Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 429 Afternoon Coffee at Liuli Dream

Jade skirt, Payin City, North Seventh District.

The giant square deep shaft opened, and the indicator lights on the inner wall along the way flashed. A long and narrow starship slowly passed through this deep passage, entered the depths of the ground, and finally landed on the underground starship landing platform.

In the most prosperous center of the city, a tall tower stands, with a special maid cafe on the upper floor.

Come back here, do you have anything to say?

Lady Isabella was sitting by the window as usual, with her favorite coffee in front of her. The faint aroma filled the air. Opposite her was Tilan, who was wearing a light blue and white dress. At this moment, she and Yi were in front of her. The cold flame coffee of the same style as Mrs. Sabella's has fine bubbles rolling from time to time, exuding a long fragrance.

I feel a lot of emotions, but I don't know what to say. The girl picked up the coffee and drank it in small sips.

That's good. In fact, there is no need to force a conclusion, just let it take its course. Mrs. Isabella said with a smile.

On the contrary, I have a lot to say to you, but I'm afraid that Tilan won't want to hear it now and thinks I'm nagging.

Where. The girl shook her head and looked at the lady. She was still exactly the same as four years ago, without any change.

I will always remember Lady Isabella's teachings. She was actually very grateful to the lady in front of her, especially for helping her through that difficult time.

A student like you who is obedient and excellent is really lucky to be a teacher. Mrs. Isabella recalled.

I have taught many people, including singers, especially when I was working at the Golden Flame Flower Academy. Yolandoja was one of my students back then.

But she is not as obedient as you. She is always rebellious and wants to be different. She also got into a lot of trouble at school.

After recalling the past for a while, Lady Isabella gradually got down to business.

In the second half of the year, you will go to the Golden Flame Flower Institute, the number one comprehensive university in the federation.

Almost all singers will enter this school for further study after being discovered. There is also the most complete singer inheritance system there, and there will even be real singers as teachers to teach the younger generations.

In addition, this school also brings together top talents from various star regions. Every student you see is among the top-ranked students in their respective star regions. They are the champions of the Winter Festival Competition that are envied by countless people. , half of the students there have received this honor, so you should understand what kind of place it is.

This first university directly under the federal government is undoubtedly the core. Countless great figures in the past and future come from here. Mrs. Isabella sighed as she recalled the faces she had seen in the past.

If you want to do something in the future, whether it's changing some of the status quo, establishing a business alliance, or expanding business for the singer's career, etc., you can find the help you need in the future there in advance.

It's a bit utilitarian to say this, but I don't want you to suffer because of this and regret it when you lack helpers in the future.

Unlike in Yotsuba Crystal, many singers in the Federation are stationed in the Central Star Territory. You are not the only singer there, you will also face competition from the singers. They have different personalities, and there are many people behind them. Representing different groups of people, regions, and even ideas, etc.”

As a singer, your task is not only to improve yourself, but also to build a group with yourself as the core, because you will face more and more things in the future, and it is difficult to complete it by yourself.

Besides, you have to be careful about someone instilling certain ideas into you. Lady Isabella thought for a while and said in a solemn voice.

Singing girls have a great influence on ordinary people. Some careerists cannot convince the public themselves, so they will try to persuade a singing girl in some way and let her serve as their own mouthpiece to promote certain concepts and ideas.

These methods involve a lot of psychological knowledge, so try to diversify the channels through which you obtain information, and don't monopolize it for one person.

By the way, don't fall in love during college.

Hearing this, Tilan blinked, and a strange feeling emerged.

I'm not the kind of girl who's in love. It was hard for her to imagine herself being immersed in love.

You probably tend to think calmly, but not every singer is like this. Some singers have naive and simple personalities, and it is easy to fall in love. Mrs. Isabella said about past cases.

A singer who is passionately in love will have more intense emotions and create many heart-touching songs. This is a double-edged sword. If the relationship does not go well later, it is easy to be too sad and choose to give up her career as a singer.

So I advise you not to fall in love during college. Focus on growth first, and then look for the right person when your mentality gradually matures.

I've never thought about falling in love. The girl shook her head. She really hadn't thought about this aspect. In fact, she had seen many couples in love, but it was always difficult to understand that state.

During this period, Mrs. Isabella continued to tell Tilan about things to pay attention to in the Central Star Territory, such as dealing with media interviews, how to safely deal with large group forces, how to arrange time, etc.

Your friend is also going to study in the Central Star Territory, right? Lady Isabella thought of something.

Yes. In addition to her, Dolores, Avni, Ge Yin, Allen, Yilin and others will all go to the Central Star Territory to study and further their studies, but their respective schools are different.

There are many universities and colleges around the Golden Flame Flower Academy. They are very close to each other. And now that the transportation is developed, you can even go out to have dinner together after class. It is always good to make more friends...

Unconsciously, it became nagging again. Lady Isabella stopped after speaking for a while.

It's probably a professional habit. Since you went to the Central Star Territory this time, I'm afraid it will be a few years before you come back. I always want to teach you everything.

Haste makes waste. She sighed and put down the coffee cup.

As for future suggestions and tips, I'll stop here. In fact, I have a feeling that you don't need too much advice now, just like a baby bird that has escaped from the nest and can already hunt and grow on its own.

Anyway, thanks for the advice, Lady Isabella.

Tilan bowed her head sincerely to thank her. In fact, since her parents passed away, there are very few elders who can take care of and consider her like Lady Isabella. She also felt a sense of warmth from Lady Isabella for the first time in a long time. A kind of warmth, just like being in my mother's arms when I was a child, talking about the happy and unhappy things that happened in school.

Seeing the growing up black-haired girl, her blue eyes had lost their nervousness and become generous and beautiful, Mrs. Isabella felt a lot of relief in her heart.

That's not bad, isn't it? Her past experiences did not trap her, nor did they become her weakness. Instead, they made her view the world more clearly and equally, while those singers who grew up in the Central Star Territory did not With such rich experiences, the world in their eyes is too beautiful, but it has lost its flesh-and-blood reality. The songs are far away from ordinary people's lives and no longer touch people's hearts.

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