115 – Again, the adventure of an empty house (9)

“You’re lucky.”

The old hunter, Sir Alan Quartermaine, put away his muzzle, slowly reloaded, and muttered with satisfaction.

He had just killed a game worth hunting for the first time in a long time, so it was the leisure of an old man.

Of course, he was a little disappointed, but he was an old man who knew how to distinguish between public and private matters. However, as a hunter, he could not help but be disappointed that his own prey did not perform as well as he had expected.

But Holmes, it was just as the boy with questionable morals had said. Of course, Quartermaine still disapproved of Holmes, that vulgar boy who wore trousers as an adult, but he could not help but acknowledge his ability.

From the beginning, just because he was a blood relative of Mycroft, I could guess that there was something extraordinary about him. In fact, he was clearly unusual in the sense that he was dressed in trousers in an unsophisticated way.

Quetermain had to lament because he could not understand the morals of this era and how young people behaved and thought.

Holmes, it was just as the kid had planned. Of course, Quatermain himself had tried many hunting tactics, but he was not sure whether the opponent would fall for the trick like this.

The opponent has excellent skills. That point was clear. Of course, he was still a kid. Young people these days tend to rely on petty tricks and lack respect for their elders, and Quartermaine had no intention of being defeated by such spoiled bastards just yet.

And as Holmes expected, the nervous guy showed himself first, and while he was concentrating on the fake target, Quartermain was able to neutralize his prey for the time being.

Even at the last moment, he barely escaped, so he couldn’t help but click his tongue at the tough vitality of the creature that was not completely neutralized, but he could tell that the hunt was over.

In the end, as in all things, the side that got nervous first lost.

You could have thought that he acted rashly because young people these days don’t know how to respect their elders and are impatient. But Quartermain sensed that that was not the reason.

Certainly Holmes, that brazen brat, seemed to know something. He didn’t really want to ask.

It was clear that the little boy was spoiled and kept things to himself. However, as an adult, he did not feel the need to intervene in children’s fights. You might not know it when you were young, but the important thing for a hunter who was closer to death was finding a good mate for his son and raising his grandchildren.

However, when looking at the many strange women and wizards he had seen and experienced in his life, the old man was convinced that Holmes, that spoiled boy, was engaged in something similar to a s*xual fight.

I recognized him from the time he wore pants. He was also a crazy kid.

“What about young people these days, huh? They quietly follow what their elders say, don’t think about living well with the person who gets engaged, and talk about free love and all that. “Did you get into a passionate fight?”

Although the old man grumbled, he finished reloading with some leisure. Surprisingly, the old man was able to come up with a certain answer based on his years of experience, but no one was there to hear his grumbling.

Just like Sebastian Moran, Alan Quartermaine was also sitting alone in an empty building nearby.

“What a great wolf cub. Oh, do you think he can get away with covering his face? “Kyaak, hoo!”

However, Quartermaine was able to discover that something unusual was going on. To his surprise, even though the enemy had no hope, he began a fearsome struggle. As he did so, the roof of the empty house broke through, and he started running to escape from the roof.

Of course, Holmes and Watson followed behind him, and Quartermaine took aim at the guy and tried to provide cover.

– Bang!

But that sniper woman who was a werewolf was just as damn fast as her sniping skills. Still, the hunter is not nervous. The trap to catch him had already been completed under the direction of Holmes and Mycroft, and Quartermain, who had checked it, could also see that his fate was over.


However, Quartermaine intuitively knew that there was a new intervention that no one expected. At that moment, he had to quickly turn his gun to stop it.

“Wow! Huh! Like… “Holmes!”

“Shut up and run, Watson! “If that useless lump of fat is bothersome, grab it with your hand and run, because if you let go, I’ll grab that vulgar breast and rip it off myself!”

“You… too bad!”

Watson was running at full speed, but for various reasons he was gradually out of breath and slowing down, so he had no choice but to complain.

Then, his friend calmly spewed out scary words without even looking back and sped up even more. Watson, who could not keep up, ended up forcing himself to speed up while holding his chest with both hands as if he was moving a heavy object. It had to be raised.

Why did this happen?

I knew it was an urgent situation, but everything was literally passing by like crazy. Everything was happening simultaneously, faster than she could focus on the horse race, and Jane Watson couldn’t fully grasp the situation with her ‘goldfish’ brain.

At Holmes’s urging, Watson ran to the building across from 221B Baker Street. I don’t know where he was hiding, but many gentlemen were also with him. They were all wearing civilian clothes, and when Watson spotted Inspector Lestrade, he could tell that they were all disguised police officers.

Holmes even cursed and urged the officers to run, and they were finally able to burst into the room where the attacker was still lying.

“Raise your hands, you are a suspect in attempted murder-“

“I told you pistols are useless, Lestrade, you idiot!”

There was someone standing up unsteadily. I couldn’t see him clearly because the room was dark, but he was quite tall. No, is it a person?

Watson wasn’t sure for a moment.

It was difficult to tell whether his face and entire body were covered with cloth, but it felt like I was encountering a ferocious animal that had been caught in a trap right in front of me.

He was holding a rather large rifle in one hand, and Holmes attacked the gunman who had just stood up, covering his wounded shoulder.

At first, Inspector Lestrade opened his mouth while pointing his pistol, but the result was that he simultaneously let out an irritated curse.

Only then did Lestrade belatedly remember the explanation that he had to catch the criminal with his body and tried to rush in to help Holmes.

In that respect, Lestrade was clearly a stupid, but brave investigator. The officers who came with him stopped for a moment, so only Sherlock and Lestrade rushed to catch the attacker.


“Ho… “Holmes!”

However, as soon as Holmes was thrown down, he realized that he had slightly underestimated the power of Sebastian Moran, the half-penny wolf.

He was thought to have been neutralized by Sir Quartermaine’s skill, but perhaps because of his loyalty to his master, he could not be easily subdued before his final struggle.

More than anything, as soon as Holmes was thrown away, Moran kicked off his feet and threw himself upward, disappearing through the floor of the upper floor.

However, Holmes forcibly took Watson and chased after him, and the officers, including Lestrade, went outside and began chasing the attacker running on the roof.

It’s over. It’s all over.

And Moran, who continued to run away without being able to escape these pursuers, was confident.

He was in a situation where bullets were flying towards him from time to time.

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I could understand. If I continued like this, it was only a matter of time before I got caught by that damn woman. In reality, he was slowly being led somewhere, as if he were being hunted.

He tried to run away, but at that moment, he barely avoided the fierce bullet that was aiming for his heart, and he also had to avoid those two women who were trying to attack him, so literally everything was on the line.

We have to buy some time.

Moran thought.

She has already failed. She disappointed her master. She couldn’t disappoint me more. Being caught like this was the worst.

So she should have ended her life before that. Fortunately, she had a gun, so she could escape his pursuit for a moment and then shoot her in the head.

That’s what Moran thought. That was the right way, and it was the way for my master. She was sad that she would be parting ways with her master like this, but it was better than disappointing her.


Holmes shouted to Moran.

It was going smoothly, but she could tell as she raced that if there was even the slightest gap, it would be over.

That damn wolf cub had the knack of taking his own life. That can’t be possible.

Of course, I personally like the idea of four years disappearing like this, but at least I had to give the teacher information to catch him before he left.

And at that moment even Holmes was embarrassed and had to stop her steps for a moment. No, I had to do that to avoid getting hurt.

At that moment, an artificial fire rose up as if blocking her path. Panicking, she looked everywhere she looked for the cause of the new intervention.

At the same time, she could see that a hole had been created in the chase as the rubble of the collapsed building rained down on the officers following behind her.

“Wow… Watson!”

“Ah! Ruler… for a moment!”

Because she knew Watson’s magic, she did not want to borrow it from Holmes in the process of tracking him down. However, due to an unexpected intervention, I finally found Watson.

But it was all too late.

Watson was taken aback and tried to get ready, but in the meantime, he heard Lord Quartermaine firing his gun to catch a new enemy, and at the same time, the damn Moran was disappearing from sight, leaving a distance that he could no longer catch.

“Damn it, damn it!”

As a result, it was a failed operation. The duke wasn’t dead, but he missed the guy he was trying to catch.

Holmes, who naturally came down to the ground, couldn’t help but kick the wall and get irrationally nervous, and Watson couldn’t even think of stopping his friend like that.

But such excitement did not last long. Even though he was breathing heavily, Holmes was able to calmly come to his senses again.

“Okay, excuse me, Watson. “It was my mistake, but I guess I just vented my anger.”

“Ah… no. Are you okay.”

Of course, even after receiving Holmes’ apology, Watson instinctively covered his chest with his arms, fearing that his friend might really want to rip off his chest, but fortunately, Holmes could not tell that the aftereffects of his excitement had not yet subsided. .

Above all, when Mycroft Holmes, who ran with a dark expression along with the police officers, told her that her eldest brother, Sherringford Holmes, was missing, Holmes could not help but think of only James Moriarty.

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