Miss Eight Series Summoner

Chapter 1054: One minute【3】

It seemed as if they were all replaced, with a touch of shock and disbelief.

But at this time, an unwilling voice came from a corner outside the stadium like a weak one; "Referee, I am not satisfied, I want to complain."

The senior referee who hadn't recovered yet, only then reacted and looked at the voice of the complaint.

Seeing Bai Leyuan, who was a wolf, walked in from the outside of the field with a **** heart.

"I want to complain to her for violating the rules of the game. This is a game, but when she shot, she was killing people. I asked the referee to give us fairness and sentence her to lose."

And as the voice of Bai Leyuan came, everyone's sights swept away, and they saw that the eight academy that had just been shot out was embarrassed.

However, apart from that Bai Leyuan, the other seven students also seemed unwilling and stepped onto the stage reluctantly.

"Yes, we are asking her to lose. She is a rookie and must have used a cheat device, otherwise it would be impossible to beat the eight of us."

"Just ask..."

Those angry sounds complained to the referee.

The three Chen Xueer, who had been watching backstage, also woke up from their surprise, and suddenly became annoyed.

"Those people are simply shameless, what's not fair!"

"Really disgusting enough, obviously bullying."

"Don't get angry, watch it first!"


The three people in a certain corner didn't say anything. They seemed to be watching to see how Fengxi resolved.

Hearing the complaints of dissatisfaction, the senior referee saw the eight academies who were embarrassed and bloodstained coming onto the stage, and they seemed to sweep their stern eyes toward the wind.

"In the rules of the game, you can't hurt your life until you click."

Hearing the sound of the wind, he faintly raised his eyes, glanced at the eight dissatisfied students who came up, and said; "Isn't it the end of the line? Or are they dead now?"


The referee was dumbfounded, as if he had only realized what she meant.

He turned his head and glanced at the eight students who were still on stage. Indeed, although it hurts, none of them have any concerns about their lives.

At this time, Bai Leyuan spoke angrily again; "Although we weren't killed, it was our fate. She couldn't kill us, but, the referee, you can see that she clearly wanted to kill us. Ruthless, how can such a person judge her to win."

As soon as her words fell, the other seven people immediately agreed.

The endless chattering voice is obviously just picking things up with more bullying than less.

Just when the referee was about to make a noise, Feng Xi seemed to be really impatient.

Cold eyes swept across, and the cold voice had already come; "Can't kill you? Bai Leyuan, are you provoking me? Or do you all want to try walking on the edge of death?" "

"Referee, listen, she can't kill us now, so she threatens us in public. Such a person is too sinister. How can she be sentenced to..."


Before Bai Leyuan's clamor for complaints had finished speaking, it turned into a scream, which suddenly sounded in the arena.

I saw that a cold light of meteor ray appeared in the field, brushing around Bai Leyuan.

As the cold light flashed across her body, blood stains and smell of blood appeared on her body, and it soon filled the space.

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