Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 452 Shui Yanqing’s Wish

At the beginning of October, it had been more than a month since I entered university.

"As for the ability learning related to singing songs, the progress of the three of you is actually ahead of schedule."

In the huge classroom, there are only 4 special students who are taught by the teacher. The elf teacher sitting in front of the piano touches the keys with one hand, presses the light notes, and then talks casually with the four new singers in front of him. .

"In the past, the progress of the singer's discovery and education would have been roughly the same as Blanche's, but the three of you were too precocious." She said to the three of them with a hint of joking.

Hearing such a comment, Blanche's anxiety has been reduced a lot. The other three people have different reactions. Aurese nodded with pride, Shui Yanqing smiled with a smile that didn't reveal her face, and Tilan smiled. He tilted his head slightly, curious about what the standards were in the past.

"Generally speaking, the time and age when a singer is discovered after she awakens is between 18 and 25 years old. There are also older singers who awaken, but they are very rare."

"After awakening, it does not mean that the singer will master all related abilities immediately. In fact, this age is also a critical stage for practicing extraordinary sequences, various knowledge, and entering society."

"With all kinds of trivial matters inserted and arranged, singers will not have enough time to really exercise their talents. In other words, usually after entering college for several years, singers will gradually master all the basic abilities and Use your talents skillfully.”

"As for the three of you, it can be said that you have fully mastered all the basic abilities of the singer before you even entered school, and you are also very proficient in using your talents."

"Then how should we arrange our studies now?"

"It will be more difficult for me to teach you the advanced abilities and skills related to singers. After all, I am not a real singer and do not have that kind of talent. This needs to be taught by some senior singers." The elf teacher said.

"But you also know that being a singer usually involves a lot of things. Those senior singers cannot stay in the school to teach the younger generations. They can only take a period of time to guide you through mediation."

"During this period, you can watch the teaching records of past generations, which even include precious information left by Her Highness Isenisa. Of course, even the immersive experience records are not as good as real people demonstrating and teaching in front of you. They still need to be combined with reality. Come and get familiar with it.”

"As for the free time after reading the materials, you can use it to improve other aspects of study, such as cultural courses, extraordinary sequence practice, politics, etc."

"Singer is just a title from the outside world. Your true identity and role is not just singing."

"In addition, we can also start trying to form a star cluster."

Olesi and Shui Yanqing seemed to have expected what the teacher said. They had learned about the schedule and situation during college very early. Only Blanche and Tilan felt very fresh at this time.

"Teacher, can you tell me something about the star cluster?" Tilan asked proactively.

"You should have heard of this. Just like the rumors, the Star Cluster is a group that is completely centered on the singer. It is different from the general societies formed with certain goals and interests."

"As a singer, sooner or later a large number of people will gather around you, including your followers, admirers, admirers, etc. Even if you don't care, they will slowly form an organization. Instead of letting this organization get out of control and become chaotic , it’s better to take it into your own hands.”

"The school provides a platform for singers to practice their organizational skills. We also hope that you can start in a relatively safe state. This is why you established the Star Cluster."

"As for what to do after the star cluster is established, the early stage is mainly about promotion and confrontation."

"Any organization that does not experience actual combat will be in disarray. The more intense the confrontation, the more the organization will continue to improve and cohere."

"Learning is only on paper after all. The battles in reality are far more complex and diverse than those in the books. In this process, you will spontaneously and slowly master the use of your own singing skills in all aspects."

"Then in this kind of confrontation and training, your different acting styles will gradually become apparent. Time is like an amplifier. The personality characteristics of the singers who originally looked similar will become more and more prominent."

"Okay, that's all I want to introduce. You can check the school system for more detailed rules and content." After saying this, the elf beauty winked and ended today's class with a hint of naughtiness.

After the teacher left, there were only four freshmen singers left in the classroom. Shui Yanqing slowly took out her exclusive glass teapot and poured out some cool tea. Through the glass, she could clearly see a small orange-red line in the teapot. The fish swims among the large pieces of tea leaves, exuding a slight chill, making the tea cool and taste better.

Orlais just glanced at this, and then took out a box of snacks. After opening it, there was a dessert of different shapes and styles in each of the nine grids inside.

"Tilan, do you want to come over for something to eat?" She still liked sharing her things with this girl.


Seeing this scene, Tilan was a little amused. Since the beginning of school, Olesi and Shui Yanqing have been fighting secretly, but they never admit it openly. If they go to lunch, everyone will sit together, as if who admits it first Just lost one end.

When Auresi invited Tilan, Shui Yanqing also waved to Blanche, asked her to sit next to him, and poured her a glass.

Holding the glass, Blanche looked at the slightly blue tea carefully, wondering what it was made from, but it seemed to smell pretty good.

After a small sip, a faint coolness went down the throat, and the consciousness became clearer and more comfortable. It was as if the anxious and tight nerves were relaxed by the cool feeling.

It was tea with extraordinary effects. It was probably T4 or T3. Blanche couldn't tell. She had just entered a luxurious life.

"The new club will have a maximum of ten people at the beginning. They need to complete some tasks, and then more people can be unlocked and the difficulty of taking on tasks will be increased." Orlais told Tilan some simple information she knew.

"Members do not have to be students of the Golden Flame Flower. After all, the number of students in the school is not that large, and it is not enough for the current school singers."

"The early stage is still very easy. Most of the members who can join the star cluster to which the singer belongs are not bad."

"We, as singers, need to adjust and organize later, because the task difficulty of the star cluster will be one level higher than that of ordinary societies. This is an adjustment made considering that the influence controlled by the singers is too great."

"It does sound very similar to a game." Tilan thought of her familiar friend who was immersed in the Internet almost every day, either in games or live broadcasts.

"Because the game is specially designed based on human psychological feedback, and it has the same model as educational guidance." Shui Yanqing said at this time.

"Would you like to come over for some tea? I've eaten a lot of desserts, so I'll feel better." She invited generously.

"Of course, Aurese can also come over for a drink." She specially added at the end.

When it comes to her background, Oresi is undoubtedly one of the top people in the federation. After becoming a singer, she has been blessed with a lot of halo. In front of everyone, she has always maintained an elegant and princess-like temperament. However, facing Shui Yanqing She could never fall in love with this singer who had a special ability to charm her, and she was even easily aroused by her emotions.

The breasts wrapped in the white dress were rising and falling slightly. Orelai tried hard to suppress the unhappy emotions in her heart. She didn't want to ruin her image because of these words. She was too ugly like a shrew.

"Okay." Tilan held Oreisi's hand and whispered comfort in her ear. With the use of the girl singer's ability, Oreisi's mood quickly calmed down.

She sat down at Shui Yanqing's table with Oresi, and the four of them drank tea in small sips. During this period, Oresi also brought her dessert box over, letting Blanche choose first, and then giving it to Shui Yanqing.

"Can't this kettle be filled completely?" Blanche couldn't help but curiously asked as she watched the tea poured for four people, but the water line of the glass kettle didn't drop much.

"It can definitely be poured out, but it contains far more water than meets the eye." Shui Yanqing explained.

It should be an extraordinary creation that folds space. Tilan felt it slightly and then commented in her heart.

"I have seen this kind of thing many times in my family." Oreisi couldn't help but speak, as if she didn't want Shui Yanqing to use this to show off in front of others.

"Wow, this kind of thing must be very expensive. After all, it involves space technology." Blanche was surprised.

"It's not bad, it's only about 100 million." Oreis drank tea, propped her head, and looked sideways at the small fish swimming in the teapot on the table.

Based on her knowledge, she didn't know what kind of fish it was, but it must be some kind of extraordinary creature, probably a new species improved by some companies.

Although genetic editing of humans is prohibited, the modification of other animals is not so strictly regulated. Many large companies are also engaged in this business, specializing in breeding and screening new individuals for customers.

The four of them chatted and talked about some of the singers currently in school.

"Pulin and Odni entered the school one year earlier than us. It is said that they are currently preparing for the large-scale task of being promoted to the second grade. Elukelu is already a third grader. She usually doesn't have to go to class. According to the convention, she At this stage, you can leave school for activities.”

"Currently there are several singers who are still under graduation but have left school to perform activities. They are Jian Xiner, the Flower of Claustrophobia, and Luo Fenghua, the Red Ray."

"In other words, there are a total of nine singers who have not graduated yet."

"This data has been rare in the past. There are currently only 77 federally registered singers."

"No, next year or the year after, there will be two younger singers reaching school age, namely 'Blue Bubble' Mei Lulu and 'Black Walnut' Ti Lu Xin'er."

"Mei Lulu is a human being, and she is indeed still young. Tilu Xin'er is special. She is actually quite old, but due to her racial origin, her development was very late, so her enrollment was delayed."

To be honest, Auresi and Tilu Xin'er are two singers who debuted at the same time, but Ti Lu Xin'er grew up more slowly, and it is said that she has some kind of dragon gene.

"It is foreseeable that it will become lively." Shui Yanqing rarely commented.

After talking about the situation at school, several people talked about the star cluster.

"How to find early members?" Blanche was curious about this.

"It's very simple, as long as you say you are recruiting people, everyone will come over." Shui Yanqing said jokingly.

"This method can indeed recruit people, but the style may be very mixed." Tilan reminded.

"I don't have to worry about this anymore. I'm just worried that there won't be enough staff and the gang at home will start fighting." Orlais said some kind of happy worries.

She was born in an elf family, and she represented the power of the elf plutocrats. Naturally, there were countless geniuses from famous families and talents cultivated by the group, and there was no shortage of them.

"You are truly blessed." Shui Yanqing shook her head slightly. Even she sometimes had to envy Olesi for her good background, but her identity was more embarrassing.

As a conservative in the Federation, the elves have always disliked genetically modified people like her, and she is not a pure human. Because of the shadow of the Fifth Era, many large-scale conglomerates on the human side have difficulty in being attracted to her. There is an unconscious alienation in placing a bet.

Only those giant companies that focus on genetic engineering and some special types will fully support her, because it is closely related to their interests.

As for Blanche, Shui Yanqing looked at the chestnut-haired girl next to her. She may still be a little timid and hamster-like, but she has the support of many star regions in the western part of the Federation. Sooner or later, she will know and obtain these powers.

Tilan's words, she looked at the black-haired girl on the other side, and said that Tilan's situation was not too good, because there were actually many singers in the Southwest Star Region. Only the Four-leaf Crystal she belonged to currently had three position, and the economy is backward.

Whether it is for herself or to realize Dr. Norman's wish, she has to change the federal ban on genetic editing that has been in place for many years. This requires a lot of power and influence, and with her alone, even a singer will inevitably be affected. A single force is weak.

She needs many allies, and it would be better if she is a singer. This is why she has taken special care of Blanche since she entered the school.

Unlike Orlais, who is happy and relaxed with a silver spoon in her mouth, not worrying about the future, she started at a much lower level and has to face more obstacles, including the long-established ideas and traditions in the Federation, as well as various elves with vested interests. clansmen.

Compared to modern humans as 'adapters', the elves as 'singers' are even more disgusted with the 'new race' born after genetic editing.

In the minds of many elves, these 'new races' are distorted and uncoordinated, like assembled 'non-humans', and their brainwashed unity is almost like a heresy.

The badness of heretics, no matter how ugly and evil they are, has nothing to do with you, but heretics are different. Their badness will destroy the image and reputation they have established for many years, because in the eyes of outsiders, you are similar and the same.

The birth of the elves is also a new race of humans woven through the genes of the 'Sun of Divine Wings'. If we deny all new races, then whether the elves are one of them is difficult to think about. Fortunately, the 'Golden Flame' Flower 'Isenisa has half elven blood. Such orthodoxy and righteousness have also prevented the elves from answering this question.

But the danger does exist after all. In order to avoid the recurrence of the disasters of the Fifth Age, and to avoid the emergence of 'heresies' again, the elves have been working hard to uphold the highest charter of the Rose Federation and exclude 'new races' from the scope of citizens.

There is still a long way to go, the blue-haired singer girl sighed inwardly, then raised her head and looked at the absent-minded silver-haired elf opposite.

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