184 – Bait (2)

At first, Inspector Lestrade and Inspector Macdonald, who watched Holmes with an expression of inability to understand what he was talking about, realized that the story of Jefferson Hope would continue. I started to get more and more shocked.

Holmes did not want to enjoy the various changes in their facial expressions with his usual cynicism, but for now, he remained silent and focused on writing a report that could one day be used as evidence. He did his best to ignore the wolf’s gaze secretly glaring at him.

There was no need to glance at Teacher Moriarty. She could naturally infer what the teacher would be thinking and what facial expression he would have without having to check. Because that was a special relationship between himself and Teacher Moriarty.

At least she truly believed that.

The only ones who could maintain composure on the spot were Holmes, Watson, Professor Moriarty, and Miss Moran.

Even Jefferson Hope seemed to be still afraid of confessing the existence of the person he had been looking for, breathing heavily or stuttering at times.

Investigators at London’s Scotland Yard were left speechless until the killer’s bizarre new confession was made.

The two men painfully realized that when a person is so startled, they cannot even make a sound of breathing.

It was Holmes who ended the silence first. He secretly obtained the signature of Jefferson Hope, who had testified at the end of the document to be used as evidence, and then presented the document and pen again to Inspector Lestrade and Inspector McDonald.

“In order for it to be used as legitimate evidence in court, the signatures of you, the official investigators, will be needed. What are you doing, hurry up and sign. Oh, and please don’t say anything stupid.”

Fortunately, the two investigators signed as Holmes instructed. Since he didn’t even check whether Holmes had written down the correct information, someone might take issue with it, but Watson was able to understand the two men’s reactions.

Actually, that was the reaction of an ordinary person.

However, following Inspector Lestrade’s remarks, Holmes could not help but sigh. Because I was able to realize once again that one word is not enough for a stupid person.

“Do… “This is ridiculous!”

“Hey, Inspector Lestrade, what do you mean?”

“That… therefore! Ji… Now you must be lying! This… “Do you think you can convince a jury that you’re saying nonsense like this!”

It seems that Inspector Lestrade decided that the criminal, Jefferson Hope, was using a strategy to make the jury think he was mentally ill by giving nonsensical testimony.

Of course, it was an ordinary reaction, but Holmes did not expect such an ordinary reaction, so after thinking for a moment about how to rationally persuade this idiot, he opened his mouth.

“Lestrade, are you drunk? Let’s first consider the possibility of whether this person will be able to stand in court and defend himself to a jury. Above all, this story was not brought up from the beginning. “Think about it, think about it!”

“That… but! This… This doesn’t make sense, Miss Holmes! Criminal torture! That… “There’s no way something like that exists!”

“It would be good to remember that there is someone in front of you doing investigative and consulting work.”

Even in the face of testimony that can only be thought of as a mental patient’s nonsense, if it cannot be logically denied, people usually escape into silence.

Lestrade kept his mouth shut, and Inspector Macdonald opened his mouth, cautiously and still looking at the criminal with a suspicious look.

“But isn’t it hard to believe?”

“It’s not wrong. In the first place, I was also in the United States… So, this is a fact I discovered accidentally while contacting a gangster to secretly smuggle into London. In fact, I was able to easily complete my revenge with the help of a criminal advisor called M, but I cannot even imagine how big that person or his organization is.”

When Jefferson Hope opened his mouth as if he understood, Inspector McDonald turned his gaze to Holmes, as if he couldn’t understand even more.

Since it was the lady in front of her who had led to this ridiculous testimony in the first place, it was obvious she knew something about her.

Holmes sighed.

“Whether he denies it or not, this testimony will prove that someone who engages in criminal torture is operating in London.”

“… If that were true, it would be a huge scandal, Miss Holmes. Excuse me, but I have a hard time knowing where to start the investigation. But… After spending a few days with you, I can tell that you are truly an extraordinary person. So we… “What can I do?”


“… Yes?”

Unlike Lestrade, who was somewhat older, Inspector MacDonald was still young and seemed to have a burning sense of justice, ready to face new evil.

So I was so surprised by Holmes’ answer that I had no choice but to ask back like a fool. Holmes opened his mouth, carefully putting the testimony that would become his evidence into his inner pocket.

“Unfortunately, most people will react the way you just did. More than anything… Is there any external pressure that will stop the investigation itself? If you really think it won’t happen, you’ll be disappointed. “Inspector Lestrade, I know why you fell out of favor with the higher-ups in the first place, so I don’t understand why you deny it.”

“B… There is a Napoleon of crime… Ji… “I didn’t mean it, it was just something different from before-“

“This criminal torture is also one of those ‘Napoleons of crime.’ Wouldn’t it be okay to think of it that way? I think those who encounter criminals in the field would know better, right? “Not everyone is like that, but if you don’t do it often, you’ll be disappointed if you don’t often have the illusion or illusion that your head exists somewhere.”

“… Damn it. “I thought Miss Holmes would ask about my performance, but now it looks like she wants to drag me to hell.”

“At least you don’t say you don’t trust me anymore. Good posture, Inspector Lestrade. The two of you won’t be able to do something right now anyway. No, it is more efficient to remain silent and wait for the right moment. This evidence can only be another blow when the criminal torturer can be brought to court, but it is not enough right now. Don’t you think so, Mr. Moriarty? “I want to hear your thoughts on this ‘false story,’ as your student.”

Only then did the two investigators realize that there was a completely unrelated civilian present here, and they belatedly turned their heads towards Professor Moriarty.

There, as usual, James Moriarty and his maid, Miss Moran, were calmly watching everything with inexplicable smiles.

Moriarty answered as if ignoring Inspector Lestrade, who was belatedly wondering if there was a problem.

“That’s impressive testimony. Of course… I don’t know if that alone can prove the hypothesis you mentioned, Holmes. Well, since I’m not involved, I don’t really need any further opinions. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, I don’t need it right now.”

Holmes nodded his head.

Inspector Lestrade cautiously opened his mouth, not noticing the atmosphere between the two men.

“Trigram… Are you all right, Miss Holmes? Radish… Of course, you and Ms. Watson are civilians, but Mr. Moriarty is still an unrelated person. “No, now that I think about it, was there a need to come here in the first place to arrest the criminal?”

“You are a trustworthy person in many ways, Inspector Lestrade. First of all, the Baker Street address had already been used to set a trap for the criminal. I apologize if I caused you any inconvenience, sir. “Please think of me as a foolish idiot of a student.”

“… “I’m fine.”

“Thank goodness. “But I want to personally apologize, so I’ll come back later.”

With that, the uncomfortable conversation and the arrest of the culprit of the Scarlet Study ended on the surface.

Inspector Lestrade and Inspector McDonald, still unable to hide their confused expressions, transported Jefferson Hope to Scotland Yard, while Holmes and Watson returned to Baker Street.

Of course, Moran’s gaze, which was glaring at the backs of the two women’s heads as if they were going to kill him, was clearly ignored.

Inspector Lestrade later informed Holmes and Watson that the criminal, Jefferson Hope, died suddenly on the evening of his arrest due to a long-standing illness. He added, ironically, that he only had a calm expression on his face.

But the conversation between disciple and teacher is not over yet.

Holmes went to the teacher’s home where he was waiting for him again that afternoon, as promised or as a provocation.

The rude maid, who couldn’t even treat a guest properly, glared coldly at Holmes from the moment she opened the door, but instead, she laughed at the wolf furball and enjoyed being treated as a guest to enjoy the time with her teacher.

For now, perhaps because of the master’s orders, Moran remained coldly silent, but obediently led Holmes into the drawing room.

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The two people sat facing each other across a small table and exchanged greetings lightly as if nothing had happened.

Moriarty opened her mouth first.

“I guess I was lucky. More than expected… “It looks like you quickly figured out Jefferson Hope’s destination.”

“Is it really just luck, sir? “It was easy thanks to the helper I gave the teacher.”

Holmes answered with a smile.

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