front of Concubine Xian and stretched out her hand: "Concubine, I will **** you out."

Concubine Xian smiled lightly and said, "Since it's inconvenient for my sister, I'll come and talk to my sister later."

 She took a deep look at Qin Liuxi and Mrs. Mu and walked out.

Mrs. Mu was very angry, just because her son became the prince and even broke into the queen's bedroom?

She turned to look at Queen Mu, with a hint of distress in her eyes. People said that the Queen's situation was becoming increasingly difficult, but what she knew was actually just the tip of the iceberg.

 “Empress…” Mrs. Mu choked up.

Empress Mu twitched her lips, looked at Qin Liuxi, and said, "Master, I have a headache. Five stones are scattered. I asked for it. Can you..."

She tried her best to endure the discomfort all over her body, like the bites and itches of ants wandering around her body, and the throbbing pain in her head, all of which made her tremble and sweat.

Mrs. Mu's eyes widened and she screamed: "Mother, why are you...are you crazy!"

 She actually asked for the food herself?

Qin Liuxi took another injection and said, "You can't eat it anymore. This Five Stone Powder has already formed poison in your body. If you continue like this, sooner or later you won't be able to bear it."

"But I really can't stand it anymore. I feel so cold and my head hurts so much. Only Five Stone Powder can make me feel comfortable." Queen Mu trembled and looked at Qin Liuxi with tears in her eyes.

Qin Liuxi smiled at her: "Don't be afraid, isn't Pindao coming?" (End of Chapter)

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