Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 232 Brand Representative

Standing in front of the tarmac in the school, the girl looked up at the slowly descending aircraft. The air flow from the bottom blew around, lifting her hair and dress slightly. After the aircraft stopped completely, she stepped forward. .

Hello, I am Li Xun, the representative of the 'Gothic Doll' brand. Are you the classmate Tilan mentioned by President Amorsi?

Among the group of people who got off the aircraft, the leader was a woman wearing a workplace skirt. She looked to be about thirty years old and wore rimless glasses. After seeing Tilan and two classmates who greeted her, she walked over directly.

Hello, yes, I am Tilan. I am responsible for receiving you and discussing cooperation this time. The girl nodded, and Anneli and Colt, who were standing behind her, also bent down.

She's even more beautiful than in the photo, Tilan. It's true that Eds Academy has such a lovely and beautiful person. Li Xun smiled and stretched out his hand, briefly shook Tilan's hand, and then called to his companions behind him to follow him. superior.

Compared with Li Xun, who is smartly dressed for the workplace, the people behind her have different styles. Maybe it’s because the designers have more individual personalities, and their dressing styles are not unusual. Some of them look like characters in ancient divas. , some were wearing wigs, and some were carrying boxes with special shapes in their hands.

The places where we live have been arranged. Please come with me. Tilan walked in front and led Li Xun to the main road aside. As for the designers behind her, there was no need to pay special attention to them. They would naturally do it. Keep up.

Along the way, Li Xun would ask about various buildings and gardens with special shapes on campus. He looked very curious. Tilan also followed her questions and introduced them. If they were unfamiliar, Colt would do it for them.

Is this the campus where young ladies and gentlemen live? The environment is better than I imagined. Li Xun said complimentary words.

In this way, after settling in, Tilan took them to the restaurant for dinner. During this period, the group was amazed by the luxurious food on campus. Although they were not people who had never seen the world, entering Edes Academy was like this. This is also my first time in a top academy, so it’s very fresh.

The first two days of the itinerary basically did not involve serious business. Instead, they first took them to visit the life of the academy and allowed the designers to collect inspiration.

On the afternoon of the next day, Li Xun and Tilan sat in a U-shaped building that resembled a horizontal shape. The hollow part here is a tourist restaurant, where various drinks and snacks are served. The top is a garden, among tall green grass. The white five-pointed flowers are like stars, swaying in the wind, and look particularly beautiful from a distance.

Compared with the direct open-air tourist restaurant, it is more comfortable because the top is shaded, so it will not be exposed to the sun and rain. The ventilation environment on three sides makes the field of vision extremely expanded, allowing you to overlook the surrounding scenery.

Hey, Tilan is only in the first grade. I really can't tell. I heard President Amorsi say that you are his right-hand assistant and now the vice-president of the student union. After getting to know the girl, Li Xun learned that she was just As a freshman in high school, I was very surprised.

Let me think about it, when I was a freshman in high school, I was still chasing stars and falling in love, and I didn't think about studying hard at all. She laughed again as she spoke.

My grades in high school were average, and the direction I studied in college had little to do with fashion design. It was about social relations, and it was more about psychology and academics.

Then how did you join this company? the girl asked curiously.

Well, it's a long story. In fact, I changed several jobs along the way. Mainly because I didn't like it very much. I'm a person who prefers to be silly and happy. It's too difficult for me to listen to customers' detailed psychological problems. Sometimes I listen too much. I can’t figure it out myself, I’m easily influenced.”

“So I decided not to do psychological counseling related work, but thought about crossing the border to find other companies. Then I happened to see ‘Goth Doll’ recruiting positions related to analyzing the psychology of market crowds, so I came here.”

Actually, there are many psychological factors involved in whether clothing design or clothing style can be popular.

Modern people have various standards and priorities when choosing clothes. They don't focus on the quality of clothes as much as in the past. Even beauty and ugliness are not the first factors. The most important thing is whether the clothes can express the unique message he hopes to show.

For example, an ordinary, unremarkable young man who has just entered society will be very concerned about the style of his clothes.

This concern is reflected in the fact that the style of clothes you wear should not be too old and outdated, but should have a certain personality, highlight your 'excellence', avoid feeling cheap, and avoid being ridiculed or looked down upon by your peers.

Because most of the young people who have just entered society are engaged in basic or entry-level jobs, and are at the bottom or lower positions in the entire company. This position will undoubtedly accumulate some pressure and panic, and he will be eager to think about it. Get some psychological compensation, dilute this feeling, and separate yourself from the mediocre people around you.”

The same goes for luxury goods that women are keen on, because most women do not work in core positions, and they need expensive bags to reflect their worth, so that people around them will be 'shocked' by such expensive luxury goods and then have a negative opinion of her. 'Awe', and unknowingly enhance her status in the hearts of those around her.

In this way, if another man wants to invite her to dinner or give her a gift, he will not dare to go to a low-end restaurant or give her something that is too low-end and cheap.

Although buying luxury clothing and bags is a big investment for an ordinary young woman, if she manages it properly, the benefits she will reap from it will not be small. This is why many women are easily addicted to it.

Psychology...it's really wonderful. The girl lamented the complexity of the adult world.

That's right, it's the same in the clothing industry today. Many people don't buy simple materials and styles, but they hope to gain psychological advantages and confidence from the brand or style.

Although there are rational people, or people who have seen through the psychological factors, these people are still in the minority. Most people are irrational, or just follow the crowd, and our market target is also these mainstream people.

So this cooperation with our academy is also based on the reputation of Edes Academy. The girl tilted her head slightly.

To admit it directly like this would make people feel a bit snobbish. In fact, we don't have any ill intentions, and we are just meeting the needs of the market. Everyone hopes and desires such products, so naturally we must comply with the market's choices. Li Xun said. she explained.

It's okay, I'm not blaming you, I'm just feeling a little emotional. The girl nodded.

If this cooperation works well, it will actually be beneficial to the expansion of the academy's influence. This is why the president asked me to take charge.

After that, the two talked about a lot of things, ranging from the popular styles of young people today, daily life on campus, to interesting things between top academies, etc.

It can be seen that this Li Xun is very talkative, and he is also very curious about how students spend their daily lives in a top academy like Edes Academy. What is the intensive day and night classes and a completely elite education? Or maybe it’s because the students’ family backgrounds are excellent and there is no pressure. The school focuses on happy education and does not involve high-intensity competition and so on.

So, Tilan, can you tell me what your life is like? Although he is about twice as old as Tilan, Li Xun's pleading and coquettish look is more interesting than the black-haired girl in front of him. Being good at it makes it hard to refuse.

Uh, okay, actually, this is one of the things I'm going to show you around.

After agreeing to Li Xun's request, the girl thought for a while and slowly talked about the style of Edes Academy.

First of all, in our academy, students mostly study and do activities in clubs... The girl's voice spread like ripples in the breeze, and the five-pointed white orchids in the top garden also swayed together.

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