224 – Catastrophe (7)

Jane H. Watson was a witch. She is often depicted in folklore as an evil being, and unlike witches who are often depicted as ugly old women, if you look at it objectively, she was clearly a beauty. She knew it herself. Because every time she looked in the mirror, she knew that she was pretty.

Of course, based on this fact alone, Watson did not consider herself to be special. Considering her beauty alone, her immediate friend, Holmes, was also a beauty similar to herself.

Someone who is ignorant of magic may assume that Watson’s beauty is something magical. One of the things they often misunderstand was the witch’s prophecy. Just as Shakespeare described witches who predicted the future in ‘Macbeth’ and street witches made a living by telling fortunes, people naturally assumed that witches could see the future.

At least Jane Watson herself did not have such abilities. No, perhaps there were no true prophets, and most of them were fraudsters or people who told good-sounding words instead. Naturally, her Watson did not know her own future.

Who would have imagined that even two years ago she would find herself meeting her eccentric friend named Holmes? And now, who would have known that we would be running around like crazy in this scene reminiscent of a battlefield?

Of course, Watson may have really been on the battlefield thanks to her bad mistake just a few months ago. Confused immediately after waking up with her memory gone, she seriously considered sending to a place like Afghanistan as a military medic.

She was one of those futures that never happened, but maybe a certain Jane Watson would have suffered as a military doctor in far-off Afghanistan. If she had been unlucky, she might have returned to London and been reunited with Holmes again, with her shoulder or her leg injured on the battlefield.

One thing is certain: whether she went to Afghanistan or remained in London, no Jane Watson could have escaped her battlefield.

“Dr. Van Helsing!”

“If possible, please call me Professor, Miss Holmes! “Eat your bullets, you devils of hell!”

– Bang! Taang!


“Keck! Kerrr… !”

Yes, this was definitely a small battlefield. Watson wasn’t a soldier, but she knew for sure. All around her, servants who couldn’t even be vampires, dead corpses flocked to ward off the intruder, leading their limp bodies.

And without thinking, Holmes knocked them down one by one as they approached, or shouted at Professor Van Helsing, who was laughing like a madman next to him.

The professor, who declared that vampires had no human rights, began feeding lead bullets to the vampires every time he did so. Every time the muzzle of the huge shotgun he was holding emitted fire, the terrible vampire’s servants began to scream and fall one by one.

Watson could see that Professor Abraham Van Helsing was definitely an expert on vampires. Watson’s own knowledge of vampires was only slightly better than that of those who knew nothing.

These are servants created by the owner of this mansion who are planning to attack them right now.

On the outside, they look like humans and are reminiscent of murder, but in reality, they are servants created with the magic power of vampires.

Every time Holmes or Watson themselves knocked them down or burned them with magic, the remaining parts wriggled as if they were still alive and tried to grab their white ankles somehow.

However, Professor Abraham Van Helsing’s servants who generously consumed lead bullets turned into ashes and disappeared. It was clearly the work of an expert.

Professor Van Helsing had apparently developed a new way to kill the demons that had crawled up from hell, as he put it.

It was a clean method of using lead bullets that did not require holy water, crosses, or stakes like the vampire extermination sets often sold by scammers.

“Anyway, there’s really no chance that the target will escape like this, right, Professor Van Helsing?”

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“Didn’t I tell you, Miss Holmes? That guy is arrogant. Thanks to our wonderful and perfect surprise attack, they won’t be able to respond properly, but they will move leisurely to maintain their dignity as nobles. More than anything… “They probably think they can handle us alone.”

The battle that had continued immediately after rushing into the mansion ended for a moment.

After dealing with the vampire servants that filled the first floor, they went up to the second floor and leaned on the stairs for a moment to catch their breath.

Of course, something was moving somewhere to kill the intruder and protect their owner, but the three decided to enjoy a short rest for now.

In response to Holmes’ question, Professor Van Helsing spoke confidently while checking to see if the shotgun had overheated, and Holmes nodded his head.

“But the bastard must be arrested alive. “Please do not think of punishing him based on personal feelings.”

“… I am a researcher. And hasn’t this been emphasized several times already? I’ve heard it so hard, don’t worry. “I’m not doing this because I have a personal grudge against him.”

Professor Van Helsing answered Holmes a bit bluntly. However, Watson felt a little uneasy about his answer. I now understand why Holmes emphasized it so many times.

However, Holmes nodded his head, lightly lit a cigarette, took a quiet breath next to Watson, and came closer to Watson, whispering in his ear.

“Watson, you will soon meet Professor Van Helsing’s enemy. Because your role is important… “I’m sorry, but get ready to use your strength for the first time in a while.”

“What should I do?”

“It doesn’t matter if it burns the guy halfway, so make a big flame and blow it at the guy. Of course, if you give me a signal. Since this is an opinion verified by an expert, it must be certain. “Of course, Watson, I don’t want to ask you this, but I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Go… “If it’s not for fixing things, I’m just a little forgetful.”

Watson smiled at Holmes, who was trying hard to apologize, saying it was okay. Because I meant it.

Of course, if burned at the same time, he wondered if anyone would be incapacitated and whether there was a need to ask an expert about that, but he didn’t bother to say it out loud.

More than anything, there was no time for that.

After finishing the rest, as they were about to move again, three enemies, the same number as them, approached.

They were three women. On the outside, they were women who appeared to be in their thirties, older than Holmes or Watson, and who would not be surprised if they were married and had one or two young children.

However, she was all wearing black mourning clothes, and her face and eyes were as pale as her corpse. Above all, it began to threaten them by making sounds that were more like animals than humans.

“It will soon be time for vampires who can speak human language to appear.”

“He is an arrogant bastard, Miss Holmes. They don’t create their own kind like regular vampires do. “He just uses servants who aren’t even vampires!”

The professor opened his mouth as if giving an answer to Holmes, who was muttering while taking a walk. At the same time, the shotgun was fired at the three black women who were circling around them.

Unlike the flaccid guys we had encountered so far, the vampire’s servants were quick to dodge the bullets. And then he rushed forward as if he didn’t want to miss the opportunity.

It was a speed that made it difficult for even Holmes or Watson to react properly at that moment. And the three women rushed to deal with the weakest of their enemies, Professor Van Helsing, who was the only pure human.

It was difficult to save the other person completely without injury. However, Holmes tried to save Professor Van Helsing by pushing him.

But sooner than that, a gunshot rang out.

When Watson came to his senses, Professor Van Helsing had two pistols in his hands, which he had pulled out at some point, and three vampires were lying on the floor, writhing in pain.

– Bang!


Only Professor Van Helsing calmly disposed of them and urged them to head towards the remaining enemies.

“Don’t look at me like that, ladies. It looks painful, but it doesn’t cause much pain to them. At best, it will be the pain of stubbing your toe on the threshold. Maybe.”

“It hurts enough… is not it… ….”

“Be honest, Professor Van Helsing. Actually, your main job is exterminating vampires, right?”

“… I am a researcher after all. Radish… Of course, we caught some vampires, but only the evil ones……. Anyway, let’s go, quickly!”

Neither Holmes nor Watson bothered to interrogate the vampire hunter. They headed to the deepest part of the master’s room.

There were no more interruptions. Just beyond the door, a mighty vampire is waiting arrogantly for them.

Watson couldn’t help but feel nervous in front of the tightly closed door. When Watson belatedly remembered Holmes’ whisper, he quickly prepared to throw a fireball.

Instead of waiting for Watson, Professor Van Helsing and Holmes opened the door.

The vampire wanted to greet them. However, the fireworks thrown by the nervous Watson burned down the entire room.

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