156 – Barney, Vampire (3)

“Ho… Holmes… sheep. That… I am absolutely reluctant to visit Miss Holmes… But… …. That… But how long will a relationship like this last? Cast… …. Oh, no. Car… “The tea is going to get cold, so eat it quickly.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Hudson. You always have great skills. “If I get the chance, I would seriously consider moving my lodging here.”

Mrs. Hudson’s complexion, who was serving tea and refreshments with trembling hands at Holmes’s remarks, turned even darker. She hissed involuntarily and was astonished as if she had seen something bad, but Holmes calmly ignored her reaction and savored her tea.

For a moment, desperate eyes turned to Watson, as if asking him to save them, or at least to help them somehow as a friend, but Watson had no choice but to turn away from the person in trouble.

It was uncomfortable.

At least Jane Watson, who was sensible, felt uncomfortable in this position. It was natural. Watson may have lacked self-control at times, but he did not lack common sense. From the beginning, she only knew her face through Holmes, but the relationship between Mrs. Hudson and Holmes was not a relationship of equal trading, but a relationship between a person with a weak point and a person with a weak point.

Sherlock Holmes was a man who valued efficiency. He was a man who used what was available as efficiently as possible to achieve his goals, and if he had lived as a factory owner or capitalist in British society, he would have lived more efficiently than anyone else.

Unlike his teacher, he was clearly a person close to good in the sense that he did not cross the line. However, since her world cannot be divided into dichotomies, she may in fact have been closer to her own teacher.


Of course she did not feel any guilt as far as Holmes was concerned. The occasional little bit of cooperation from her Mrs. Hudson was her fair price for turning a blind eye to her partner’s illegal activities.

Just as street gangs collect protection taxes from merchants and consider it a fair payment, so did Holmes.

Of course, Mrs. Hudson couldn’t help but feel that all of this was unfair. But that was it.

In fact, more than anything, the level of exploitation of the young lady in front of her was too vague to protest against this ‘unfair treatment.’

If she, like the villains, had tried to extort money from her by threatening her with petty ‘crimes’, she might have gone to the police, even at the cost of her own loss.

However, the unfair things that the other person often demands are actually only subtle things that can be accepted even in an uncomfortable relationship.

It was also the case that the Duke of Bohemia ‘cooperated’ in providing a place to stay for a while.

Of course, Mrs. Hudson was horrified by the results of her bullets raining down on her own home, but at least she wasn’t a walkie-talkie.

The Duke of Bohemia left her room and personally gave her a suitable reward. Of course, she wasn’t given by Holmes, but at least Mrs. Hudson benefited from Holmes’ ‘favor’.

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I couldn’t deny the fact that a new customer had been created. Although he could not trick or rip off her quantities as he did with her other customers, Sherlock Holmes often came into contact with her after learning of her presence as Mrs. Hudson trafficked several of her drugs. He also did.

However, no matter how beneficial the relationship was in reality, it was inevitable that she would be uncomfortable with someone who caught her own weakness.

Mrs. Hudson, like Jane Watson, was a human being with common sense, so in many ways she felt uncomfortable with the special young lady in front of her.

Of course, even if she didn’t want to know, she couldn’t help but know that Miss Holmes was special. No matter how you look at it, she was a well-connected detective.

That made her even more uncomfortable. It seemed like all of her small old business would go to waste if she rejected her uncomfortable relationship.

Just walking around with a witch was enough to freak me out.

No, I was even more horrified by the fact that the witch I was accompanying showed a common sense reaction.

Watson also agreed on this point.

But her own friend, knowing and coldly ignoring the reactions of the others, turned her attention to the commandos who had gathered in Mrs. Hudson’s master bedroom after visiting Baker Street.

Even before she met Holmes, Mrs. Hudson often arranged charity projects in order to know the locations of street officers, but the sight of unwashed children roaming the streets and filling up her precious living room was a sight to behold. I couldn’t help but be silently scared.

Watson was similar, but he did not show it. She didn’t even want to dirty her own living room.

She knew roughly what her friend had discovered about Mrs. Hudson’s weakness, so she did not interfere any further. In fact, if Mrs. Hudson’s smuggling was discovered, she would most likely leave London and go to distant Australia to do her forced labor.

She felt some sympathy in the sense that she was in the same situation as Holmes, but that was all she could do.

“Mr. Holmes, then what kind of person should we look for specifically?”

Instead, Watson turned to Holmes, who was admonishing her men like a leader, and Wiggins, a girl who was asking questions as the children’s representative.

It wasn’t my first time seeing Holmes because I already knew how he used street children. Of course, Wiggins and Watson never talked directly.

Holmes answered the girl in a solemn voice, with both hands wrapped around her waist as if giving instructions at a military academy.

“Like I said, do two things at once, Wiggins. It is enough to take turns investigating the Thames side to find clues. There is a high possibility that it is a dangerous guy, so don’t forget to approach it with caution and with as much safety in mind as possible. Additionally, the search for vampires should focus on people who stay at mansions in London during the day, people who have suspicious rumors going around, and people who are known to be in poor health due to their poor complexion. And as usual, I’ll give one pound to the first person to find it, and one pound each to the person who brings back important clues. “Other than that, it’s 50 pence per day.”

“I will follow your orders!”

It wasn’t that much money to the adults present, but to the children, it was money worth risking their lives for.

The children’s eyes lit up, as if they were naturally thinking about making money for the first time in a long time, and they all sang their names together like soldiers.

Nodding at this, Holmes sent them out, and Mrs. Hudson was horrified to see where her children had disappeared.

“That… But Holmes… sheep. Not for children… Wouldn’t it be dangerous? Radish… Of course my… It’s not my place to be presumptuous, but…….”

“It’ll be okay, Mrs. Hudson, because you’re not idiots who don’t value their lives. “Then please take care of me for the time being.”

“Boo… “A favor?”

“Of course, Mrs. Hudson should be the one to receive regular reports from them. We are… “You’re a business partner, right?”

“Oh…… Ah!”

Mrs. Hudson stuttered her words like a slave who realized she could not escape.

Watson felt that her friend with a friendly smile was in many ways an evil villain to Mrs. Hudson, but she turned away.

Because I didn’t want those eyes to turn to me.

The chase seemed to go by for several days without much result. Meanwhile, a new body was discovered.

This time, it was not someone who had gone missing for a long time, so it was a body that finally gave people fear.

People finally felt the fear that they too could become the target of the Torso Killer.

“They say he’s a vampire.”


Watson had to help his friend do rough work on the Thames River in London, where fear was so contagious. Of course, there was no way for him to escape because his friend had dragged him in.

My friend brought a dozen fairly heavy sacks out of nowhere, and I had to go around various bridges on the Thames one by one and cooperate in dropping them into the river.

When asked what this was, Holmes laughed at Watson’s foolishness and added that it was an experiment to find out the location of the crime.

Unfortunately, the location where the torso was found was similar every time.

“It’s one of the two. “Either they usually throw it away where it was found, or they throw it away at the same place every time, but let the river carry it away.”

“That… By the way, are you a vampire?”

“Mycroft’s brother managed to silence the reporters for fear of causing an uproar, but this time he died. They say he’s a vampire. Aren’t you glad, Watson? “At least it’s proof that the vampire we’re looking for exists.”

“What if the dead person is the vampire we are looking for?” “Is it going to work?”

“First of all, they say they have started investigating the dead. It’s truly a pain. There is a serial killer in this big city, but the police officers who are supposed to catch it are incompetent. “We should at least run around with our bodies like this.”

Watson was silent for a moment. Is this really okay?

That question occurred to her at that moment, but she didn’t dare say it out loud.

After a few days, one good news and one terrible news came.

The Baker Street Commando found a person suspected of being a vampire, and a satisfied Holmes gave the boy who discovered it a one-pound gold coin.

But then we had to face tragic news.

It was the sudden death of a commando.

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