Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 389 The whirlpool in the Four-leaf Crystal Star Domain

The ‘Falling Star Lake Sword Fighting’ competition was over, and the news about Edes Academy’s victory spread to the Four Leaf Crystal Star Territory a few days later. Of course, Tilan’s pseudonym ‘Dantrian’ was also automatically corrected to Hesia Tilan in reports in the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory.

Not only this sword fight in Falling Star Lake, but also in several large-scale B-level leagues from April to July, Edes Academy has achieved very good results. Part of this is the result of the improvement of the school's overall strength, and a considerable part It is the glory brought by foreign exchange students.

Regarding this kind of behavior, the media supporting St. Ingo's side naturally spared no effort to smear it, saying that Edes's method was tricky, cunning, untrue, unreliable, despicable and so on. The media that supports Edes are not far behind, criticizing the depravity and jealousy within Saint Ingo, and exposing the corrupt forces entrenched in the upper echelons of the Four Leaf Crystal.

If it were in the past, Saint Ingo's powerful influence would be enough to shut up those media outlets that spoke ill of them, and the power of large-scale chaebols would be enough to penetrate all aspects, making their opponents exhausted and eventually defeated.

But this time, due to the disastrous failure of the Winter Festival competition and the influence of the new generation of singers, many groups that originally supported Saint Ingo began to hesitate and did not continue to follow up as usual. On the other hand, Edes has been Various actions made many group forces feel that its future is promising, so they also began to contact and place bets.

Under the influence of one and the other, Edes Academy, which was originally far behind St. Ingo, gradually gained an influence equal to that of St. Ingo.

Faced with this situation, the board of directors of St. Ingo Academy also felt a pressure that was rare in a century.

In a large conference room wrapped like petals, a group of senior officials from Saint Ingo gathered together. Among them were leaders of large enterprises, representatives of business alliances across the Star Territory, and core members from ancient families in the Central Star Territory. etc.

We underestimated the influence of that girl before, and also underestimated Edes' determination. An old man wearing a gray stand-up collar windbreaker put his hands on the table and spoke in a deep voice.

After all, I have been a mouse for a long time. If I rarely show up, I will naturally try my best. A tall and thin elf woman mocked the recent excessive behavior of Edes Academy.

There is no need to pay too much attention to it. Two years will pass quickly. When the girl graduates, Edes Academy will return to its original shape.

The person who said this was a man wearing a silver coat. He had a square monocle in front of one eye. There was data floating on the light green lens. It seemed that he was still processing some experimental data during the meeting.

The momentum gained by Edes Academy is only temporary after all. Governor Temach has three years to go before the election. We still have a large number of supporters among senior officials and congressmen in the Star Territory, and our policies will not change. The rules will not change, and no matter how hard Eds tries, she can’t shake us.”

As for those who waver, let them suffer a little. Any circle must be divided into levels. Otherwise, loyal people and betrayers will enjoy the same treatment. Then who will be willing to keep their promises.

Since they have swayed and alienated, then we will reduce the favor given to them and hand over the collected orders, channels, and projects to those companies that still stick to our camp.

Hearts and words can lie, but money and interests cannot. As long as we still hold key resources and the right to speak, people will continue to come closer.

Under the analysis of this capable man, everyone who was originally a little anxious suddenly calmed down and felt that this was indeed the case. How could the personal connections and interest network that St. Ingo has been operating for hundreds of years be shaken so easily and support it with words? No matter how many people there are, when it comes to fighting over money and interests, how many will support Edes Academy?

Pah - pah - a sudden sound sounded, and the tall and thin elf woman who spoke before clapped her hands and applauded.

As expected of Senator Burligus, he still looks at the problem so thoroughly. She praised the man in white who just spoke, and then changed her tone.

However, since Edes Academy has started to provoke, we can't do nothing. This would be looked down upon.

Since they are putting pressure on us, we will not make it easy for them. When she said this, her voice became cold, which made many people present feel chilled.

Starting from next month, all groups and companies involved in Eds will increase the freight charges by 200% on all their merchant ships and goods. In addition, contact the customs and the Import and Export Audit Bureau and ask them to inspect the subordinates of Eds. Various groups have been blacklisted, and all their goods are strictly inspected. If there is a problem, it must be checked out. If there is no problem, it will be stuck, so that their things will be detained for a long time. When she said this, even though her body shape was slanted, Thin, but the threat and coldness in his words made everyone present feel excited.

If we do this... After listening to her words, everyone began to analyze the feasibility of such an action.

Ms. Sofama, the 'Sun Ship Trade Alliance' that you belong to controls roughly 36% of the foreign trade cargo flow of the Four-leaf Crystal Star Region. The rest is the 'Grain Guild Association' which accounts for 16% of the cargo flow and the 12% of the cargo flow. % of the 'Southern October Star' transporting cargo volume, and 26% of many small commercial transportation companies. A professional consultant stood up to summarize the report.

If we join forces to raise the trade freight rates of the companies affiliated with the Aidesi alliance, it will probably increase the freight rates of 45% of their routes. In the meantime, they will definitely find other trading companies to replace them. Over time, they may be completely out of our control... …”

The consultant analyzed the possible consequences of this trade war in a professional manner.

I understand what you're thinking. You're afraid that if you suppress her for a long time, not only will Edes not surrender, but she will escape our control, right? The tall and thin elf woman tapped her fingers on the table.

Have you overestimated the other party? Do you really think that everyone is firmly around Edes Academy? No, no, no, they are also human beings. It can even be said that most of them are also people who pursue profits. You How many companies do you think can survive this long period of suffering? A short-term surge in freight can strain the cash flow of most companies. Excessively high freight can also significantly reduce corporate profits, causing many small and medium-sized enterprises to go bankrupt. But I think they will not really wait until the day of bankruptcy. As long as we extend an olive branch to these companies and tell them that as long as they rely on us and no longer gather with Edes, we can unlock the restrictions on their companies. The wallflower will soon fall over.

Mrs. Sofama skillfully analyzed the psychology of these people and told the consultant the feasibility of her plan.

Without the support of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, it is difficult for them to survive alone with just a few large groups, and the situation will return to the past, or even worse than before.

Besides, I'm only talking about trade and transportation. Mr. Gusta hasn't spoken yet. As she spoke, the elf woman stretched her fingers and turned to the old man who had been silent for a long time.

Hey, are you talking about me? His voice was still low and slightly hoarse.

The property below me is very complicated and cannot be decided in one word like Mrs. Sofama. But now that the time has come, I will inform them to be prepared.

This seemingly old man is not only a councilor of the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory, but also the leader of a large business alliance in the Star Territory. He is extremely senior and has invested and supported many people, helping their companies expand their business, go public, and reorganize. , etc., its investment companies have shares in many companies, covering real estate, medicine, industry, education, hotels, security, and many industries. I even come from a large family in the Central Star Territory and have a profound background.

After the old man expressed his position, other directors present thought about it and expressed their opinions one after another, saying that they would urge their respective companies in the near future to suspend cooperation with Edes' forces and join the price increase alliance to combat The group forces gathered around Eds Academy forced them to give up their support for Eds Academy.

The meeting lasted until night. At this board meeting, the core group gathered around St. Ingo Academy discussed and decided on the future arrangements.

In their plan, in the next year, they will deal a comprehensive, violent, and life-or-death blow to the forces united by Eds. Under such a heavy blow, the cash flow of most small and medium-sized enterprises will not be able to sustain it. , they can only be forced to surrender. Even if there are still a few large companies supporting Edes Academy, it will be of no avail and cannot change the situation.

After deciding on the plan, the various groups and forces gathered around Saint Ingo started to operate like a steel behemoth, roaring into action.

The will of the upper management of the group is passed down layer by layer. Various ongoing projects begin to be adjusted. Many orders are redistributed. Supply, cooperation, joint branding, etc. must be targeted to eliminate companies related to Edes. In terms of politics, many and Saint Members of Ingo Academy who have close contacts began to put pressure on the Star Territory Council, and employees of many organizations also received various calls and notices. Although there was no formal document stipulating it, Eds was also treated in some ongoing work. Relevant companies have become stricter.

In just one month, the two major groups, which had only had a small quarrel at first, set off a huge whirlpool in the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory. Many small businesses had no choice but to join this business war.

For ordinary people at the bottom, they don't know that a fierce battle has begun in the upper levels of Si Ye Jing. They just feel that a lot of accidents have happened this year. For example, certain daily necessities that have been supplied in the supermarket suddenly changed brands. Or the price of a certain kind of fruits and vegetables suddenly rises sharply, and another uncommon product is strangely offered a promotional subsidy.

Shopping cards that have been co-branded before can no longer be used in multiple stores as in the past, and can only be used in a single store. The price of a certain type of industrial materials has risen sharply, but the price of another type that was originally paired with it has plummeted. This kind of rare scene happens everywhere, but ordinary people generally only come into contact with a few of them, and they don't have too many feelings. But if someone specifically counts the events that happened in various industries in the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory in the second half of this year, it will be You will know how unexpected and shocking this data is.

Affected by such violent environmental fluctuations, many small businesses were unable to adapt and began to be on the verge of bankruptcy. As they fought with each other, problems that had been suppressed and covered up in the star field were gradually exposed.

The original balance was broken, and protests and unrest began to occur in prosperous big cities, while serious violent conflicts broke out in some remote areas that were already on the dangerous line.

So until a gunshot rang out——

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