129 – But then Holmes burst in (2)


Moriarty couldn’t help but sigh softly at the stupid reaction of the fat man in front of him.

But she couldn’t help it. No matter how you look at it, seeing a stupid idiot showing his ugly face and screaming was not a good thing.

She might have been a little different if her partner had been a beauty in her own right, like Moran, Holmes, or Watson. Moriarty was not an aesthete, but she was human and she did not dislike beautiful things.

However, Milverton was not beautiful, nor did she possess her own charm enough to draw Moriarty’s curiosity, so she had no choice but to laugh at her.

“Okay… Kwaaa!”

“It’s like slaughtering a pig.”

As soon as he realized that his only means of self-defense had been taken over by his opponent, Milverton screamed and fell to the floor. Yet his bloated body, full of greed and fat, was instinctively trying to stay away from Moriarty and that suspicious maid in order to survive.

Without realizing it, his handsome suit was drenched in cold sweat, and Milverton tried to retreat backwards as if crawling on the floor, while Moriarty and Moran calmly watched.

Of course, soon Milverton’s back was blocked by the wall, and only then did Milverton come to his senses and focus on the being in front of him.

Charles Augustus Millton had never felt so close to death in his life. And later he realized his complacency and blamed his own stupid mistake.

We cannot just criticize Milverton’s complacency as an act that deviates from common sense.

Of course, it could not be denied that Milverton was arrogant because he never felt a threat to his life even though he threatened numerous victims and sometimes drove them to death.

He could not intuitively know that the professor in front of him was the cause of the strange events surrounding him, but it was difficult to estimate the actual size of the danger.

It was natural.

It was against common sense to even think like that.

Until this situation, Milverton was feeling more fear about what had happened right before his eyes than fear about the identity of the person he had touched.

Is it magic? Or is it a suspicious devil’s trick?

Milborton, who lived an ordinary life except as a charlatan who destroys people, could not fully accept Moran’s actions.

Since he had never experienced the agility of a werewolf, he blindly concluded that what had just happened to him was magic.

In a situation where he was deprived of the means to protect himself, he was afraid that he might actually be killed, so he shouted urgently.

“Sa… Save me, Professor Moriarty! My… I was rude! Open… I’ll bring you all the letters! The professor is smart, so he knows, right? “Even if you kill me right now, you won’t be able to find the letters I hid!”

Milverton shouted to the point of obsequiousness, not even thinking about wiping off the cold sweat. However, even in this situation, he tried to make a deal, and as a subtly charlatan, he added light threats.

That attitude was very strange to Moriarty.

And Milverton’s struggles that were not his own struggles were both misfortune and good fortune for him. Although it wasn’t enough to get Moriarty’s attention, it at least gave him more confidence that it was still fun to treat it like a toy.

Despite his own struggles and threats, Moriarty remained silent and just stared at Milverton. In the uncomfortable silence, Milverton’s gaze turned to his pistol, which had been playing in the professor’s palm for some time, and then to the maid standing next to him like a faithful hunting dog.

Now it was clear that the professor was in control of his own life. Just like the people Milverton used to threaten, Milverton also ended up in that situation.

But the words that came out of the professor’s mouth could not meet Milverton’s expectations.

“There is no need to receive letters from you that I can bring at any time.”

“What… what? Buy… Please save me! I don’t know what you want from me, but… Still, I have some money saved up, and if you want, I’ll even give you all of other people’s secrets, so please!”

“Charles Augustus Milverton. “I told you, you can always have that.”

The reason Porok went to see Moriarty in person with this matter in the first place was to get some permission, not because he could not attack Milverton’s mansion itself.

Of course, as Porok complained, we had to consider the public’s opinion, and since many politicians and wealthy people lived around us, we had to be a little more selective in selecting people.

However, just as criminals in London could commit crimes with Moriarty’s permission, whether they knew it or not, it was also possible for an unexplained fire to break out in the man’s mansion in front of them at any time.

So, I decided to enjoy the reaction of the man in front of me a little more.

“If it were me, I would keep the letters, because they are their lifeline right now.”


“Of course they won’t accept it. There is no such thing as negotiation, Milverton. Take care of yourself. “Moran, the guest appears to be passing away, so please see him off.”

“Professor? Professor Moriarty! Professor!”

The charlatan Milverton could not understand what the other person wanted from him. However, his screams were stopped by Moran, who forcibly dragged him out, and in the end, Milverton had no choice but to return to his home in fear, without gaining anything.

Because the idiotic threat made him laugh out loud, he hung out with him for a while, like a cat playing with its food, but Moriarty thought it would be time to put an end to it.

He had to worry about only two options: use the button a little more for efficiency, or send it away as is.

However, sometimes a third variable that even Moriarty did not expect intervened, and when he received the news from Moran, he had no choice but to think about new options.

“Holmes caused a ruckus in Milverton’s office?”

“Yes, that crop…” Hmm, they say she broke Milverton’s nose. “Luckily she didn’t send the police, sir.”

“…… It’s fun. Raffles, call him. “Come back within two days.”

After thinking for a while, he decided to take appropriate action for the third option.

Meanwhile, Charles Augustus Milverton, who returned, was in extreme confusion. Fear, resentment, and anger still controlled him, but unfortunately there seemed to be little he could do.

“What on earth does he want? Me… “Are you trying to kill me?”

As he calmly and trembled in his lonely office, organizing his thoughts, he seemed to be able to see one by one all the things he had missed.

Why couldn’t he observe that guy’s eyes properly?

He misjudged that he was showing off his pride even in the face of threats, but when he thought about it later, he didn’t have that kind of look in his eyes.

I don’t know why, but maybe he was connected to street thugs. But the problem was that Milverton could not ask for help in the public sphere.

Despite his complaints about the suspicious ‘suicide’ of his subordinate, the officers ignored him. It was clear that Moriarty had ties to politicians.

What kind of guy did he end up messing with?

Moriarty’s mockery, not mockery, continued to circulate in my head. At this point, an error occurred. Even the sense of duty to somehow reveal the true nature of this guy dominated his mind.

Of course, it was just a thought. Milverton said all he could do was leave the letters involving Moriarty in a safe in his home.

“It’s not like this, I…” I should at least hire people to guard the mansion! “Okay, for now, we just have to stay in the mansion and find some way to pass the time!”

From noble mtl dot com

Because he was so anxious and trying to come up with a plan, he couldn’t help but get angry at the subordinate who came in after knocking.

Even though he said he would be alone, even at this moment, he felt like taking out his anger on his subordinate who did not follow his orders.

However, Milverton was momentarily surprised and embarrassed by the presence of the two women who came in together as if threatening his subordinate.

At first, I just thought that the professor was finally an assassin sent to kill me. However, he soon pretended to be calm and mistaken that the maids were looking for him as usual.

It was only after Milverton, who was trying to get the ladies out, took a full look at the two people in front of him, that he realized that they were not the maids who always came to him with their master’s letters.

In fact, even if he didn’t like it, he couldn’t help but know just by looking at her appearance that she was not an ordinary maid, no, not an ordinary person.

“Everything… “Who are you?”

Milborton asked in confusion.

Then the tall woman in her pants took a step in front of her and opened her mouth.

“It doesn’t matter, Charles Augustus Milverton. “What’s important is your relationship with Professor Moriarty.”

Sherlock Holmes smiled.

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