231 – Catastrophe (14)

Some members feel something is not clear about Javert Wilson, the president of the red-haired club, who has not been seen even though almost time has passed. We were having an awkward conversation. Most of the time, they were so engrossed in chatting among themselves that they couldn’t even look at the clock.

However, this was just an everyday scene that took place in an ordinary club in London.

But in a corner, a place where no damage would normally be caused by a bomb explosion, a place where anyone would consider themselves ‘lucky’ or believe that the Lord had protected them, a scene that cannot be seen anywhere else in London occurs. There was.

Jane Watson maintained an uncomfortable silence between the two people, who had completely opposite vibes. First of all, I could tell that Holmes had hit Professor Moriarty with something.

Her friend was looking at Professor Moriarty with an eerie smile that made him feel angry just by watching, even though he was not the one involved. Of course, it was not just a sense of accomplishment for winning or a look of disdain for the opponent.

Rather, I felt a slightly strange feeling, as if I was deliberately teasing the person I liked. Watson, she thought, had a very strange feeling about herself.

In fact, I had to root for Holmes as he faced off against the villain named Professor Moriarty, who was a collaborator with Holmes.

However, the moment I looked at the expression of Professor Moriarty, who was directly receiving Holmes’ gaze, I unconsciously felt a little, strangely, pity.

Professor James Moriarty, as if he had never even assumed his own defeat, had an expression that a person who was always victorious would make when facing defeat for the first time. No, I wanted to.

Although he managed to maintain a expressionless expression with superhuman mental strength, Watson could tell that even the corners of his mouth, which he was trying to maintain, were artificially twisted.

It’s really strange, but I felt really uncomfortable in this place. He felt like he was only a groomsman at best.

Of course, Watson’s feelings were a good problem for Holmes, who was smiling. If Watson had known this, he might have felt sorry for his friend, but it really was a problem that could not be helped at this moment.


If Holmes hadn’t controlled his emotions even a little, he might have screamed out of character.

Proving that the man in front of her was her villain was like a mission given to her. About 10 years ago, he was as good as dead. She was alive only because of the man in front of her.

Otherwise, he would have been nothing more than a murderer.

That’s why I had so much fun looking at that man. It was fun to see the teacher finally break his always relaxed expression in the face of an unexpected blow. It was fun to finally realize that I was not a disciple who was supposed to guide me forever, but that I was my enemy.

Of course, I had to regain my composure. There was also this reason why Holmes was silently looking at James Moriarty with a smile.

Now she could see that she was truly strange. But at the same time, it wasn’t strange. Holmes himself was always unusual when it came to his teachers.

No, isn’t the time when he faces the teacher his true self, and the other times he is acting?

Of course, this moment was not the end. However, it was clear that it was a big step towards becoming a teacher. Above all, there was still something left to show the teacher.

Don’t get excited, Holmes. You need to calm down, I am a hunter. I shouldn’t have gotten excited about a game I hadn’t yet caught.

At the same time, Moriarty was silently watching Holmes trying to take something out of the bag he had been carrying, and even at that moment, he was looking at something other than Holmes.

James Moriarty, like his disciple Holmes, also maintained silence, but for different reasons.

He might not admit it, but as Jane Watson discovered, James Moriarty was forced to act like a child in the face of unexpected defeat.

Of course, it was an experience he was unfamiliar with, so it was difficult for him to respond properly. Only the obsession with completely hiding this feeling remained as a child, and he tried to look at the student who was ‘laughing’ at him calmly.

Of course, his clenched fist was shaking without him knowing, but he couldn’t be conscious of it.

Some people may sneer that it is the ugliness of not being able to accept defeat. However, because he believed that something impossible had happened, Moriarty had no choice but to remain silent.

How on earth?

At this moment, he couldn’t think about anything other than that thought. Normally he would have tried to prepare and think about what would happen next, but right now he was like a person who had been hit in the chin and could not do anything.

How on earth?

It was impossible. These were things that Holmes was not supposed to know. No, these were unknown things.

This was not a conclusion that came from ignoring his own students. Rather, it was a reasonable conclusion that he could come to because he knew his student Holmes well.

If given enough time, Holmes would certainly have been able to find out the information he had just heard with the help of various assistants.

But there wasn’t enough time yet. Even if other helpers, such as Mycroft Holmes, joined in, nothing much should have changed.

Then how?

‘There is a traitor.’

Several hypotheses were drawn in his mind to explain the impossible phenomenon, and soon he had to accept the painful truth.

If you think rationally, it was impossible, but there was no other answer.

Then, since when? And what extent of information has the traitor provided so far?

But my thoughts did not reach that point. As if intentionally interrupting the teacher’s thoughts, Holmes held out a document in front of James Moriarty.

“This…” ….”

“You probably already know this, but I’ll let you know in advance just in case you end up dying and wasting your efforts in vain. Most of the officers are probably retrieving money and valuables from their custody by now, sir. And before I came here, I happened to find some interesting ‘evidence’.”

Almost at the same time, Moriarty could hear a disturbing sound coming from the door. Moriarty could tell that these were the officers who had been called in by Holmes, as if for the highlight of the show, and the people involved in this incident who had probably been caught.

But he did not look away. I quickly glanced at the document Holmes held out. After that, he clicked his tongue without realizing it.

“That…” What?”

Watson opened his mouth cautiously. Fortunately, Holmes responded kindly. He responded softly, savoring his teacher’s reaction.

“Here’s the membership list for the Red Head Club, Watson. Fortunately…… It’s almost the only original, and it’s organized not alphabetically, but by club membership. Coincidentally, the first member to join is someone we know.”

Holmes then quietly held out a document in front of Watson. Watson was able to identify the name, and he muttered involuntarily, his eyes widening.

“James… Moriarty…… !”

“The second member is also familiar, but it says John Clay, right, Watson? What do you think, sir? It may not be a fatal blow, but it still seems like it could be a fairly effective means of attacking the teacher. He was the one who made his mark before anyone else in the club run by this suspicious vampire……. “It would be quite a social fatal blow, right?”

But James Moriarty shook his head.

“… Yes, that’s how it happened. Thanks to you…… I am sure you understand what was so strange, Holmes. Yeah, it helped.”

“What do you mean, teacher?”

Holmes raised his eyebrows for the first time on the spot at the unexpected remark. In response, Moriarty tried to give Holmes a teacher’s smile as usual.

Of course it didn’t work out properly. Although he prepared just in case, this was no different from his defeat.

More than anything, it was impossible to completely escape the danger of Holmes. But he quietly moved his hand closer to his neck, unbuttoned one of his top buttons, and lifted his hair to show the part that went between his shoulder and the back of his neck.

At first, both Watson and Holmes blushed and were embarrassed by Moriarty’s sudden action that seemed to expose his flesh, but they soon had no choice but to stop when they saw the strange scars on his neck.

“Hmm… vampire?”

Watson raised his voice in surprise.

“When did something like that happen…” ….”

Holmes muttered. I realized the teacher’s plan to barely escape.

“I play the role of a victim who has been ‘hypnotized’ by a vampire……. Anyway… “You know it’s a clumsy trick, right?”

“It must be difficult to avoid becoming unemployed. “But there is no other way, right?”

From noble mtl dot com

Moriarty tried to smile calmly, but he couldn’t completely hide his burning feelings in front of Holmes.

Holmes hesitated for a moment, but did not open his mouth any further.

At that moment, Inspector Lestrade, who had received Holmes’ instructions, was approaching, cutting through the panicked red-haired club members. The numerous police officers with him were holding on to John Clay, who seemed to have just been captured, and next to them, Count Dracula, who looked half-fazed, was being dragged around like a prisoner.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to explain it to the officers first.”

“Are you running away?”

Holmes asked the teacher who was getting up from his seat as if running away. Moriarty paused for a moment, as if he had been struck by this.

But then he forced a smile as if that wasn’t the case.

“No, it’s a strategic retreat.”

“Now really… There isn’t much left. Make sure you use the remaining time wisely, teacher. “Because the time of freedom will end.”

“Let me listen carefully.”

Holmes sat staring at the back of his teacher, who turned his back on him like a sulky person.

Soon, James Moriarty calmly approached the inspector and the officers, and a few words began to be exchanged.

Holmes seemed to have finally relaxed and let out a small sigh. It’s starting now, it’s really starting now.

However, when Watson’s scream was soon heard, Holmes was startled and turned his head in the direction where the teacher was, and, similar to Watson, he could not help but scream softly.

The sight of a vampire biting the back of Professor James Moriarty’s neck as if it would kill him was unfolding before my eyes.

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