Why is this?

Didn’t we block that blue dye?

What kind of captain will you be in front of me?!

“We obviously prevented him.”

Blocked him?

Kenji Fujima’s face was stunned.

He doesn’t doubt his teammates, he has been playing side by side for three years, he doesn’t believe that his teammates will deliberately play themselves.

But the fact is that the two of them did block their pursuit of blue dye just now.

“What are you doing, are you stupid, Xiangbei is our opponent!”

The deputy minister also roared.

It seems that this can wake up these two people.

“Is that the fundamental difference between us?”

But what did he just do?

Fuji Zhen recalled Lan Ran’s words, and his brain turned wildly.

Looking at Shoichi Takano and Mitsuru Nagano with dazed faces, Kenji Fujima gave up what answer to get from them.

You can only come by yourself, and if you don’t figure out the ability of Lan Dye, I’m afraid you won’t be able to win this game!


Shonbei led by 4, and Kenji Fujima did not hoist the ball to the inside as usual after dribbling through the half.

He decided to single Bandye and figure out what Indigo had just done.



What the?

Even though Kenji Fujima was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he was still shocked by the suddenly shattered world.

He just saw something, Lan Ran defended with half-truths and stopped himself from scoring.

But why did the picture I saw break in the end?

“Could it be that my perception, vision, and even sensory systems have been deceived?”

“What I just saw is an illusion that the brain mistakenly thought it would happen, but it never happened?”

How could there be such a thing!?

This is so bad, Kenji Fujima figured out why his teammates blocked his pursuit line like an undercover agent.

Not because they are undercover, but because they, like themselves, have their brains deceived.

Plunge into a world that never existed before.


Kenji Fujima’s shot was blocked, and he mistakenly thought that he was shaking Lan Ran’s defense, but he was actually in front of Lan Ran.

There was never a great open three-point opportunity, and Lan Ran never lost his position.


The two landed almost at the same time, and the gap in explosive power was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

At the moment when Kenji Fujima landed and turned around, Lan Ran had already taken a step out, and the extremely strong explosive power made Fujima feel like a whirlwind swept by.

The other members of Xiangyang returned to defense as soon as possible.

Or Nagano Mitsuru and Takano Shoichi or two, such as where the two door gods stand.

“Takano, Nagano, be careful of his fake movements, don’t be taken to the false world by him.”

False world?

Nagano Mitsuru and the others knew what it was, it turned out to be a fake action.


They gritted their teeth and resisted the urge to move sideways and block. Bet on a hand of indigo dyeing will use fake movements.

Pathetic guy.

When Lan Ran saw it, he immediately accelerated and turned into a ray of light and rushed over.

“To deal with you, you don’t need to mirror the moon at all.”

“Of course, this person also includes you, Kazushi Hasegawa.”

Lan Ran braked sharply, and the person in front of him was Kazushi Hasegawa, who threatened to prevent Mitsui from scoring less than 5 points.

Peng Peng~

Two sharp cross-dribbles, and at the moment when Hasegawa Kazushi guessed that Lan Ran would go that way, the basketball was already in the hands of Mitsui Shou at the three-point line.

With an empty three-pointer, Mitsui raised his knife and dropped and threw the ball in a textbook pose.

“Damn, how can this be prevented!”

The three clenched their fists, unwilling but helpless.

If you act in the rhythm of the other party, you will be taken to the false world, but if you don’t act, how can you prevent people?

How can you tell if he wants to use a feint or a direct attack?

The true gesture of the mirror is not only false, but also an important part of it.

When truth and falsehood are perfectly controlled by indigo dyeing and used flexibly.

That’s the real mirror!

The game had only been started a few minutes, and Kenji Fuji was already sweating.

What to do? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He stared at Lan Ran, and the other party showed a small smile.

The smile is very sunny, but it gives people a biting coldness, as if stepping forward is an abyss.

“Don’t be so nervous, things won’t go the way you think.”

“What do you want to say!”

“You’re not strong enough yet.”

Blue dyed anti-guest, right hand like a spear piercing the direction of the ball.

Fujima saw it tightly, and instinctively dribbled the ball behind his back to change the ball to the other hand.

Then he saw that Lan Ran’s hand retracted the moment he changed hands.

Like a feint on the battlefield, the real target is the direction he has changed hands.


With a snap, almost the moment Fujima changed hands, Lan Ran poked the basketball out.

It’s not a mirror, everything is real!

The purest reaction and speed suppression.

“‘Completely suppressed.'”

“Doesn’t even Fujima have the slightest spare strength to resist.”

In the audience, Hai Chang and his party have been observing Xiangbei since the beginning of the game.

Breaking Fujima so embarrassed by Lan Ran, Yukio Kasamatsu completely gave up the idea of competing with Lan Ran.

He and Kenji Fujima are known as the kings of Kanagawa point guards.

It means that the strength of the two is not much different, and it is one of the best No. 1 positions in the country.

At the beginning, there was a Hainan big shepherd squire, but then for some reason he left.

“Xiangyang has no way, it doesn’t mean that we Haichang don’t have it, Kasamatsu, you have to believe in Huangse, but also believe that we still have ourselves.”

A mature-looking high school student is resolute and authentic.

He is Kaito’s (Wang Nuo Zhao) center named Jun Usuku, and like Takeshi Akagi, he is one of Kanagawa’s best centers.

In this integrated world, many things have quietly changed.

“Hmph, you better think about how to defeat Akagi.” Yukio Kasamatsu said unpleasantly.

Hai Chang has not fought Xiangbei in the past two years, and the result has been the final victory.

But for Jun Uzu, it was a victory for the team, and he was the losing side in his one-on-one solo with Akagi!

Therefore, he has always hoped to fight Akagi again!

During the conversation, Lan Ran got another assist, and found the following Rukawa Kaede during the fast attack, and passed the empty catch to complete the score.

The Xiangyang fans in the north of the audience are all dumb at the moment, and it is better to welcome them madly before the start.

One of the best teams in Kanagawa, but it is so vulnerable in front of Shonbei.

“Is this the generation of miracles?”.

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