Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 219 Card Game for Beginners

The desert that used to be deserted seems a bit busy today. Personnel wearing full-body protective suits are carrying various instruments to detect and sample in the site, and then measure various data underground, and extract the monitoring at that time for playback and analysis.

After Tilan walked out of the temporary underground building, he could see many aircraft taking off and landing in the camp outside, as well as some personnel sent by the Federal Central Government. The signs on their chests indicated that some of them were from the Federal Central Tribunal, and some were from the Federal Disaster Management Bureau. Bureau, as well as members of the Federal Historical Archives Service.

Emeranda led Tilan towards the temporary residential area in the distance. Many people looked at the black-haired girl curiously along the way. After all, such young figures are very rare in the camp. Most of the people here are mature and professional. staff of.

Fortunately, because of Emeranda's identity as the investigator, others did not dare to step forward at will. At most, they just glanced at her.

After entering the residential area, Emeranda found one of the temporary houses. After knocking on the door and entering, Tilan also met her companions who had been away for several days.

Tilan is back~ As he said that, several people in the room immediately stood up and surrounded the girl who entered the room. Then they looked left and right, and they seemed to want to touch her.

Okay, it's okay. You don't have to keep staring. The girl said slightly embarrassed.

But Tilan was so handsome that day~ Ruby leaned her hands together and blinked her eyes, as if there were little stars twinkling.

It's really exaggerated. Allen also commented like this. Although his tone was not as obvious as Ruby's, it was still possible to see the surprise in the hearts of those present.

Let me just tell you, our President Tilan is very powerful, haha. Gu Luo became more active now.

Okay, stop hanging around now and let's sit together for a while. Iyepel asked everyone to sit down for now.

The living room of this room is very spacious and the floor is covered with soft blankets. Before Tilan came, some people were watching videos on the sofa in boredom, some were sitting around the low table in the middle playing card games, and some Taking a nap.

After counting the number of people present, the girl found that two people were missing, Where are Dolores and Avni?

Avni was taken back by her father, and it seems that Dolores was too, but she negotiated with her family for a while and just changed her place to live, not far from here. Ruby helped answer.

Avni's father is a high-ranking official in the Four Leaf Crystal Energy Department. He dotes on his daughter very much and is probably worried about it. The same goes for Delores's family. However, cousin Delores is more assertive and her family will also consider her words. Accept it. Jin Senke replied leaning on the sofa.

What about you? Logically speaking, aren't you also the eldest son of a wealthy family? Gu Luo was curious.

I'm a man, not a delicate girl. Besides, I've done a lot of weird things over the years, and I get away with it every time. My family is probably used to it. In addition, I have a few younger brothers. According to me Dad's temper, if I die, he will just go back to practice the trumpet, and he will be very happy. Jin Senke said nonchalantly, and put one leg in the air from the sofa, swinging back and forth.

Cousin is different. Dolores is an only child and has no brothers or sisters. The incense workshop is still waiting for her to inherit, so her safety is very important to her family. To be honest, she can persuade her family to come out and gain experience this time. It’s not easy.”

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Is the president free now? The investigator just sent you back. Is it a temporary reunion, or is it okay now?

It's okay. Tilan shook her head, then took off her shoes at the edge of the carpet, stepped on them with her feet in white socks, walked over, and sat at the low table with everyone.

I was very nervous at first, but the investigators didn't make things difficult for me after asking questions, and they let me back today. She looked at the cards on the table, and it seemed that a few people were trying out a new deck just now.

You're very lucky, President. I heard before that the investigators are very difficult to deal with. They are good at finding flaws in your language and can tell lies. They all want to dig out everything you have done since childhood. Come out. Gu Luo gestured with exaggerated gestures.

Stereotype, stereotype. Tilan shook her head, then picked up the cards on the table and looked at them carefully.

In the following time, Tilan chatted with everyone in the room for a long time before returning to their rooms to rest and sleep.

The next day, Tilan came to the place where Dolores lived. This was the east corner of the residential area. The surrounding area was heavily guarded. It seemed that the residents were all temporarily transferred high-level technicians.

After ringing the doorbell, a tall maid opened the door and looked at the girl for a while before letting her in.

The eldest lady is waiting for you in the glass restaurant at the back. After saying that, she led Tilan to the back, and soon she saw Dolores sitting in the glass room surrounded by spider plants.

Good morning, Tilan. The rich lady waved her hand, and behind her stood two capable and cold maids. Judging from the aura exuding from their bodies, they were at least Sequence 5 level.

Good morning, Dolores.

The girl sat in front of her, and soon the maid brought tea.

You guys go down first. Delores raised her hand.

I'm sorry, Mr. Aldrich told us to stay by the eldest lady's side at all times. The two maids beside her bent down to apologize, and then returned to their cold demeanor.

As you can see, Tilan, I have been a little uneasy recently. She gently stirred the tea in the cup with a spoon, and then added a few sugar cubes.


The girl nodded, and then the two talked about some things after they broke up, and then slowly talked about current events, the situation in school, etc.

It was noon. After the meal, the two of them sat together on a bench in the glass room to bask in the sun, chatting quietly, and then took a nap before saying goodbye.

Returning to the camp where they lived, because the group of them could not leave for the time being, Tilan rarely had any free time and played card games with her companions.

Have Tilan played before? Ruby asked while shuffling the cards.

I played it briefly, but it was in the store, and I didn't build cards by myself. She would occasionally play for 'Belphinger', the senior rabbit-eared maid, and use the ready-made decks in the store to play against others. .

I played very casually at that time because I didn't understand the rules and effects very well. I won occasionally, but I still didn't understand. She spent most of her time in junior high school studying, and only occasionally saw her classmates playing.

This is actually not difficult to learn. Let Ruby teach you how to do it. As she said that, Ruby spread the shuffled cards across the table.

Draw one first. The most important thing in a card game is consistency. Because according to today's rules, the effect of the card will change according to the user. If it is a deck with a high synchronization rate, it can resonate to activate more powerful ones. effect, which also brings a wealth of variety and fun.”

Are they compatible? The girl looked at the cards spread across the table and pulled one out.

The card depicts a new moon hanging high in the night sky, and broken wisteria flags under the new moon. Countless corpses and ghosts are walking on the earth, bone dragons are flying in the sky, and in the distance in the background, a tall The shadow of the castle stood, and there was a winding road leading to the castle, and one of the necromancers walked forward like a pilgrim.

'The Creation of the Mercury Dynasty', when the bloody empire fell, the descendants fled in all directions, struggling to survive under the constant pursuit day and night, until the witch of the underworld awakened, countless resentments and wills gathered, and thousands of The bones and corpses of the dead build city walls, walking on the earth like a final beast, drowning and devouring all enemies. He is the object of fear in the world, but he is also our salvation and hope. ——Excerpted from the book of the necromancer Sandro notes.

Well, it's a good start. This card is the core of the Mercury Dynasty series. Every time two cards enter the graveyard, you can draw a card from your hand. If the number of creatures in the graveyard reaches 30, it will also be given to the player. The effect of the withering sequence is that followers can attack immediately after entering the game.”

Take advantage of it, Tilan. Today I will teach you how to use necromancy to defeat the enemy~ Ruby happily taught the girl the key to card battle.

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