Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 393 The Beginning of the Patent War

Time quietly came to the end of July. Although it was still a holiday at this time, Heshia felt that she would not be at home for long.

The situation in Yotsuba Jing has no tendency to calm down. Instead, due to the exposure of some scars, the hidden grievances from all walks of life have begun to erupt. Senior executives blame each other. The layoffs and closures of some companies have also led to many people's dissatisfaction and demonstrations. In the news News about this type of thing breaks out frequently.

During this time at home, in addition to paying attention to the news and listening to the news from Edes Academy, Heshia was also thinking about how this war would end.

Judging from her position, she is undoubtedly close to Eds, hoping to make a huge change in the overall environment of Yotsuba Crystal, but now she will not naively think that the group forces at Eds Academy are all She is a flawless saint, and many of them are just gathered together for profit, and some of her ideas and hopes may be viewed by these conglomerates as just child-like naive ideas.

Speaking of which, I really like to struggle with this kind of thing.

The girl was sitting on the sofa, stroking the bald birds in her arms. Now these guys are about the size of normal hens. Their feathers are white, but there are light gray and bluish parts on the tail feathers and edges of the wings.

She felt a little irritated, as if she were standing on a ship on a long voyage. The ship's sailing direction was roughly the same as her purpose, but she did not control some details. Some of the islands she hoped to stop at would not be visited.

Carefully arranging the fluffy feathers of the cotton bird, the girl was in a daze, letting her thoughts float in her mind.

‘Sure enough, humans are difficult animals to get along with. 'Pick up the sleeping bird on your lap, gently rub its head, and then throw it up. Watch the little guy chirping in the air, then circling in a circle, and then falling gently, lying on Heshia's head. Get ready to go back to sleep.

Seeing his companion landing on Heshia's head, several other light cotton birds squatting in the corner of the sofa also flew up, seeming to want to try it too.

Don't push yourself too hard. It's hard to educate the big spider. Now you like to do it, right? Heshia raised her hands and caught the light cotton bird on her head. Although these guys looked quite big, , but in fact it is extremely light, just like a ball of cotton, and can even hover in the air, which is a skill that many birds cannot do.


After being caught by Hessia, this slightly fat cotton bird still wanted to struggle, but Hessia held its wings tightly and could only flap ineffectively.

Perhaps Heshia is still thinking about some details and things in the distant future, such as how to arrange the restoration of the Four-leaf Crystal Starfield after Edes' victory, and how to avoid the recurrence of past tragedies, etc., but now in the academy, it can be Hesia is not as confident, because under the strong blow of Saint Ingo, some following companies and groups began to waver and retreat.

As stated in the internal meeting of Saint Ingo, even if it is more in the long-term interests of these companies to follow Edes, under the current critical situation, if they continue to confront Saint Ingo, they will suffer huge losses and even go bankrupt. Risks. Under such pressure, some companies began to quietly withdraw from the alliance where Eddes Academy is located.

Two days later in the morning, Heshia woke up to the ringtone of her personal terminal, followed by Anneli's slightly anxious voice.

Sister Hesia, something happened recently...

After the 20-minute narration, Heshia slowly woke up from her sleep.

Yes, I understand. Wait a moment, and I will be able to return to school around noon. In addition, I will notify the members of the student union and ask them to return to school as soon as possible.

It seemed that she couldn't stay any longer during this vacation. After getting up, Heshia stepped on the floor with her bare feet, then went straight to the bathroom at home, ready to take a bath, then change into clothes and set off.

Two hours later, a military aircraft landed at the airport on the surface of Panyin City, then spewed out blue swirling airflow and slowly rose.

Sitting by the window on the side of the cabin, Heshia looked at the gradually distant land below and the huge square well of Arpeggio City, knowing that she might not be able to return here to spend her leisure time for a while.

As the news said, the war has begun, and neither side will back down. The influence, connections, and resources accumulated over the years are now being put on the gambling table by both sides. Any withdrawal will only lead to the complete sinking of the previous efforts. , and there is no possibility of a win-win situation in the conflict between the two parties. It is destined that only one party can defeat the other.

I still think it's too perfect, but in reality I don't care about so much. Probably only by winning first can I have enough time to perfect the rest.

The hair on the back of her head was tied up with her fingers, and a white ribbon with a blue rose bow was fastened to the collar and chest to set off the girl's not-so-plump breasts. Then there was a tight-fitting black corset, as well as dark blue and black. Today's dress is slightly more formal, with a different kind of solemnity than in the past.

The speed of the aircraft became faster and faster, heading straight towards the south. After half an hour, it entered the sky over the sea, and after another hour, it gradually approached the location of the southern area.

Passing through the thick dark clouds, raindrops hit the wings of the aircraft, causing shattering mist. Then with a violent roar, the aircraft slowly landed in the southern area.

The toes of her leather shoes stepped on the rain-filled ground. Heshia raised her head slightly and looked at the gap between the dark clouds above her head. There was a trace of light seeping out, illuminating this not-so-bright world.

Not far in front of her, Anneli was standing on the outside of the airport runway holding an umbrella. Behind her were three parked hover cars and several security personnel from Edes Academy.

After following Anneli into the car, the hover car rose and headed towards Edes Academy. Raindrops kept falling outside the car window, making it difficult to see the outside world inside.

How's the situation? Hesia asked what Anneli said on the phone.

Imi is in good condition at the moment. Her family sent her to school in time. Anneli passed the information to the record board in front of Heshia, and then listed it in detail.

'Yimi: The second daughter of Ravens, the chairman of 'Yise'er' company, she is the third heir of 'Yise'er' company. She has an older brother who is Ravens' only child. ’

The company's business is mainly the production of water purification devices. The company's market share is about 22%. It is in the same industry and competes with Cosides, which has a market share of about 22%. 25%, and the 'Huishanyan' company under the 'Universal' Group has a market share of approximately 41%. ’

In the past ten years, because it is backed by the chaebol of the Universal Group, the Huishanyan Company has sufficient funds and resources to suppress and seize the two companies of 'Yixel' and 'Cosides' This has caused a significant decline in the profits and revenue of the two companies.

In order to fight against the 'Grey Mountain Rock', which is backed by the 'Universal' Group, the two companies gradually moved closer to Eds, hoping to use the academy as a link to allow the two companies to enter the group behind Eds Academy. , for this reason, Yimi, the second daughter of the chairman, and Kayo, the heir of 'Cosides', entered school together. Under the supervision of their parents, the two got engaged at the beginning of the year and are expected to officially get married after graduation.

Everything was normal at first. After the two enrolled in school, the two companies gradually gained support from the camp group to which Eds Academy belongs. Although they cannot overtake 'Grey Mountain Rock', they can at least gradually stabilize their market share and no longer decline. And during school, the two had a good relationship. Occasionally, classmates saw the two dating. Although it was a political marriage, they were still a relatively happy couple. Anneli had headphones on her ears and her voice was a bit envious. Having said that, although she is also the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, she is not so free in terms of marriage. Unless she is like Delores, the only daughter who is destined to inherit the family business, she can marry as long as Delores wants. anyone.

If everything goes normally, they will probably get married in two years, but this time the battle between Edes and St. Ingo has affected many companies. Anneli's voice was slightly sad.

Because of the olive branch extended by Saint Ingo, the people in power on the 'Cosides' side could not withstand this temptation, or they could not see the hope of Edes winning in the future, so last week, 'Cosides' Des' decision to withdraw from Edes' alliance also means the breakdown of their future marriage.

Things can still be settled at this point, but Cosides' side may want to vote for a certificate, or for their own sake, for future interests and to gain a foothold, etc., as the successor of Cosides, Ka Yue deceived Yimi and tricked her into extracting the patent information of the company 'Yise'er, which is the core factor for 'Yise'er' to be able to operate.

If we can integrate the patents of the two companies and jointly conduct research and production, we can probably produce products that are more competitive than 'Huishanyan'. This has been the plan of the two companies in the past. As long as the two get married, this plan will be promoted. If this continues, they will gradually cross-shareholding, and if their children are outstanding, they may even directly merge the two companies into one.

But things never happened. After the incident, Yimi reacted and told the matter to her brother, who is now the first heir of the 'Isher' Group.

As an older brother, he couldn't tolerate Cayo's deception of his sister, not to mention the company's core patent information. Almost subconsciously, he led people into the corporate headquarters of 'Cosides', argued with and reprimanded the other party. Annelie gradually came to the crux of the matter.

However, he did not see Cayo. The person who entertained him was the leader of Cosides, Cayo's father. After the old man promised and apologized, the two sides put aside their conflicts for the time being and had dinner together. Then leave.

Shortly after returning home, Yimi's brother felt unwell and soon fell into a coma. After being sent to the hospital, he died before he could be rescued. It was still irreversible.

After receiving the news of his son's death, Yimi's father called the director of our academy, and then sent Yimi, who was crying, back to school. After that, 'Isiel' officially announced the patent on 'Cosides' During the war, Yimi's father raised a large amount of funds through the emergency transfer of shares. Now about 14 high-end firms have accepted the entrustment, and a large number of people have gathered in the 'Isher' company. At the same time, 'Cosides' Martial law was also declared.”

Patent war... After listening to Anneli's narration, Hesia sighed, and then continued to look through the information in her hand.

As a special term, patent war is the most direct and violent way of fighting between enterprises in the federation due to some irreconcilable conflicts. It is not recognized by federal law, but no one will deny this phenomenon. happened.

Sound laws can certainly solve many conflicts, but for large enterprises, the binding force of the law is not always unfavorable. If it is an incident with clear facts, the federal supreme court may be able to make a decision, but if it is the kind of case that is difficult to explain and ambiguous, , it would be like falling into a bottomless quagmire. They have enough funds to spend, and they can hire lawyers and professional groups to engage in endless litigation and debate. If both sides do not back down, the case will be dragged out for decades. , or even a hundred years later.

Such a long-term stalemate is unacceptable to some large enterprises. Since the law cannot solve it, they can only resort to gray field means. This is the patent war.

Once it reaches this point, the party that initiated the 'patent war' can be said to be registered on the list of the 'Tribunal' and will be investigated by the Tribunal soon. However, as long as the commission fee is paid, the members of those firms will not They will stop their actions, and they will use various methods to destroy and interfere with the operation of the other party's company, or obtain the other party's core patent information, until the goal is achieved or the target company goes bankrupt.

It can be said that most of the time, 'patent wars' are a lose-lose struggle, so no company will do it unless it is a last resort. However, if it is successful, it will also be an extremely fruitful struggle, and the winner is likely to win. The other party's patent was later reborn from the ashes.

Recalling the description of the 'Patent War', Heshia rubbed her brows lightly, and the hover car she was riding in slowly entered the gate of Edes Academy.

After entering the medical building of the academy, Heshia and Anneli came to one of the quiet rest rooms. At this time, Yimi was lying on the bed sleeping. Her eyes were slightly red and swollen. It seemed that she had been crying for a long time. The nurse beside her Tell the two people that Yimi has just fallen asleep.

After asking about the situation for a while, the two walked out and came to the corridor nearby. The rain outside was a little lighter, but the sky was still gloomy.

What do the academy directors think? Hesia asked.

The directors discussed it for a long time and haven't made a decision yet because this point is very delicate. Anneli explained.

If Edes intervenes, then St. Ingo will definitely get involved as well. This will lead to the continuous expansion of the patent war. Even the top leaders of the two parties will not be able to stop it. The consequences are too dangerous. It is estimated that St. Ingo will continue to expand. Ingo will also hesitate.

So it's best to just wait and see what happens? Hesia shook her head slightly, feeling that this was not a good choice.

If 'Ise'er' loses this patent war, the original initiator will be prone to strict treatment by the trial court. Not only will the patent not be recovered, but then 'Cosides' will control two patents, plus the original The 'Universal' group that belongs to the Saint Ingo camp will be able to monopolize this industry.

The moist and cold wind blew the girl's black hair. She looked at the rainy world Weiwei outside, still slowly analyzing the possible results.

The water purification industry is one of the key nodes in the environmental change of the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory. Otherwise, even if we win, we will still have to rely on the companies affiliated to 'Saint Ingo' to produce such products. This is simply not a victory.

Besides, if even 'Ise'er' cannot be saved, it's hard to imagine what other corporate groups in Edes' camp will think, and they will probably be very disappointed.

Looking at Hesia standing in front of the window, Anneli felt that the black-haired girl had become extra calm and rational today, and a chill that made her slightly afraid slowly overflowed.

President Heshia... She whispered the other party's name.

There is no way to leave it alone, so there is only one choice. Hesia put her hair away, then turned to look at Anneli. Her black eyes were like distant stars, making it difficult to see through.

Prepare the hover car and take me to the Cosides Enterprise. In addition, let Jin Senke contact the appropriate firm. I know he likes to deal with those violent groups.

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the side of the corridor, while Anneli followed in a hurry, running while holding a personal terminal to contact the staff and report to the school.

A few minutes later, five hover cars passed through the gate of the campus, rising continuously, and then sprayed out a light blue trail from their tails, speeding through the rain and rushing towards the gray world in the distance.

Standing on a tall building in the center of the academy, an old man quietly looked at the hover car that disappeared in the rain. The secretary beside him asked carefully.

Director Hayden, are you really not going to stop Miss Heshia? If this triggers...

Let her go, the child will grow up eventually. She is the singer that countless people look forward to, and she is also the most powerful trump card in our school. Perhaps we have all forgotten how amazing the miracles this girl brings.

Even if St. Ingo wants to use this to expand the war, starting a patent war because of Heshia Tiran is far more motivating than starting a war because of 'Isiel'. She has more than just us on her shoulders. Her mother, her past, also represent the hopes of the forces in the north, and they will not give up on this girl.

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