Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 271 An encounter six thousand years apart

The spaceship's interstellar navigation is very boring. Even if the starry scenery is as stunning as it is, when you gaze at it for decades without any change, you will only feel a sense of loss and despair.

This feeling is like drowning in the deep seabed, trying to make some noise or shouting, but nothing can be said. There is no echo, no change, no change, only eternal silence.

This metaphor is very good, but I think most people can't understand it because we have never seen what the sea looks like. We can only imagine it through ancient images.

Sitting in the cockpit of the spacecraft, a man in a white shirt was drinking a hot drink from a teacup. The black spirulina in the teacup exuded a slight sweetness after being soaked in hot water, adding a touch of freshness to his boring and unchanging life. .

I tried it in the bathroom using a bathtub and burying my head under the water. It really felt like suffocation. It was very special and fresh. Sitting next to the man was another driver with burgundy hair. , younger, about 25 years old in appearance.

Alas, you must not be obsessed with that feeling of suffocation. I heard that more than 80 years ago, there were many people on the ship who were addicted to this thrill of hunting. Those who died in the end were placed in the bathroom at the back. A monitoring device is installed that will sound an alarm if a crew member is fully immersed in water for 30 seconds.”

Ahaha, how is that possible? Of course I knew there was an alarm, so I got out of the water before it went off.

The other man responded with a smile, but the man in the white shirt was still wary, because people who look like they are laughing on the surface may not be really laughing on the inside, and being a driver is the most demanding position on the ship with the most stringent psychological requirements.

Once the pilot has any thoughts of abandonment or negative thoughts, it will affect not just him alone, but the lives and future of everyone on the ship.

It's better to do less. If you really can't find a lover, how about trying to reproduce offspring? After all, the pleasure derived from the instinct of life is still enough to make people yearn for.

Well, I feel like the girl I like doesn't like me very much, but unfortunately I don't want to make do with someone else. As he said that, the burgundy-haired man leaned back in his chair and thought about his feelings for women of the same age. view.

There are 5 girls in the same age group as you, but you don't like any of them? If you relax the restrictions a little and choose from a 10-year age gap, there should be 12 candidates. This should be enough for you to choose from.

Hey, uncle, we have very different ideas. What I value is the feeling, not the animal being pulled for breeding.

Besides, if you really need people, just randomly match a few groups from the gene pool on the ship. Why hold on to me. The young man shook his head.

Children born like that have many problems. This would not be done on the ship unless necessary. The uncle sighed.

What you don't understand is the huge psychological gap and feeling when the people around you are born and raised by your parents, and you are artificially cultivated just because you need it. This leads to the fact that most artificially cultivated beings have psychological Problem, cannot hold key positions.”

Human beings are social animals with no blood ties. People who are created cannot confirm their connection with society, and it is difficult for them to develop the so-called sense of belonging.

When he feels the warmth and heat of life that is difficult to feel, he doesn't care so much about death. And if he doesn't care about death, there is no hope that he can abide by his duties firmly.

I once had a friend of the same age who was born like this. When I later participated in his interrogation process, I asked him why he suddenly performed such a different and dangerous operation.

His answer was that there was no reason, it was just a whim at the time, and he just did what he wanted to do. That's how life is anyway.

I still remember his expression at that time, that kind of desire for novelty, just like a child who wants to light a fire and watch fireworks in a correct and boring life. He has no attachment or care, and naturally he will not restrain this sudden desire. impulse.

Speaking of which, I have to thank the only writer on the ship, Miss Xilu. Because everyone was waiting to read her serialized stories, they were reluctant to die early. This has caused the suicide rate on the ship to drop a lot in the past ten years.

What a pity. When my friend had an accident, Miss Xilu was only 10 years old. She had just learned to write essays and had not yet started her great serialization.

I have also read the story of Miss Xilu, but it is not to my liking. Her emotions are very delicate, but I would rather read the kind of story about princes and generals making great achievements. For this, I put on board a game about the third era. I have played all the masterpieces and know the relevant history by heart, haha. The young man with short burgundy hair said with a smile. In fact, he has a very optimistic personality and has hobbies that he likes very much. Otherwise, he would not have been selected as a driver.

The conversation between the two gradually turned to other topics, first they talked about fun games, then they talked about their favorite images of the opposite sex, and finally they talked about supernatural things that happened on the spaceship, etc.

In this way, time passed quietly until the spacecraft once again broke away from the state of super-light navigation and arrived in a remote and unknown star system.

Have we arrived at our destination? Let me see what this star system has. Maybe we are lucky and we will win the jackpot this time. The burgundy-haired young man poured an ice-cold drink into his mouth to refresh himself, and then quickly operated the instruments in front of him. and keyboard to start searching and scanning the situation within the star system.

Oh - Suddenly, he let out a long cry, and he didn't even notice that the drink in his mouth fell on his chest.

What happened? The man in white shirt, who was still checking the overall data of the spacecraft, turned his head and looked at the screen aside.

In the lonely and cold star system, a beautiful emerald planet slowly rotates. Although it is still a little blurry, compared to the gray and white planets seen countless times before, this color will undoubtedly make people shocked and cry.

This. Even the usually calm man in white shirt opened his mouth slightly at this time, then repeatedly rubbed his eyes, adjusted the scanning position, and repeatedly checked the planet to confirm that he was not dreaming.

Did we really find it?

Although they have been on spaceships all their lives, they also know from various movies and games that it is the emerald green of life, and it is most likely inherited from the emerald green of life on the ancient earth, because plants born on other planets are not necessarily green, nor are they green. Only the earth, due to special historical reasons, makes all plants green.

With uncontrollable excitement, the two of them sounded the ship-wide announcement for the first time.

I can't describe this surprise in words, but I want to tell everyone and tell the lives that were on this ship. We wandering birds have finally found a home where we can settle down.

Forests surrounded by gentle breezes, solid and soft earth, and vast expanse of grasslands, waves, sunshine, flowers, these are finally coming to us!

Perhaps there is still danger ahead, but I have been deeply fascinated by it and cannot escape.

That's it, we birds will eventually land here. - Birds from a Foreign Land Landing in the Twin Trees Star Territory, Chapter 1 Encounter

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