200 – Valley of Fear (3)

Jane Watson rubbed her head, which still felt pain, and glared at her friend with tearful eyes.

The tyrant, who ignored his own serious and groundbreaking suggestion, seemed to feel no guilt, even though he grabbed Watson’s head like he was treating a child and told him to stop his bullsh*t.

“It’s too much…. Holmes, I… I said something constructive……. I think Holmes treats me too harshly even though I am his only friend. “You need to value your friends!”

“Have you not been hit yet, Watson? If you want, you can punish them in a variety of ways. Even so, I am quite confident in my body movements, from boxing to various oriental martial arts, as well as with the cane.”


Holmes could not help but sigh as he saw his friend crying and making strange screams at his playful threats. I raised my hand a little higher, pretending to reach for the letter lying on the table, and the sight of it trembling like an animal and covering its head with both slender hands was like seeing a really small animal.

Of course, when that vulgar lump of fat oscillating in time with the trembling of her body caught her eye, she clicked her tongue without realizing it. It was a truly simple and still living creature that showed us the wonders of nature.

She didn’t want to waste any more time, so Holmes ignored Watson and focused on her letter. She never did it because she was afraid that if she tried to mess with Watson again, she would end up being overpowered by her powers.

Watson sometimes lost his temper due to fear, and even Holmes himself was often unable to handle it. Giant witches were scary.

In that sense, Watson was clearly Holmes’ own secret weapon. Since she doesn’t use her head, she has the disadvantage of having to control it for herself.

When another expected blow did not arrive, Watson slowly opened her eyes and walked closer to her friend. Although it was a little heartbreaking to see her friend’s cold attitude ignoring her neatly even though he already knew her own movements, Watson could not overcome her curiosity.

Being able to remain Holmes’s only friend had profound meaning in many ways. Of course, the girl named Sherlock Holmes was a person who could be classified as the most eccentric person in London, no, probably on this planet, but anyone who could hang out with such a person was also quite an eccentric person.

This is probably a letter from someone, perhaps an informant under Professor Moriarty.

Watson thought so and tried to sneak a peek behind her back as she read the letter her friend was reading. But she couldn’t do that with Watson. It wasn’t because her friend blocked her Watson.

“It’s that password again? Bible… No, our smart teacher, Mr. Holmes, knows it all by heart, so there’s no need for it, right?”

“Amazing, Watson. “For the first time, I realized that you know how to rain.”

“Holmes, what on earth do you think of me?”

“Um… “It’s the same level as a goldfish or lower.”


However, completely ignoring Watson’s words, Holmes quietly put down the letter. The reason Watson couldn’t decipher it was because it was written not in English, but in a suspicious combination of alphabets and numbers, literally some kind of code.

However, Holmes seemed to be in a bit of trouble, scratching his chin and opening his mouth.

“The important thing is, Watson, a small problem has arisen. At first, as a joke, I exchanged passwords through the Bible. However, this bald wizard named Fred Forlock is a friend who is not very religious. It’s a joke. In fact, after that, I was gradually changing the book that was the foundation of the code.”

“… “Is there really a need to go through so much trouble?”

“Watson, Watson. Watson, no matter how simple you are and how much you don’t bother to think, don’t act like stupid people. Passwords are important. What’s more important is how to decrypt the password. We have to be careful. Well, for this wizard, just sending me this password would be a risky venture, but we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that someone could use it in the middle.”

“So what do you want to say, Holmes?”

“I don’t know right now what book I can use to decipher the code. Usually, I would send a book separately, or a letter separately…….”


Then, Watson belatedly remembered that while Holmes was out for a while, one of the Baker Street children whom Holmes always had under his care had delivered him a dirty letter as usual, and that he had received it instead.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot. Here.”

“Really… Don’t forget important things, Watson. “Let’s see.”

However, Holmes soon checked the letter and frowned. Watson secretly read the contents of the letter, and found that it was full of harsh and vulgar words that someone like Watson, who grew up in a cultured middle-class family, had never heard in his life.

Of course, the writing was bad, and even the spelling was arbitrary, as if he had not been educated, so it was difficult for Watson to understand the content.

“What…?” Is it written down? “They seem like vulgar words.”

“Watson, if I may embellish this a little for you, I would say you almost got caught, forget the letter, you whore in pants. It says. “On the topic of baldness.”

“Uh…. Hmm, then this has become useless?”

“But I can use my head, Watson. “If you don’t know how to crack the code, you can just crack the code yourself.”

Holmes thought for a moment, and Watson watched his friend without thinking as always. It was one of the habits he had picked up while working with Holmes.

Watson often realized that he would be less likely to hear Holmes’ taunts if he thought nothing at all rather than if he thought anything.

Holmes opened his mouth again and his reasoning seemed plausible to Watson.

This is a book that contains various words for writing passwords and that most British people probably own at least one copy.

Watson asked for the Bible or a dictionary as an example, but was scolded by Holmes, and what Holmes finally guessed was an almanac.

From noble mtl dot com

So, Watson brought a yearbook and tried to join in the task of calling out the page numbers and words in specific lines that Holmes sang.

“Wait a minute, it’s ‘professor.’ “You must be referring to Professor Moriarty, right?”

“It was okay from the start. After all, this book was a tool for deciphering codes. Okay, then what happens next-“

But on his second decoding, Watson could not help but blush and be embarrassed. Of course, when Holmes heard this, his expression distorted just as much as Watson.

“I… me…. Ah… No, this… Am I right? “You sang it right, right, Holmes?”

“Yes, Watson, unless you are mistaken. “What on earth is written here that makes you open your mouth like a goldfish, Watson?”

“…… Orgy, huh? Me… Orgy? Professor… Orgy? West… “Can you really say such a vulgar thing, professor?”

There was silence for a moment.

In that uncomfortable silence, Watson couldn’t help but instinctively imagine something without even realizing it.

“Do… That doesn’t make sense, teacher… Professor! Radish… Of course he’s a villain, but… But still… “Such a vulgar thing!”

“…… My guess is probably wrong, Watson. That doesn’t make sense, yeah. So don’t be foolish, Watson. Don’t even blush, I mean don’t imagine such a scene with your stupid head. “There’s no way the teacher would do that.”

“This…” I didn’t think it was strange! That… “Holmes, it’s the same for you too!”


In the face of one unexpected and vulgar word, the two girls had no choice but to waste time panicking at each other. Fortunately, the two were able to realize after some time that they had made a huge mistake.

The yearbook that Watson picked up was from last year, and as a result of decoding it again with this year’s yearbook that he found in a hurry, plausible information was completed.

“Everything… I’m glad. Radish… “Of course I trusted the professor, that couldn’t be possible.”

“I never had any doubts from the beginning, Watson. By the way, the whole point is that this man named John Douglas is dangerous. There is no information other than that he lives in Suss*x. That bald wizard is so stupid that he never gives out proper information. But these days, they are slowly spitting out internal information one by one, so I thought it would be okay.”

Holmes’ worries did not last long.

Inspector Macdonald, a frequent visitor to the point where I am now sick of it, has visited Baker Street again.

And, looking at the deciphered telegram possessed by Holmes, Inspector Macdonald was both amazed and amazed, thinking that it was indeed Mr. Holmes.

Inspector Macdonald brought word that Mr. John Douglas, of Burlstone Manor, Suss*x, had been murdered with a shotgun blast to the face.

Of course, this time he came to ask Holmes’ opinion, and while scratching his head as if he was in pain, Holmes urged Watson to quickly prepare for the trip.

So, the two women followed Inspector Macdonald and headed straight to Waterloo Station to solve a murder case that occurred in the British countryside.

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