154 – Barney, Vampire (1)

“Peter, Peter, Peter eating pumpkin

I had a wife, but I couldn’t keep her.

He put her wife in a pumpkin.

So he kept her safe.”

Someone was singing a familiar lullaby that children often hear. It was a familiar lyric to British people, but strangely, it sounded eerie, perhaps because of the singing voice.

Maybe it’s because someone is making strange discordant sounds in time with the song.

A sharp razor blade flashes. The shiny metal was bright white and looked as if it had just been made in a factory.

And the person holding the razor blade was skillfully sharpening the blade using a leather belt. It was a sound that was commonly heard when visiting a barbershop, and could literally be said to be a part of daily life.

A common lullaby, and the sound of a common barbershop.

From noble mtl dot com

It was no coincidence that they were all ordinary things, but when they were combined, they seemed disparate.

Frequent visits to the barbershop were a must as he grew a handsome, full mustache that he secretly showed off to people, including professors. Unlike the days of poverty and hatred, it has been a long time since I became relaxed enough to take care of myself. Since there was a regular barber, the sound of sharpening a razor blade with a leather belt was familiar.

But he would never entrust his neck to the friend in front of him.

Fred Forrock quietly exhaled cigarette smoke and clicked his tongue as he looked at his ‘friend’ in front of him. At the same time, he unconsciously massaged his neck with his palm.

It was as if he was trying to protect himself from an attack, but the opponent paid him no mind and only focused on sharpening the blade and humming.

Then, for a moment, everything stopped. It was truly the actions of a madman.

Seeing that, Porok unconsciously bit his lip and became wary of the presence in front of him. He still considered me a ‘friend’, but a maniac’s madness was such that sometimes even friends and family made no exceptions.

Luckily, as if it was not yet his turn to show his teeth, or as if he still had the presence of mind to play a practical joke as a friend, the other person turned his gaze to Fred Forrock and opened his mouth with a friendly smile.

“Po… Porok, why are you so nervous? Anyway, it’s a shame, even though I wanted to treat my friend, he hasn’t even put a finger on it since a while ago. What are you doing? “The pie is going to get cold.”

“Sweetheart, Sweeney, you son of a b*tch! How many times do I tell you not to serve me some pie every time you come? Do you know what to put in it and eat it? “Next time you pull a prank like this, I’ll feed you a pie out of your anus!”

He was trying to ignore it, but when he saw the guy in front of him openly joking and mocking him, Porok ended up yelling like usual without even realizing it.

For a moment, I thought it was a mistake, but I had no choice but to do so because I knew full well what was in Sweeney’s pie.

Above all, before he completely changed, no, before he changed, he was a guy I used to hang out with on the streets like a bad guy.

Fortunately, this time, Sweeney burst out laughing as if it was fun, as if the mania had not spread or the voice of the ‘master’ had not affected him.

Of course, he had been busy with his personal work or collecting activities until just now, so every time he laughed, the flesh and blood on his cheeks stained the floor.

“hehehehe… ! Are you worried that your fingers might stick out? It’s okay, you know. I’ve long since stopped making pies. When did Mrs. Lovett die? That… Because it’s no longer fun. “You have to focus on what’s important.”

Porock did not respond to Sweeney’s laughing words.

He knew very well what he was doing about 10 years ago, around the time when Porok had just met the professor and started working.

Of course, I knew that he had quit around the time he introduced him to the professor, but after witnessing the horrible incident, he had not touched any of the food that Sweeney had given him.

“Yes, Siipal, you have never cooked.”

“Wow… “My wife’s skills are the best, but Porok, are you disappointed?”

“Shut up.”

This guy was originally a bit crazy, but as his madness got worse, just talking to him gave me a headache. Because he was a guy who couldn’t have a logical conversation in the first place.

Porok did not bother to mention the fact that his ‘wife’ was already dead. If that happens, there’s a good chance he’ll get cut or hurt again to calm the guy down.

He had no choice but to deliver the professor’s orders and take on the role of appeasing the bastard so that he would not be caught, but he did not like pain.

Of course, if Moran had known this, he might have been sarcastic. Ironically, every time Porok used his magic, he had to set his body on fire.

Of course, Fred Forlock could have hurled a barrage of insults at the ungrateful bastard.

Fortunately, Sweeney quietly turned his attention to his work again, as if this time he was not very interested in Porock himself.

The sight of corpses, blood, and even Porok, who had already become numb to the slaughter, was enough to make him frown once again.

Human limbs were scattered all over the floor like dust, and pieces of flesh were sticking here and there like decorations.

Like a sculptor carving a torso, Sweeney gently scraped off her flesh with a razor blade and only then kissed her work as if she was satisfied.

Of course, since there was no head, all he did was place his mouth on what should have been the neck.

“So what was that bastard doing again?”

“The professor told me to do whatever I wanted, so I got a new one! Because your eyes are pretty…… I was always planning to give it to Jenny as a gift! The vampire I was dealing with is a cocky bastard, so I’ll kill it quickly… Got it, hehehehe!”

“Crazy bastard.”

“Porok, porok! Thank the professor again. If he doesn’t go on a rampage this time, I… Because I really had to run as wild as I wanted! “After all, we are from the same Ireland, so I think we have a lot in common!”

“A hillbilly digging potatoes? You?”

Porok, who hates racists, Chinese people, and furry wolf cubs the most, ended up asking something stupid.

Of course, he also knew very well that his superior, a professor, was from Ireland. However, it was the first time I heard bullsh*t that Sweeney was from there.

Because, like him, he was from the back alleys of London.

Sweeney’s next reply was that he knew that would happen, and he couldn’t help but sigh deeply. The madman’s crazy words should have been appropriately ignored.

“S… The name Sweeney is an Irish name! Increase… It means having fun, Porok! So, I always smile too, because my name is Sweeney. Is not it? hehehehe!”

“… For f*ck’s sake, don’t be a dick. Hey, Sweeney, have fun anyway.”

“…… Why?”

Feeling threatened at that moment, Porok backed away from the being in front of him and took out his hand, which he had secretly put in his pants pocket so that he could use magic at any time.

Cold sweat ran down his face, but he didn’t even think about wiping it away.

The guy who was smiling like a street clown just a moment ago, or as if someone had forced his face to be fixed, suddenly glared at Porok himself with an expressionless face.

However, reacting like that was only a natural human reaction. Soon Porok showed his teeth and became angry.

“You idiot, you idiot, it’s okay to worry about getting caught!”

“It’s useless to worry, Porok. “The problem is that you are too kind.”

“It is clear that you are a really crazy bastard. I have never heard such bullsh*t in my life.”

There was nothing more to say, so Porok stood up. Of course, even at the moment of parting, I did not forget to add a request to my old friend who has now completely changed.

For some reason, everything felt wrong. Could it be thanks to a recent unexpected trip to Scotland Yard?

For a moment, everything, whether it was the professor or Sweeney, felt like an annoyance.

I don’t feel good. Porok thought. But he tried to ignore it. He was always on the winning side.

The professor was the winner, and Sweeney was a poor guy with a bit of a headache, but he wasn’t the kind of guy who would get caught even if a few police officers came looking for him.

However, it has not changed that I do not like the carnage that has been happening in London recently. However, there was nothing he could do other than stand by or tacitly participate.

Because in his opinion, there was no one who could solve the mystery of this city.

And the two people who might be in charge of such a task were having a conversation.

To be precise, when Watson made a fuss as if it was nonsense, as usual, Holmes was laughing at his friend.

“You’re a vampire, there’s no way there are any vampires left!”

“Watson, there are werewolves roaming around in this world, and witches and wizards exist. There’s one right in front of me right now. “Try to break away from common sense.”

“… “Isn’t there common sense that tells us not to do that?”

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