146 – Decadentists (1)

“All professors are psychopaths, Moriarty. “Every professor has his or her own madness.”

“I am the professor you speak of, Lord Wharton.”

“I know, of course you are included. You too are a psychopath. Because all professors are mentally ill. There are no exceptions. Oh, you too, Dodgson.”

In response to the sudden verbal abuse, Moriarty calmly opened his mouth to the other person with a faint smile, and the other person calmly confirmed his words.

Professor Dodgson, who was listening to this from the side, better known to the public by his pen name ‘Lewis Carroll’, looked at the two people anxiously and wiped away his cold sweat.

After the first part of the performance was over, they were smoking cigarettes in the break room provided in the theater to take a short break.

The one with Moriarty, the one who just a moment ago calmly accused Professor James Moriarty of being mentally ill, allowed the three of them to occupy a luxurious smoking room thanks to his status.

This was a natural thing in England, this beautiful land where everything can be achieved with wealth and power under the blessings of liberalism.

Moriarty cut the end of his cigar with a cutter and looked at the nobleman in front of him.

Sir Henry Wotton, the person who invited Moriarty, the patron of many luxurious theaters, singers, and actors in London, including here, and a decadent, was casually smoking a cigarette.

He was a fairly sturdy man, but since he was close to sixty, he was now closer to an old man. However, his eyes were sparkling with some kind of bizarre greed, and his eyes were sharp as if they were shining with such greed.

Although Moriarty often associated with him socially because of his status and position, it could not be denied that he was an interesting being in many ways.

Just as Professor Dodgson, who is Moriarty’s teacher and colleague, is also interesting as a human being, here in London, many people are living their own lives.

Of course, Sir Henry Wotton was often criticized for his decadent lifestyle and was a customer of the drugs secretly supplied by Moriarty, but since he was not a criminal, he had little contact with Moriarty as the Napoleon of crime.

But that’s why Moriarty continued the conversation with a light heart. Still, he was in a good mood because he had just discovered Holmes and Watson.

“Why do you think that? “Is this Lord Wharton’s bizarre philosophy again?”

Like many wealthy Londoners, Henry Wotton always spoke of his own philosophy mixed with decadence, and he lived by that credo.

It was illogical, but it was fun to listen to, so Moriarty got lucky, and Lord Wotton continued his explanation as if he had been waiting.

Like all self-proclaimed philosophers, he was always thirsty for the audience’s attention.

“Think about it. These anachronistic people are all mentally ill people born with mania. They are people who live under the same time frame and are controlled by things that have already passed. “No matter how noble they were born, they cannot help but become mad under such circumstances.”

“That… that… What is it with the professor… What does it matter?”

Professor Dodgson opened his mouth with a rare stutter, as if he was dissatisfied with Lord Wharton’s remarks.

In fact, it was very rare for Professor Dodgson, who was reluctant to meet adults, to appear in such a social event.

At this, Lord Wotton shrugged his shoulders and looked at Dodgson as if he were teaching his child.

“This is what professors are, Dodgson. Think about it, we are intellectuals living in modern times. Everyone is equal under the law. Slavery is a legacy of the past. So, even in this advanced modern age, those who operate as slaves are probably mentally ill. Professors are like that. Under the guise of being students and graduate students, they are slave owners who legally engage in slavery. “Isn’t that right?”

“That’s an interesting theory.”

Moriarty answered briefly. Of course she didn’t sympathize.

There were very few students under his guidance, so Moriarty himself was not suitable for such an example. At least he thought so himself.

However, the expression slavery was only the cynical Lord Wharton’s personal opinion. If it weren’t for his social status, he could have dismissed it as bullsh*t to his face.

He had no choice but to do so.

It was an extremely common sense process to receive a small amount of compensation for labor while guiding and guiding graduate students and students.

How well did you treat your beloved student Holmes?

When I left the relationship between villain and detective and formed a new relationship as an advisor and assistant, he helped me achieve my academic achievements by reviewing various papers for my studies, and also gave me social experience by doing various errands. It was clear that he was a good professor.

Of course, Moriarty himself was already an evil professor, so he did not rationally know the wrongness of his own thoughts.

Henry Wotton, unable to read Moriarty’s thoughts, took another drag from his cigarette and continued speaking.

“Even if it’s just you right now. On some whim did a person who normally wouldn’t come even if invited come here on a whim? “This kind of behavior is proof of insanity.”

Of course, it was a joke that was possible due to a certain level of familiarity, and Moriarty smiled cheerfully as he accepted it generously.

Because that was actually the case.

“Yes, well, maybe so. “It was a personal whim.”

As it happens, I was lucky. At that moment, I was able to hear the news that her beloved student had visited this place with her colleague.

According to his expectations, the disciple did not stray to another path, but instead followed the teacher’s guidance and found his way. But it would be somewhat disappointing if it stopped there.

Because right now, Holmes, the gift he had prepared was not waiting for her at the end of the clues she was searching for.

‘But that is a matter for the child to decide on his own.’

If that were the case, it would just be disappointing and all I had to do was lose interest and dispose of it. Lord Wotton spoke again to Moriarty, who was silent for a moment.

“By the way, she was a beauty. Did you say she was your student?”

“You could say he is a cherished student with whom I have a long-standing relationship.”

“It looks like it’s mixed with fairy blood… …. “It would be nice to have a younger brother.”

For a moment, Henry Wotton’s eyes flashed with greed and he quenched his appetite.

It was an open secret, but he was also a decadent who enjoyed sodomy as a hobby. This was a phenomenon that often appeared among nobles who were buried in decadent lives.

It was a dangerous thing to do in an era where homos*xuality was openly punished, but like all laws, the law often disappeared in the face of Lord Wharton’s status and wealth.

Of course, Moriarty himself was a handsome man wherever he went, so he might have received Lord Wharton’s ‘interest’, but both Moriarty and Wharton knew that this was not the case.

Wharton once said that he only enjoys polluting the souls of innocent American youth and has no interest in those whose souls are already twisted.

Moriarty ignored the words, but had to admit that the man in front of her often had a keen gaze.

However, when she brought up a s*xual topic in public, Dodgson next to her frowned at her, and Moriarty did not want to continue, so she had to coldly cut it off.

“That’s a boring story.”

“The problem is that you two live like priests. They say they don’t feel the fun in life. Oh, of course, that includes relationships with women. “It’s because Dodgson likes children, but—”

“Wow… Lord Wotton! Me… I only treat children as friends… “

“Moriarty, now I see that you have a lot of beautiful women around you, but I don’t understand why. “Right now, you can take your faithful maid whenever you want.”

“… “It’s inefficient.”

Lord Wotton took it lightly.

“Well, I understand. You and Dodgson are both virgins. But people like you might be better off keeping it that way. If you want to remain a nobly spiritual monk, it might be better to remain a virgin.”

At the same time, Lord Wharton thought about what happened before the end of the first performance, when Moriarty turned his gaze after hearing a whisper from Moran that Holmes was watching.

As expected, there was a beautiful woman with strong fairy blood and a pair of beautiful witches. Although the gender was disappointing to him.

Thinking that it might be interesting to watch the twisted handsome man get ruined in other ways, Lord Wotton began talking about tracking down the descendants of the fairies he supported, and Moriarty stepped outside for a moment.

Of course, Dodgson was left behind. Dodgson looked at Moriarty as if asking him to save him or take him with him, but Moriarty ignored him.

As soon as he went outside, he was able to face Moran. Like a loyal hunting dog, it seemed to wait for its owner all the time in front of the men-only smoking room.

Without pointing out anything about this, Moriarty only mentioned her own work.


“Yes, master.”

“When you get back, tell Sweeney. Let’s release a few more on the Thames and do as we please for the time being.”

She felt like she needed to be a little busier for her student.

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