Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 266 The first breeze

At first glance, Mr. Edmund is a well-dressed, bespectacled, technical professional. But if you get closer, you will faintly notice the sharp edge hidden under the well-dressed windbreaker, which makes people believe that if necessary, He will make ruthless and decisive decisions without hesitation.

After Mrs. Lianxin left, the man wearing a dark gray and almost black windbreaker sat in front of the girl. He did not look directly at the young singer, he just glanced briefly and then looked away.

Miss Tilan should be relatively unfamiliar to me, so I would like to introduce myself again. My name is Edmund, and I am the representative of the 'Planned Military-Industrial Joint Organization'. The 'Planned Military-Industrial Joint Organization' is an organization that rarely announces or claims to the public. , our business is mostly hidden under the water, because the fields involved have no intersection with ordinary people, so few people know about it.”

It's the first time you'll hear the name, but it's going to be one of your safeguards because it's a deterrent.

Didn't Mr. Amenon just say that Mr. Edmund is the current chairman of the organization? The girl was a little confused when he just introduced himself as a representative.

That's because even Amennon doesn't know us well. The so-called chairman is just a title held by 11 representatives in turns. The eleven of us are just the tip of a huge iceberg under the water.

The reason why we told Miss Tilan such important information in the first meeting was to express our goodwill and sincerity.

In the preliminary investigation, your character was cautious and rational enough. Therefore, we are willing to share with you some information that we can tell you now.


Then today's meeting ends here. I look forward to everything Miss Tilan will have in the future. After saying that, he pushed over a small key card, then stood up, bent slightly, and left decisively.

Time passed again for half a minute, and a capable and solemn man with dark green hair came to sit in front of Tilan.

Hello, I'm Odd. His voice was short and calm, like the sound of a riveted steel hammer.

Hello, Mr. Aude. This person is one of the top five most powerful people in the entire Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory. Even Tilan can't help but feel nervous. No wonder Mrs. Lianxin said she was afraid of scaring her.

Don't think too much. I won't make any comments about your performance at the moment. This is like saying to parts that are still in the factory that they will inevitably become great and epoch-making works in the future. It's still too early.

Now, I want to ask Tilan some questions.

Please ask a question. The girl secretly took a deep breath to try to be as stable as possible.

You should be dissatisfied with the current Four-leaf Crystal Star Field, but if you could decide the future direction, what would you like this star field to look like.

“You don’t have to think about whether you can do it or not, just state what you think is the ideal look.”

That should be... It was the first time the girl imagined such a distant thing.

First of all, there should be no more toxic rain pollution problems, and then people's living standards should be above the federal average. People can freely pursue their ideals and hobbies without being ridiculed because of their different choices. The social environment should be fair and peaceful. There is not too much unnecessary anxiety and impetuosity. She was talking about whatever came to her mind at the moment. After all, she didn't have much time to refine and plan.

Very good, then the second question is, if for this goal, you will definitely offend many people, and even face bloodshed and war, will you still persist?

I don't know, because it's not that far yet, and I'll try to avoid the worst-case scenario if I can.

I won't ask the third question. I'm glad to hear Tilan's answer, which makes my exhausted heart feel a little relieved. He stood up.

If something happens in the future, you can go directly to the other directors of the academy. Because of the special duties, my communication method will not be left with Tilan. After he finished speaking, he left, and the strong aura dissipated, allowing the girl to relax. Come down.

Although she didn't finish speaking, she could still feel that the pressure and things accumulated in the heart of Vice-President Oud were like thousands of mountains, and she did not regard her new singer as her only support. Perhaps in this man's heart, nothing is reliable anymore. Only his own will and everything under his control can make him believe.

If she wants to influence and influence such a person with such a deep will, even she cannot do it now. She will probably have to advance to Sequence 7 before she can gradually influence and detect the many emotions and things accumulated in his heart.

The other board meetings that followed were relatively relaxed, and most people focused on introducing themselves and talking to Tilan about future cooperation with singers.

This goes on until a special director sits down.

This is Mr. Hayden, Tilan. Fernandi led an old man to sit down and introduced him to Tilan.

Through Fernandi, the girl finally understood that it was the old man in front of her who had single-handedly promoted her enrollment.

Thank you Mr. Hayden.

No, no, no, haha. He replied with a smile, his expression kind and kind.

It is a gratifying and happy thing to see such outstanding and lovely juniors. As people get older, it is like this. It is always a little easier to be a teacher. I want to share my experience with the juniors, or give them some guidance. This seems to be a good thing. If you can continue something, even if you face death, you will be calmer and more stable. He talked about death without hesitation.

I'm not young anymore, and the singer I loved the most when I was young is also ahead of me. I often recall the various albums and videos I collected back then. Whenever I hear those familiar songs, The melody will remind you of that carefree and free age, as well as those familiar friends from back then.

Every stage of life has its own different beauty. Don't give up experiencing the people and things around you because you are too anxious about the future. Maybe many years later, the anxiety at that time has been forgotten, but I went hiking with my friends that day. I still remember the scene of the dinner party.”

This is probably some kind of beauty of memory.

Now that you are about to finish your first year in the academy and enter your second year, I know that Tilan has taken up the position of student council president, and there are also things to be busy with as a singer, but I also hope that you will not focus too much on it. In these aspects, we ignore the people and things around us.”

It is also worth doing to relax occasionally, play games with friends, go shopping, and have dinner together.

I hope that in four years, I can see an elegant, calm, happy, and confident lady graduate, not just Tilan who is busy with various affairs, forgets her own life, and becomes a mess.

Thank you for the reminder. The girl nodded.

Hahaha, then our communication for today will end here.

After that, Tilan met one director after another, and the banquet didn't end until nearly twelve o'clock in the evening.

When leaving, Tilan walked to the door of the hall and looked back. Only then did she realize that a group of guests, including the three highest-status people, were gradually leaving at this moment. In other words, they did not leave directly after talking to Tilan. It was a rare opportunity to have dinner together to talk and communicate with other people. On the other hand, it was also out of respect for everyone.

It's really incredible. Should I say that these big men are attentive or polite enough? The girl thought to herself.

Then she got into a special hover car outside the building and was escorted by a motorcade to her residence. This was the end of a wonderful and long day.

‘Phew, I really want to take a bath. ’ After the dinner, the girl felt that she had remembered too many people and things tonight, her mind was a little dizzy, and she just wanted to relax quietly.

I'm preparing to fill the water for you. The two maids who were always on standby in the house looked at the girl who fell on the sofa after returning and smiled. Then one helped Tilan go to the bathroom to fill the water, and the other brought warm water. Milk, placed in front of her.

Thank you, Aike, Ella. Tilan put her hands on the sofa, reached for the milk on the table, took a sip, and then continued to lie down with her eyes closed. She was going to take it slow before taking a shower.

I will remind Tilan in 10 minutes. Ella turned down the light in the room and told the girl so that she didn't have to worry about oversleeping.

Well... After saying that, the girl leaning on the sofa quickly fell asleep, her body rising and falling slightly. She was exhausted from the day.

Ten minutes later, looking at the girl who was still sleeping, the two maids stood in front of her, looking at each other helplessly, and then extended it for another two minutes before approaching Tilan and gently shaking her awake.

It's time to take a shower, Miss Tilan.

Well... Tilan slowly struggled to get up. After sitting down, she still didn't want to open her eyes. Her hair, which had been neatly combed, now fell messily on her shoulders and in front of her body.

Seeing Tilan's fragile and pitiful look, the two maids decided to carry her directly to the bathroom.

Yeah. The girl was a little surprised when she was first picked up, and then she realized that she felt very embarrassed.

I can walk, she whispered, trying to struggle out.

It's okay, we'll be there soon. Aike led the way and opened the door, while Ella carried Tilan to the large underground bathroom in the house like a princess.

I can take a shower myself. After being placed on the white bench in the bathroom, Tilan raised her hand to block the situation in front of her, indicating that she didn't need to bother the two maids in the future.

The two nodded with a smile, knowing that the girl was still very shy. One of them helped her get a change of clothes, and the other turned on the ventilation and air conditioning in the bathroom, and then left.

The gurgling hot water fell from the white carved spout and flowed into the large bath below. Tilan shook her head, straightened it out simply, then stood up and came to the mirror.

With her gentle long black hair, light blue eyes, and adorable 16-17-year-old appearance, coupled with her genetic mother and her sister’s equally astonishing appearance, I have to say that after the singer’s talent was fully revealed, this The girl in the mirror has a special kind of purity and charm, which is unforgettable.

Finger brushing the hair beside her ear, Tilan looked at herself in the mirror.

It's so eye-catching... Her soft voice seemed to have thousands of graces in it, and the tone was so rich and moving.

Ahem. As if she was surprised by the sound of her own voice, the girl covered her mouth and coughed several times. After adjusting a few times, she returned to her usual state.

How did it become like this?

Tilan dipped her fingers in water and tapped the center of her eyebrows to calm herself down a little.

Although she restrained herself during the competition, her unconscious relaxation after the competition still revealed part of her talent as a color-level singer. This unconscious charm is like a walking mythical creature, attracting the attention of people around her.

Fortunately, she was sitting in the car when she came back and didn't have much contact with the outside world. Although the big shots on the board of directors also chatted with her not far away, most of them were well-informed big shots and their minds were not easily shaken. So I can stay calm and know that this is the result of the singer's talent.

As for returning to the residence, the two maids were not as restrained as the elders. They were almost obedient to her and enthusiastically carried her to the bathroom.

Although the two maids did a good job in the past, they still had professional qualities and would not do extra things. Unless Tilan directed them, they would not pick her up on their own initiative and extend her sleep by two minutes. some type of.

Shaking her head, Tilan unbuttoned her collar, took off her dress, and went to take a shower first, then stepped into the warm hot water and soaked her body.

After that, I have to go to the teacher and ask how to deal with the special charm brought by talent, otherwise I will be surrounded by people wherever I go, which is really terrible.

She also wants to have some privacy and a relaxed life, otherwise it would be too tiring to be a singer all the time.

No wonder Senior Butis has retired. She was clearly the only singer in the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory before, ‘Green Snake’ Yolandoja, with such a prestigious status.

With these thoughts in her mind, Tilan leaned next to the bath and took a nap again, her body gradually breathing steadily.

That was it until half an hour later, a burst of soothing music woke her up, and then she sat up from the water.

It's time to finish the bath, Miss Tilan. It's not good to soak for a long time. The maid's prompt came from the microphone on the wall.

I'll come out later. The girl pressed the button and replied lazily, then began to wipe her body, then left the bath and put on clean and fresh pajamas.

The next morning, Edes Academy held a grand press conference. At the meeting, the principal and several directors of the academy attended, explaining the identity of the student Heshia Tilan as a singer and her experience of enrolling in school that year.

After that, he talked about Edes Academy’s long-standing philosophy, as well as its investment in music, singers, etc., saying that Edes Academy is a comprehensive and excellent academy.

This kind of rhetoric is used by basically every school during press conferences. The reporters present have long been accustomed to it and just want to skip it quickly. But at the end of the press conference, amid the attention and anticipation, after re-dressing Tilan appeared in everyone's sight again.

Today she is wearing a blue and black dress. The fabric is soft and the style is not too slim or tight. It has a comfortable and casual feel that is close to life.

Snow-white skin, dark blue fabric, quiet face, delicate eyebrows, gentle and long black hair, it is difficult for people to associate her with the singer who bloomed with blue flames last night.

Standing in front of the camera, this girl with black hair and blue eyes briefly introduced her past, briefly recounting her childhood experiences, followed by her experiences after entering Edes Academy, and expressing her humility when she first took the stage as a singer.

The above are my personal feelings. I am very happy to receive so much care and attention from everyone. In the future, I will gradually walk on the road of a singer and bring beauty and happiness to everyone. As she said that, she lifted up her skirt lightly and He bowed and thanked him.

The cameras and videos captured captured this moment, but what many people didn't expect was that this sentence, which everyone thought was just a cliché, would gradually change the entire country in the future.

Like the first ray of breeze fanned by a little butterfly.

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