209 – What can be done?

James Moriarty was an atheist. In the era in which he was reborn, this was not a common occurrence, but it did not make it impossible or a crime. He didn’t say this openly, of course, but he was occasionally sarcastic.

Unfortunately, Oxford University, which helped raise his social reputation, was still a religious school, and his teacher and colleague, Professor Dodgson, was also an Anglican priest belonging to the school.

Magic existed, and sometimes things bordering on the supernatural also existed, but this did not prove the existence of the absolute and good Creator that religion speaks of, so atheism was certainly possible.

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Of course, considering James Moriarty as an individual, this may have been unusual. He knew that this was not his first life, that he had been reborn, and that those who had existed as literature in his previous life had become part of the real world.

Of course, there were cases where the gender of some people, such as his student Holmes or Miss Watson, were different from the stories he remembered, but it was not a big problem since the characters in the stories were real in the first place.

Some people may find Moriarty’s beliefs strange. If he has experienced reincarnation, shouldn’t he believe in a soul-like entity?

Of course, Moriarty acknowledged some of those beliefs. However, when he was reborn, he never met a being who claimed to be God, and even if he did, he was still an atheist because he was cynical about whether such a being could really be called ‘God.’

The world just existed. There was no place for a grandiose creator who classified people into heaven and hell according to their sins in life.

Moriarty mocked and sneered. If such a being really exists, then why doesn’t he give himself a clichéd and punishing ending?

He was a winner and always won. He knew himself and believed in himself. Even in a confrontation with his own nemesis, who made his life enjoyable, he was bound to win in the end.

Therefore, the scene before his eyes was nothing more than a lie, just one of the hallucinations created by his own foolish dreams.

Knowing that fact, James Moriarty was able to watch the scene unfold before his eyes as if he were watching a movie. It felt like I was actually in a theater. The beings in the scene unfolding vividly before their eyes continued to act as if they were not aware of themselves.

An adult male of moderate age and an elderly man were there. They were talking to each other, and it was clear that they were having a very intellectual conversation. Unfortunately, no sound was heard. But I guess it was good.

The two were right next to a huge waterfall, and someone might have judged it to be a dangerous situation. In fact, if one slips just a little bit, someone could fall off a cliff.

But soon the two men started fighting. It didn’t last very long. The two men tumbled to the floor, entangled as one body, and eventually fell almost at the same time.

The old man was not so lucky. Just like that, he disappeared into the waterfall. There was no chance of survival unless some unpleasant miracle occurred.

On the other hand, luck was with the younger man than the old man. The man also fell at almost the same time, but collided with a stone slightly below and bounced off, saving the man’s life.

James Moriarty could see what that scene was. Even though he had not read the original novels in his previous life and did not know the details, it was a famous scene that even he could know through other media.

It was clear that it was a confrontation between the Holmes he knew and Professor Moriarty. It was clear that this man, who was different from his current student Holmes, had thinning hair, had a prominently developed frontal lobe, and had a sharp hooked nose, was also the famous detective.

The dream was nothing more than a hallucination of miscellaneous memories. He couldn’t understand why his brain had created such a scene. Because it was an area far from the opposite s*x to begin with.

But because he knew that it was a future that would never come to him, he was able to enjoy it cheerfully.

It was more accurate to think of it as a picture of myself and Holmes in a parallel world.

But suddenly everything began to dissolve like a mirage. His head started to hurt. Could it be because of his age or the migraines that have been giving him headaches lately?

He instinctively realized that this was not the case. The pain of someone poking his head with a needle hit him, as if repressed memories from the past were popping out.

At the same time, impossible memories begin to pass by like illusions.

It’s similar to the scene I just witnessed, but this time, it’s the disciple Holmes looking at James Moriarty like a hunter. A waterfall visible behind one’s back, and even a premonition of downfall.

Of course, Moriarty laughed at and denied the false memory. It was impossible and it was a stupid nightmare that was only possible because it was literally a dream.

Moriarty himself will never lose to Holmes. The day could never come when he would be defeated.

But he had to accept the fact that the human mind cannot fully control nightmares.

In a rare, invisible memory, the terrible experience suddenly struck him, and James Moriarty woke up gasping for breath.

I woke up from a nightmare. He couldn’t help but swear in an unusual way. Because once again he could see that he was trapped in a stupid nightmare.

“… Is it that dream again, Professor? Come on, try some soothing syrup. “Don’t secretly say you don’t like it like last time.”

I felt someone patting me as if she were his wife and putting a spoon containing something in my mouth.

I instinctively wanted to reject it, but strangely enough, I felt that the other person’s hand, half-embracing me, was very strong. It was definitely a soft, thin, and beautiful woman’s arm, but Moriarty couldn’t even offer a little resistance.

I cleared my throat without realizing it, but the other person just patted my back as if caressing me.

He knew it was a nightmare, but whether it was because he was still in a dream or because something strange had been added to the medicine the other person had given him, Moriarty could not completely distinguish between reality and a dream. He opened his mouth as if muttering, as if Peony was by his side.

“Clay… …. “What about Clay?”

“… Uh, who was that? Ruler… Wait! Ah, that person! You were thinking about the past again, Professor? “Why are you looking for people who are still in prison?”

“Jail? Wait for a sec…… And… Watson?”

“I asked you to call me Jane. How long are you going to insist?”

Only then did he realize that the person next to him was Jane Watson.

She was a beauty that would leave anyone spellbound, but she felt a little more mature than the Jane Watson he knew. To be precise, I felt that kind of atmosphere. Her hair was tied up, but in those green eyes that looked at her, a frightening affection and a certain desire flashed.

But Moriarty was able to maintain some semblance of sanity even in this stupid nightmare. Since it was not a stupid dream he had already experienced once or twice, he calmly tried to use the dream.

“Okay… It did. Yes, it was a dream. Jane… ….”

I answered Watson’s words in a foolish dream as if he were wondering. Watson then stroked Moriarty’s head as if he had done well. His pride was hurt, but he stayed put for now to put an end to this stupid dream.

Because he was in a dream, he could have recklessly tried to run away, but the cold shackles he felt on his ankles seemed to be taunting him that this was not a dream.

“By the way, you secretly told Henry the lock password again, right? Thanks to him, I got scolded for secretly eating snacks at night. Now, slowly accept this life and pay attention to your children’s education as their father.”

“… If you’re thinking about children’s education, wouldn’t it be better to loosen these shackles first, Watson… Ah… “No, Jane?”

“Do you not know that you are trying to deceive me this time?”

As he gently tapped the shackles with his fingers, Watson looked at Moriarty suspiciously. Of course, her Moriarty looked at her pitifully, trying to arouse her sympathy.

“… It’s impossible for me to run away from you anyway. Wait, my ankle hurts……. If it doesn’t work out…… No, no… ….”

Because it was a dream, all I had to do was kill myself somehow. In the first place, if there was really no choice but to lose in reality, she was Moriarty, who could do so at any time.

He continued to act more pathetically. He could be sure that he was slowly convincing Watson.

Finally, Jane Watson foolishly gave him the answer he wanted.

Jane Watson got up carefully. Now, as it were, everything could have been resolved if Moriarty released her own shackles. If there was just a brief gap, he would be able to wake up from this stupid dream without suffering anymore.

“This…” “What are you doing, Watson?”

However, Jane Watson suddenly knocked James Moriarty down, as if her previous actions had been a disguise. Since it was on her wide sofa, Moriarty was forced to lie down, and he could see that Watson was on top of him.

He knew what was going to happen, so he screamed and tried to resist. However, Watson opened his mouth as if to mock him.

“Of course it’s a lie, honey. But what can you do? A weakling who is stuck reminiscing about the past! What can I do now other than obscenely shake my hips, make my kids younger siblings, and act as a father? And you know what? “You mean it makes me feel bad every time I move my head like that?”

“Watson! Don’t do this, Watson! Watson!”

Just like that, Watson takes off Moriarty’s pants –

Fortunately, Moriarty was able to realize at that moment that he had woken up from a nightmare. No, he thought he was awake.

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