161 – It’s My Fault Mea Culpa (3)

Holmes smiled unconsciously at the bullsh*t of the wizard in front of him. When he noticed this, Watson couldn’t help but be surprised.

I was surprised that my friend could smile so brightly as if he was having fun. Nine times out of ten, the only time he could describe the Holmes he saw as smiling was when he was laughing at Watson himself.

But Watson never wanted to be the person that smile was directed at. He realized that he was laughing in a different way. In fact, what Holmes said was similar.

“I would rather suggest it. “How about accepting the offer I made then?”

“You’re talking bullsh*t, you crazy b*tch. “What do I believe in and hold your hand?”

“Thank you for answering.”

When Fred Forlock immediately shouted at the crazy sound, Holmes nodded his head slightly. Seeing such a calm appearance, the wizard seemed to be displeased and immediately took out a new cigarette and lit it.

Watson unconsciously opened his eyes a little at that sight. After calmly lighting a fire with his fingertips, the wizard lit the end of his cigarette and lit it on his opposite palm.

Are you doing penance yourself? But as a witch she was able to sense the meaning of her opponent’s actions.

This meeting was uncomfortable for Watson. Of course, it was rare to encounter people who did not work with Holmes, but although it was clear that the two already knew each other, only Watson knew nothing.

Watson opened his mouth cautiously.

“Holmes, this person is so…” Who is this?”

“Fred Forlock. Wizard. Watson, you probably met me last time too. No, I guess I didn’t see it in person. This is the wizard who helped Miss Sebastian Moran escape through our siege. Do you remember that spark? And the chase with Lord Quartermaine.”

“… What?”

“Mr. Moriarty’s… I don’t know what his position is, but he is a very trustworthy, no, trustworthy subordinate. Isn’t that right, Porok?”

“Sigh, b*tch, you still get credit, so don’t think about talking nonsense.”

“Why do you have to come to us on such a topic? “I can’t help but have doubts.”

Porok bared his teeth as he saw the woman in front of him, ready to punish her every time she opened her mouth. In response to the wizard’s attitude, Watson crossed his throat and prepared to attack his opponent as soon as Holmes’ order was given.

Porok clicked his tongue at such a ridiculous sight.

I turned around, damn it. Did you come for no reason?

What were you thinking when you came to those lumps of blood? Should I go now?

But he shook his head.

“Hey, lady. You might not know it because they have grown so beautifully, but if they had really tried to kill them, they would have already died. “You’ve never killed anyone, right?”


“He’s such a big kid. Have you ever hit someone before? … No, not that. “At least things that haven’t taken my breath away are like detective play, and installation is the world, siipaaal.”

“Seeing as you’re bragging that you’ve caught a lot of people, I guess I have nothing to say.”

“Aw, sh*t, it’s even more annoying because it really seems like who the talking pig is.”

Even though she only made a slight threat, the untrustworthy witch immediately let out a small scream and threw her body behind her.

She deserved praise for not being scared and using magic.

However, the student who was receiving attention from the professor named Holmes, who was guarding her side, could only watch Porok calmly.

Porok didn’t like that look in his eyes. Maybe it was because she resembled the professor. I was with the professor for a long time, and I knew that he was on the winning side, so I felt a sense of closeness and a slight friendship that only thought about the individual, but whether it was Moriarty or Holmes, they were people who were difficult to get close to at first sight.

But that is why we had to ‘persuade’ them. Fred Forrock was an uneducated man. He knew that he lacked learning. He was not illiterate, but he had never been to a proper school.

Thanks to the professor, I had no choice but to know personal information about the two people, even if I didn’t want to. It had to be that way. How many months, no, has it been almost a year now?

Anyway, this was the first time since I worked under the professor that these two people were receiving such blatant attention.

I didn’t have the confidence to logically persuade people who had studied college. Threats will not have much effect. Therefore, Porok had no choice but to open his mouth in his own way.

“It seems like the professor still thinks the two of you are pretty, and he wants to make them lovers in the future. Siipal, I’m older than you and have more life experience, so I’m giving you advice. I think it’s easier for both of us to quit at this point.”

“I’ll say it again, stop talking bullsh*t. “Are you so stupid that you forget things so quickly?”

She was a woman with whom words were difficult to communicate. Rather, it seemed like he was trying to find out secrets by observing Porok with sparkling eyes.

She strangely felt as if she would be eaten if she let her guard down at any moment.

But as Porok, there was nothing he could do.

It shouldn’t have gone on like this. Whatever?

He couldn’t give a clear answer either. However, I was convinced by looking at the professor’s attitude and the current state of the organization.

The beings in front of us are dangerous.

Of course, they might one day become a nuisance to the professor. But that was probably a good thing.

Will that professor be defeated? Porok, he wouldn’t have done that with any professor he knew.

But will the professor now, when he was involved with those women in front of him, act according to what he knows and what he believes?

Of course it will.

Foolish Porok, could it be that a man without blood and tears would at best be swayed by women? If that were the case, Moran would have been eaten by that damn wolf cub right away. Mack, that bastard got caught with the wrong wife.

But, but if—

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But I struggle to stop thinking. I felt like I would be caught by the other person.

Anyway, it was half sarcastic at first. From now on, this was the main point.

“You know that I care a lot in the first place, right? The two of you, recently, caught up with that sodomy guy and even mobilized criminals. “Thanks to you, I also got to see the prison and it was great.”

“It’s a shame because he looks fine.”

“Siipal, can’t you tell by looking at it? Don’t you know that no matter how hard you try, it’s no use? Even if you guys go on a rampage right here and report me, I will be out and about the next day. After the professor gives some money to people, drinks and hangs out with high-ranking officials, everything will be resolved. But why don’t you know moderation, damn it. “If you want to kill yourself, just go to the Thames or buy a rope.”

Porok tried to speak calmly, but he was quite emotional, and as he spoke, he became excited without realizing it.

But he had no choice but to do so.

Common sense tells us that the very smart woman in front of us could not have been unaware of this situation. But why do you keep running wild and wandering around here and there?

Of course, if it had been someone else, Porok would have taken care of it on his own without reporting it to the professor. That was the problem.

I couldn’t do that.

There was an order from the professor. So he couldn’t help but feel anxious as he suffered like this. Is it arrogance?

It will be so. But Porok sensed something more than just arrogance.

Of course, I couldn’t convince the professor. Porok was not, as he expressed himself, a suicidal aspirant. Therefore, he had no choice but to choose the easier option.

“Well… …. I don’t feel the need to reply, Fred Forrock. Even if I tell you, you won’t understand, this is between the teacher and… “It’s my very personal matter.”

“I’m so damn tired, damn it! “Do you think we’re having some kind of love quarrel?”

“… You’re just spouting bullsh*t. But it’s quite interesting that he came here like this. There is no way the teacher would use such foolish means……. “It’s a personal opinion.”

“Does it matter whether I came alone or under the name of a professor?”

“It’s important, yes, very important.”

Holmes smiled. Porok felt ominous for a moment. But like a snake preventing its prey from escaping, Holmes continued.

“If they were really confident, there would be no need to come like this. Something feels uneasy. I don’t know if it’s because his position is shaken, or because he has doubts about the person he trusted and followed, but I think we can look forward to our third meeting soon. “Do you still think following James Moriarty was the right choice, Forlock?”

“f*ck, that’s not important, so I’m telling you to get out of this business? “Do you really want to get married?”

“I don’t mind. No, if you answer my question, I might consider it.”


Porok stood up from his seat after half a minute. He didn’t mean to threaten. He hated to admit it to himself, but he was trying to get away.

Because I realized that the other person cannot be persuaded with words anyway. But can he use violence?

Of course, Porok was more accustomed to violence, so he felt more comfortable that way. However, that method was initially prohibited by the professor.

He felt like if he wasted more time like this, he would end up giving his opponent a chance.

The eerie voice of a woman who resembled that damn professor came from behind Porok, who was trying to escape.

“I don’t know if you know, but thanks to you, our boy… was murdered Are you asking me to leave in a situation like this? Don’t talk nonsense. “Rather, Fred Forlock, you’ll have to come see me again.”

“You druggy b*tch is talking bullsh*t.”

Negotiations that were not negotiations collapsed.

Holmes sighed and concentrated on the final chase to catch the Torso Killer.

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