217 – Money becomes a copy (4)

Jane Watson had no choice but to pass the Mokul University table without realizing it as she watched Professor Van Helsing’s expression change as soon as Holmes finished speaking.

The old professor sitting in front of them just moments ago was literally just a researcher. He was well-maintained for his age and had a fairly sturdy body, and although his eyes were sharp, he was closer to a scholar.

Of course, some of the scholars had lost their minds, and Watson knew from his own experience that normalcy was rare, especially among professors.

However, Professor Van Helsing’s expression changed in response to Holmes’ answer, and his face was now closer to that of a hunter. Watson was able to catch a glimpse of the evil relationship that had been entangled over many years in his burning eyes.

“Then…” The story must be fast. It’s a coincidence, but sometimes I trust the Lord’s guidance. I guess… “I think coming to England gave me the opportunity to finally put an end to my long-standing relationship.”

“Originally, many coincidences overlap and become inevitable. I also… Like Professor Van Helsing, I have my own destined partner. Coincidentally, it looks like I’ll need your help. “What kind of vampire are you specifically chasing?”

Holmes asked. In response, Professor Van Helsing secretly took out a cigarette as if to prepare his mind before speaking a little more seriously.

Naturally, Holmes and her brother Mycroft Holmes also took out their own cigarettes and started lighting them. Only Watson, a non-smoker, watched these people awkwardly alone.

The good news is that they didn’t go out by themselves like smokers usually do?

“As I already said, he is commonly called Count Dracula in many Eastern European countries. The first time I met that person in person was when I was younger than I am now. At that time… “I don’t really want to talk about what happened.”

“Everyone has secrets they want to hide, of course, me too. I understand. An important thing is… How dangerous he is and why you think he’s connected to the Red Head Club. “I don’t think the professor would do that without any basis.”

“Yes, Miss Holmes. First of all, this guy has probably survived longer than any other vampire in existence. Of course, that alone doesn’t mean I’m going to fight him. I am a researcher, and I believe that most vampires can coexist with our species. But just as there are often criminals and vicious murderers among humans, so too are there such things among vampires. This guy is a particularly dangerous one. “Because he wants to control people, so he wants to endlessly encourage crime and chaos.”

“… I understand that he may have criminal tendencies. But that alone is not a reason for caution.”

When Holmes asked again, as if urging a little, Professor Van Helsing nodded his head. He seemed reluctant to have to speak out about what he thought was such a terrible evil.

At this, Watson became nervous without even realizing it. Of course, Holmes, who was watching, looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, he sneered a little at the appearance of such a weak professor. Holmes himself was confronting the head of a criminal organization unprecedented in European history.

“Of course, he has the temperament that most vampires have. There’s no need to talk about his physical superiority, and although he’s not a wizard, he can do some magic. More than anything, what makes me wary of him is his innate skill in tricks. That guy… He can control people’s minds. “It’s a kind of hypnosis.”

“Hypnotism? To be honest, I find it hard to believe this, Professor Van Helsing. Excuse me, but I’ve never heard of such a trick existing. What do you think?”

Professor Van Helsing nodded his head in agreement with Holmes’ question.

It was a valid question. If it were truly possible to control someone’s mind, vampires who have lived for a long time would have already dominated humanity.

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Of course, Holmes also knew that Professor Van Helsing meant something a little different. But that’s why he asked the question crookedly.

It was an appropriate way to deal with the professor. Naturally, Professor Van Helsing, rather pleased with such a rudimentary question, began to raise his voice with a bit of excitement, now in the guise of a researcher.

Naturally, I started talking about everything, even information that might be unnecessary.

“Yes, Miss Holmes! From what I’ve heard, it seems like he’s also interested in vampires……. Too bad, if you were a student at our school, I would have offered you a job as an assistant! Anyway, of course, it’s not hypnotism that completely controls the other person, which is what we often think of. But I’m sure he has some pretty effective skills against people. For example, it is closer to encouraging impulses or giving hints to move in the direction you want.”

“Then I understand. Also, what happened at the Redhead Club? Oh, excuse me. You may not know this, but there is currently a strange investment craze that borders on madness within that club. “I didn’t understand it because it was a craze that spread rapidly in a short period of time, but I think it would be explained if he was involved.”

“I… “But why are you looking at me like that, Holmes?”

“No, it’s nothing, Watson.”

Watson could not help but be puzzled by Holmes, who suddenly turned his attention to himself, who had been quietly watching him during a conversation with Professor Van Helsing. In fact, he had no choice but to ask back because he felt that the gaze looking at him was like that of a parent looking at a failing child.

Of course, Holmes tried to respond to Watson as if nothing had happened, but his thoughts were bound to be different.

No matter how you look at ordinary people doing something stupid, there was a possibility that it was the work of a vampire, but in Jane Watson’s case, it was purely due to her own madness and stupidity.

I almost sighed at the thought that I would probably have to support this pathetic friend for the rest of his life to prevent him from going down the wrong path, but I was able to hold it in with my superhuman patience.

“Anyway, I understand its danger. But how did you know, Professor, that the Red Head Club and that vampire were connected?”

“I cannot reveal the exact source. However, I personally know of Irish separatists—hmm, excuse me, separatists.”

Professor Van Helsing corrected his expression, perhaps belatedly realizing that the Mycroft Holmes in front of him was a bureaucrat closely related to the British government. Of course, Holmes was pleased, so he urged him on.

“You may know this, but strangely enough, many Irish people have an affinity for vampires. For example, like the famous vampire Camilla. Count Dracula, he’s similar. The reason he came to England probably had something to do with his contact with these people. Anyway, this is valuable information obtained from those who are at odds with him. However, the problem is that I am just a foreigner, so I can’t do anything more.”

“So I guess we should step up. Welcome to the right expert, Professor Van Helsing. Jane Watson here is an outstanding witch who reigns as a terror in the back alleys of London, and I also do a little detective work and know how to use a little magic.”

“Holmes, what do you mean, the horror of the alleys!”

“You can ignore Watson, Professor Van Helsing. Because my friend is very shy. “Then, by any chance, is Javert Wilson the alias that the vampire is currently using in England?”

“That… exactly. In addition, I know the location of the antique shop he is disguised as, but I will probably find traces of him-”

“It’s our job to check that. “First of all, give me the address, Professor.”

Professor Van Helsing looked at Holmes a little puzzled, but obediently told him the address. Holmes promised to meet again and went outside, dragging Watson with him.

Watson was dissatisfied with Holmes for expressing himself strangely, but because his friend ignored him, he had no choice but to follow Holmes obediently.

Surprisingly, Javert Wilson’s store, which Professor Van Helsing told him about, was near the bank where the Redhead Club was located.

Watson had no choice but to unconsciously cover his ears from the noise he felt in front of his pawn shop. Construction was going on in the building right next door, and an unusually large number of workers were moving various materials and piles of dirt.

“Now you have one more thing to laugh at, Watson. Do you remember? My brother couldn’t even properly inspect Javert Wilson’s store. “My brother is probably reflecting on it too.”

“If there really is a vampire in there, shouldn’t we be prepared?”

“Are you trying to get a cross? At least there won’t be any vampires. There is no reason to wait in a place like this. “But there might be someone inside.”

It was as Holmes expected.

When Holmes and Watson entered the store as if they were guests, the person guarding the store initially wanted to greet the guests.

However, the other person, who soon recognized the two, sneered and opened his mouth.

“Oh my, was he a junior? “To come all the way to a place like this, it seems like you don’t have enough money?”

“… On the contrary, seeing that they are working in a place like this, it seems that even their family has fallen. Zone… Was it senior Clay?”

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