Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of April.

The Xiangbei Basketball Department was no different from usual on this day, meticulously and strictly implementing Coach Anzai’s training arrangements.

But with the arrival of the national competition, the atmosphere in the basketball department also became tense.

Gorilla Akagi can’t tolerate sand in his eyes, and now anyone who is lazy will be scolded by him angrily.

Even Sakuragi, during this time, rarely pestered Haruko Akagi, and seriously trained, trained, or trained with special codes.

And this day.

When everyone in Xiangbei completed a set of training, Caizi also walked in with a form and a serious expression.

“Akagi-senpai, the division ~ group of the national competition is out.”

“So soon?”

Everyone stopped their movements and gathered around together.

Like middle school, the county trials in college basketball are divided into four A.B.C.D. groups.

Compared to Tokyo, Kanagawa does not have as many participating teams, but it is one of the largest cities in Kojin.

Kanagawa also has about 250 participating teams, making it the largest division outside of Tokyo.

Kanagawa’s qualification quota is the same as Tokyo’s.

Speaking of which, Kanagawa Prefecture can also be regarded as a strong team.

Haichang, Hainan Da, Xiangyang, Lingnan… All of them have entered national competitions and have achieved very good results.

One of the things to pay attention to the most is Kaizuki, who has Ryota Huangse!

Not surprisingly, the internal fire of the Miracle Generation will definitely break out in Kanagawa in advance!

“We were put in that group.”


“What about Haichang?”

“It’s also A!”

Hearing this, the atmosphere of the basketball department changed, and all the players in Xiangbei looked solemn.

A bloody battle is inevitable!

A true group of death.


Akagi, Mitsui Shou, and Kōnobu Kiki whispered the team’s name.

They are already in third grade, and this is their last chance.

Even if the opponent is a famous Kanagawa giant, they have to step on each other’s corpses and walk forward!

Die and win!

“Before playing Haichang, we have to pay attention to the opponent in the first round.”

“Is it strong?”

“Well, it’s Miuradai, who lost to Haichang by a narrow margin last year, and everyone says that they have the strength of the top sixteen in the country.”

“This year’s manager of Miuradai has made a lot of moves, and he has discovered a talent from the football team in the school, so you have to be careful of this person.”


Isn’t this the same as myself, all changing careers halfway?

Lan Ran wrote down the man.

Players who play rugby have a characteristic, either they run fast, they grow strong, or they are fast and strong.


In Haichang High School, they have also been grouped in the county tryouts.

Looking at the two words of Xiangbei in the group, Kasamatsu Yukio’s expression was the same as that of Akagi and the others, both very solemn.

How Cheng Rin defeated Xiangbei that day, he has not forgotten to this day.

“At this moment, there is no way back at all.”

If they are different groups, Xiangbei or Haichang, even if they lose to each other, they still have a chance to enter the national competition.

Because Kanagawa has two tickets.

But now, they can only compete for one place in the group stage.

Yukio Kasamatsu, who is also in the third grade, also has a reason why he can’t lose.

He wants to atone for last year’s defeat!

Ryota Huangse looked at the grouping table and did not speak for a long time.

A year ago, if someone had told him that Lan Ran would be going to play in Kanagawa, he would not have joined Kaimei to death.

His goal has always been to dye, and from the moment he joined the basketball club, he was ready to throw others in the trash and challenge him.

Now, he has to forget about Qingfeng and them in advance and start directly from the final boss!

“I didn’t think the first one would be Little Blue Dye.” He said with a wry smile.

“Are you still in the mood to laugh at this time, if you lose to that guy, I can’t spare you.” Yukio Kasamatsu glared fiercely.

“Don’t worry, Kasamatsu-senpai, I’m Ryota Huangse of Kaijo!”

The smile on his face was still the same, but no longer bitter, as firm as a piece of steel.

“It’s better that way, let’s stop here for today, pack up your things and go back there.”

However, no one wanted to leave, and they all chose to stay and practice. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, Ryota Huangse didn’t leave, and was the first to walk to the court, “Kasamatsu-senpai, let’s play again, this time I promise you won’t get a point.” ”

“Huh? Little imps who talk big, if you lose, leave me to clean! ”

In the blink of an eye.

It’s all in May.

The war of the national competition is about to be rekindled in all counties throughout the day.


In Aida Keitora’s gym, Mitsui Shou wears a breathing mask and constantly runs on a treadmill.

This training is quite painful because there is no continuous supply of air in the breathing mask.

But Mitsui Shou still gritted his teeth and persevered, greedily breathing limited air in the heat of exercise.

And when he finished training, Aida Keihu pressed the stopwatch to let him come down and rest, and handed him a towel.

“Tomorrow is the tryouts.”


It’s finally coming, Coach Anzai, and I won’t disappoint you again this time.

He sat calmly on a stool to rest, but his body was like a fire burning.

“What a nice expression.” Aida Jingtora smiled and patted him on the shoulder again, “Come on, basketball boy, I’m waiting for you in Tokyo.” ”

This year’s national competition is back in Tokyo.

The meaning of Aida Keitora is self-evident.

I hope that Mitsui and his team can reach the national competition.

“It’s about to start, Akagi.”

“Ah, this time, I must go to the national competition to see it.”

Xiangbei Basketball Department.

Today is a day off, but Akagi and Twilight are still back here for simple shooting practice.

From the day they stepped into the basketball department in Xiangbei, they had a dream of dominating the country.

In a flash, they have reached the third grade, but they still have achieved nothing.

The wish I made in the first grade now looks more like a joke that I don’t know the sky.

But this year is different, two years of waiting to bear fruit, God did not wait for those who worked hard, gave them hope on the last day.

He just wants to grab this rope called hope and not let go, and climb all the way up along it!

Mu Twilight Gongyan smiled and asked, “Is it so simple to just go to the national competition to see?” ”

“Hmph, less verbose, go back to Mu Twilight!”

PS: Or five more, thousands of orders, from less than five hundred to now broken thousands, brothers V587!

Thank you Ma Xiaoling for the 100 VIP rewards, thank you for the reminder ticket that Jiaran will return like lightning, and thank you for the multiple reminder tickets of the Fantasy Carnival. Thanks to Tofu Winter for the reminder ticket, thanks to 18559.. of reminder tickets.

Thanks to the Heartless Man I, Fantasy, 9363.., Fine Smell Wei, A199.., Ma Xiaoling, Yusaki Daikoshi, Jiaran Will Return Like Lightning, Forest in the Mist, k.k.1, Oleander, Mr.Booster, bea.., as1533.., Safe Wanderer, Jing…, Xiao Dashao, Sunset Cloud, Chen Chen, Gao Pan, Ice Wing, Mo Nian Cool, 20612…

Thank you brothers for the flowers and evaluation votes, everyone is so powerful, thank this and thank you every day, page by page, it is a very happy thing.

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