206 – To the same position (2)

Fred Forlock glared at the woman in front of him who did not respond to his words but glared coldly at him. One of the things it took to survive as a street thug was bravado, and Porok wanted to maintain her position with her poise.

It’s not me that’s disappointed, but you. So help me.

If you were in front of an ordinary person, such bravado might have worked. He was a wizard, and his rough upbringing had traces of it etched into his face. At least he could properly threaten someone.

But Fred Forlock already knew that it wouldn’t work for the woman in front of him.

That woman was a human being similar to the professor, no, Porock’s brain Ron could not express the appropriate words, but she somehow had more in common with the professor. Of course, the professor still had the upper hand.

But Fred Forlock was already a debtor who had risked everything on the gambling table. He even included his own life. He always regretted it, but at the same time he thought and prayed that he could survive this gamble as he had done so far.

But even if Porok were given the opportunity to turn back time, he would probably make a similar choice. In his view, the woman in front of him was like the professor’s weakness, and it also gave him the confidence that he might one day be defeated.

Of course, Porok could not explain it clearly. It was just a feeling, relying on his own experience. As such, it was a bad sign for the professor to sometimes show a weak or different side to his student.

That’s why he chose. He had to stretch out his feet on both sides to survive. He even hoped that the battle between the two would continue until he grew old and died. Because Fred Forlock was not a good man.

That’s why he was nervous. He was literally an average person. If he had been completely on James Moriarty’s side like before, he would not have secretly summoned the woman in front of him like this in the first place.

But in front of Holmes who remained silent, Porok had to do his best to hide his fists shaking with fear.

Because he was the one who had to take the test now. Yes, it was a test.

Professor James Moriarty was testing himself. As he came down here, he couldn’t have known. However, the reason Fred Forlock did not run away to survive a little longer was because he knew that the test was still just a test.

Because these tests were not simply directed at Fred Forlock himself. The professor was suspicious. I don’t know how far his suspicions go. To begin with, Porok couldn’t know, and if he wanted to know, it would only add to his suspicions, so he kept silent.

He was not immediately under clear suspicion. It was just that a professor who was suspicious of everyone around him happened to throw a test at himself.

But that is why Porok had to pass this test. So that he would not be suspected. He had to complete Professor James Moriarty’s work intact under Holmes’ watch.

Of course, Porok knew well that it was not necessarily necessary. There was no need for him to risk contacting Holmes like this. No matter how much a woman could fly and crawl, no matter how much she could stand up to a professor, there was a limit.

The woman in front of me could not protect her target at any time. It may be a hassle if the government intervenes, but is it really worth it to your goal?

If you let your guard down, you could have sent someone to deal with it.

Therefore, Porok tested Holmes in order to be more confident in his gambling and to be more sure of passing the test himself.

Fred Forlock knew his current value all too well, as if his mind was spinning as he faced the question of his survival.

Even if he tried to cajole some half-baked agents, he was the only one in the professor’s heart who could bring her the information that the woman in front of him wanted. Of course, in the process, Porok had to take risks and put in time and effort, so it was literally a gamble of his life.

However, Porok knew well that he had to do this much in order to accumulate the merits to do even judicial transactions. Of course, even at the moment of testing like this, he was half doubtful whether such a day would ever come. Because acting as a spy was more of a precautionary measure, just in case.

Finally, the detective opened his mouth. She sneered.

“Even if it looks like this, for now…” “It’s my job to catch criminals, but you’re making ridiculous demands, wizard.”

“Siepal, are you not able to understand the current situation? Why did I come all the way here? Oh, of course, it’s because the professor ordered me to deal with that guy named Douglas. But why me, you damn b*tch.”

“… Does this mean the teacher is suspicious of you? If you had followed my instructions, no matter how much you were a teacher, you wouldn’t have been able to do that right away-“

“So! I’m not the only one who doubts it. Okay, let’s get this straight. “Our professor isn’t the type of person who really trusts anyone, right?”

“No. “That’s wrong.”

For a moment, Porok looked at Holmes interrupting her conversation and spouting something incomprehensible, and she wondered if this woman had finally turned around.

“What kind of bullsh*t are you talking about? She’s got these arms, she’s been crazy since she was wearing pants, has she finally turned around? She thought, you were a b*tch, a druggie, right? Her head turned.”

“I mean let’s be sure. “At least I sincerely believe that, so your stupid statement is a mistake, wizard.”

To be precise, it was his belief that his disciple Holmes was his opponent and a being who could bring joy to Moriarty himself, but originally, people were bound to interpret phenomena as they pleased.

Even Holmes was not completely unconsciously free from these prejudices. Of course, as Porok heard this, it was good to know what kind of trust the professor gave to that crazy woman, and what kind of trust that blind-eyed woman was delusional about.

“… Sipaal, who cares whether you grab the professor, stab him or bite and lick each other, you crazy b*tch. The important thing is that if I make a mistake this time, I’m done. “Then four years are over.”

“Are you making mean threats now?”

“So are you going to ignore it?”

In normal times, I might have ridiculed the other person instead. But faced with something he was involved in, Holmes had no choice but to keep quiet again. It was uncharacteristic of her in many ways, but it had to be done.

If Watson had been there, things might have been a little different. Holmes had that thought for a moment. Because Watson was definitely a kinder friend than anyone else. Unlike his broken self.

No, that’s wrong. Holmes then rejected the idea. Even if Watson had been with him, he would have had the same concerns as he does now. Because he himself was broken a long time ago.

As the woman in front of him fell silent, Porok also fell silent this time. He was impatient, but he instinctively realized that there was no use in urging him now.

Holmes was silent. At least he seemed that way. But in her head, numerous noises were already saying their own things.

Fred Forlock was clearly clever in this respect, as can be seen from the fact that he survived until now and that he holds a high position under Professor Moriarty. He knew his own worth very well, and the same was true for Holmes.

It was clear that the wizard was not providing information to him out of some sense of duty. Holmes did not consider himself that naive. If it were Watson, he might think so, but he couldn’t be as innocent and innocent as Watson.

His request was a request that could not be tolerated by either party. Whether it was cooperation or neglect, there was someone’s death in the end.

It was unfair. If it were Watson, he might not have compromised. But what if we ignore his demands and somehow manage to evacuate Douglas safely?

Surely, as he worried, the teacher might have suspicions about Fred Forlock. Even if that’s not the case, will he really be able to fulfill his role properly in the future?

Still, it’s a bad thing. It was a crime equivalent to murder or manslaughter.

‘But is it worth it?’

Holmes had to do his best to act calm as her cool-headed mind whispered. Otherwise she might have trembled without realizing it.

She, who usually believed in cold reason, felt that her thoughts were unfamiliar and scary at that moment.

She bit her lip without realizing it.

Holmes knew that he had already been a sinner long ago. She thought so herself. She herself was a murderer who killed her parents along with her teacher.

But she was also someone who fought against crime. From her childhood, the righteous girl dreamed of such a thing.

She had to choose.

“I am—”

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