Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 217 The Butterfly of Annihilation

After Tilan jumped up and rushed into the underground core area, the rest of the group gradually arrived at the scene.

When they were far away, everyone saw the monster that was similar to the hill. The cold and chaotic aura it exuded made people feel nausea and dizziness from the bottom of their hearts even before they got close.

Back off! N shouted seriously at this moment, changing his usual non-serious expression, causing the group of students around him to pause their progress.

Everyone retreat, retreat to the entrance. Allen, Dolores, you are ready to connect to the satellite call and inform the higher-ups of the academy of the situation underground. Others are always ready to evacuate, and they must not be contaminated with the special substances here.

Yes, teacher. Seeing how serious he was, the others suddenly became nervous and began to follow suit.

Well, is it okay with Tilan? She's still in front. Someone asked when he was about to turn around and return.

N looked at the girl in the distance who was still fighting unaffected, and shook his head, I don't know how she managed to remain unaffected, but not everyone has this ability, so don't worry about her. , take care of yourself first and then talk.

As for Tilan, I will help her get out of trouble.

Okay, Teacher N. Everyone once again glanced at the girl who was fighting in the gray sticky magic, and then began to retreat. As for the group of people who had just been captured, they also turned back with them.


The tall and huge monster opened its mouth to an exaggerated degree, and then the invisible roar spread. The sound wave shattered the surrounding buildings. Even if it was hundreds of meters away, the people who were preparing to evacuate were dizzy, as if there was an earthquake under their feet. , the ears seem to have lost their hearing.

With this huge roar, the vague gray mist surrounding the monster also spread, gradually infecting the fallen gangsters and old people, causing their bodies to twist and begin to deform.

We can't continue like this, Tilan thought silently in her heart, and retreated quickly, temporarily avoiding the area where the sound wave was most powerful. Then she clasped her hands together, closed her eyes tightly, and began to whisper an ancient mantra.

The so-called spell, in addition to standardizing the complex steps of spell casting, is also a very strong psychological self-suggestion, which makes the consciousness more immersed in the cast spell and makes the mental emotion closer to the state required by the secret technique. The extraordinary effect of Ajika is due to The spirit stirs reality, and emotions, spirits, concepts, etc. will all have an impact in the process.

... Exhaust the orbit of the stars and the earth, search for the secret path, go up to the clear blue sky, go down to the underworld, pick up the stars and set the moon, and see the life and death disappear in an instant, and the youth. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened, originally There was a faint blue light flowing in the black eyes, and then her clasped hands slowly opened, and a dazzling blue sword slowly appeared. The sword body was made of transparent blue crystal, and the blade was engraved with butterflies. pattern, when it is waved, countless blue butterflies also spread out and fly out of the sword.

These butterflies, which flicker in and out, are extremely blue, although they are extremely beautiful, they also carry an extremely cold aura. Just flying by you will make your soul tremble slightly.

The product of the concept of annihilation, a butterfly that destroys consciousness and spirit, and annihilates matter. This is a secret technique that belongs exclusively to the withering sequence. It is also the representative ability of the butterfly witch in the past. It was later improved by a certain inherited witch and can now be attached to the sword and cast. , which reduces the difficulty of performing it, but the effect range of the secret technique is not as good as the overwhelming sea of ​​butterflies.

To perform this secret technique, if it was the original version, it would require at least Necromancer Sequence 8. Even if it was improved by the successor, it would still require Withering Sequence 7. Now she reluctantly used it and still relied on Themisia's innate ability. Two sides of the same coin, Hesia obtained the Crystal of Bridging, while Themisia obtained the Sand of Annihilation.

Because of the blessing in the field related to annihilation, Tilan can now barely perform this secret technique. But just holding this sword in her hand, she feels that the magic power in her body is being consumed rapidly. I am afraid that in half a minute, she will be There is no way to keep the blade alive.

Unlike the last time in Lebian, with the support of the full moon in the sky, she could effortlessly wield the Ajika particles within a radius of dozens of miles and convert them into magic power. At this moment, she could easily use her own magic power alone. It has hit the ceiling of Sequence 4.

The Secret Technique of Withering·The Instant Butterfly Sword of Annihilation.

Holding this long sword made of blue crystal in her hand, she slowly descended from the sky, not very fast. The hair on the back of her head was flying, reflected by the sword in her hand, and also dyed with blue brilliance. Every time she dropped one foot, The sword blade in his hand is condensed.

Layers after layers of magic brushed through the complex patterns in the blade, lighting it up, and then blue butterflies flew out of the blade and followed her.


100 meters...

Ten meters...

As it got closer and closer to the howling monster below, the brilliance of the sword in its hand gradually flooded the field of vision, extremely bright.

Finally, with a flick of his wrist, the sword blade swung down, like cutting through mist, splitting the monster apart without any resistance. Then the sword blade turned around again, and in an instant, three sword arcs flashed through, cutting off the remaining body of the monster. It was also cut into several sections, and the sections were covered with blue crystals. These crystals also transformed into blue butterflies.

The broken corpses were washed by the flying butterflies in the air, and then gradually disappeared, until finally there was nothing, and the earth became extremely clean.

Looking at the scene not far away, N, who was already ready for battle, slowly released his hand from the hilt of the sword at his waist, and then saw the girl fall to the ground again, and the crystal sword in her hand disappeared without a trace. .

It really refreshes my knowledge again and again. How many surprises are there in you waiting to be discovered?

In the following time, he stepped forward to deal with the remaining situation with Tilan, gathering the fleeing gang members, and at the same time, he rescued the old man who was caught in the attack and comforted him for a while.

It's the eldest lady, you came back to save us. These old people knelt on the ground and thanked them. This scene made the girl very uncomfortable, so she had to help them up quickly.

Stop kneeling, I don't like this old habit. Seeing more and more people joining the kneeling ranks, she stopped offering support and her voice became colder.

Or maybe it was because the power they had just shown was still there, which made these old people a little afraid. They hesitated for a moment and looked at each other before slowly standing up. However, they felt very uncomfortable after standing up, because they didn't know what to do. What's the matter? I just kept saying thank you to express my gratitude.

Understanding the plight of these poor and lonely old people, the girl shook her head and then spoke.

You listened to my command. This is the best thank you. Now I want to know what happened around Jilou City since the relocation, how did this gang come to find you, and what did they ask you to do.

Okay, miss, let's tell you now. After hearing the girl's order, these people finally breathed a sigh of relief, freed themselves from the helpless situation, and then began to explain what happened not long ago.

Although Jielou City has no intention of abandoning the people of the same clan, there are still some old people who are unwilling to leave because they are very old. Even if they move out, they will not survive for a few years. Moreover, it is very difficult to leave this familiar area. It was difficult to adapt to the new environment, so I stayed.

It was good at first, because there were a lot of old supplies in the city, enough for our group of people to use for many years, but soon, some wandering forces came to the door, snooping on the old site of Jielou City, hoping to find out from it Something valuable. He shook his head as he spoke, indicating that these people were really greedy.

There are remaining self-discipline units for protection in the city, but because there are not enough extraordinary people and young people to maintain and patrol, they are slowly being destroyed by the gang members.

So we gradually retreated deep underground, using the original defense facilities of Jilou City, so that we could regain the balance, and then we lived in peace for a while. After all, those wandering people gradually discovered that there was really nothing valuable here.

Later, we heard that these wandering people were fighting on the surface again, and gradually formed some gangs and began to occupy this place. Although we were worried about this, we didn't seem to care that much. After all, we don't have a few years to live.

However, just this month, a very special group of gangs came here specifically. They caught us old people and tortured us whether we had the method to crack some ancient secrets.

What secret code is that? Tilan was curious.

It's hard to explain specifically, so I'll just show it to you. As they said, these old men dug out a brown and black box from the chaotic battlefield. It had a long string of alphanumeric numbers engraved on it, and there were several numbers on the side. interface.

This should be a memory storage device from the Fifth Era. However, the interface model and decoding method have been lost and are no longer used. However, according to the documents and other information unearthed with this storage device, this should be a certain person at the end of the Fifth Era. A country’s secret research program.”

Unlike today's vast star field, human civilization in the Fifth Era was divided and fragmented. There were hundreds of countries, large and small, and they often conflicted with each other.

They used some illegal AI assistance to crack the decoding method and extract some information from the storage device. However, because the person who wrote the information did double encryption in order to keep it confidential, that is, they deliberately used some special Terminology replaces professional and common nouns, so even if it is stolen by hackers, it will be difficult to understand the details and cannot be restored.”

It's such an ancient and simple method. The girl shook her head and commented.

Because most of these terms originate from the Eastern Continent in the early years, which is also the habits of us Easterners, so they thought that we might be able to understand them, so they came here.

Then did you help translate and crack it? Tilan asked again.

It can't be cracked. Although they are all descendants of Easterners, it is difficult for us to understand this kind of crooked and toothy thing. We can only roughly guess what it means. It is probably because at the end of the Fifth Era, the Sea of ​​Ajika gradually froze. , the number of extraordinary beings in the entire galaxy began to decrease on a large scale, and in order to break through this situation, some countries began to think of ways to find a way out.

Judging from the results, they may have used some remaining phantoms of chaos to infect the corrosive and frozen Sea of ​​Ayaka, thereby loosening certain restrictions and allowing extraordinary people to advance.

This is undoubtedly drinking poison to quench thirst. If the phantom of chaos is allowed to spread, the tragedy of the past will be repeated again.

Forget it, let's stop the topic here for now. Tilan raised her hand and asked the old people to collect these materials and put them in one place, and then discussed it with Teacher N on the side.

When will the team from the academy or the federal government arrive? She knew that what happened here could not be hidden from the academy's supervision.

Tilan is very smart. Don't worry, we will arrive in half an hour. By now, they will have landed. N pointed to the top of his head.

Above the surface, three huge shuttles roared and swooped down, and then white mechas fell down. Compared with Lebion's old-fashioned models, these mechas were extremely advanced, with blue indicator lights flashing on their surfaces. Swim around, constantly detect the surrounding situation, and then quickly drive towards the underground entrance.

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